+++ /dev/null
-namespace Civi\Core;
- * Class PathsTest
- * @package Civi\Core
- * @group headless
- */
-class PathsTest extends \CiviUnitTestCase {
- public function getExamples() {
- $exs = [];
- // Ensure that various permutations of `$civicrm_paths`, `Civi::paths()->getPath()`
- // and `Civi::paths()->getUrl()` work as expected.
- // Trailing-slash configurations -- these all worked before current patch
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'path', '/var/www/files/', '[te.st]/foo/bar', '/var/www/files/foo/bar'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'path', '/var/www/files/', '[te.st]/foo/', '/var/www/files/foo/'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'path', '/var/www/files/', '[te.st]/foo', '/var/www/files/foo'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'path', '/var/www/files/', '[te.st]/.', '/var/www/files/'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com/files/', '[te.st]/foo/bar', 'http://example.com/files/foo/bar'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com/files/', '[te.st]/foo/', 'http://example.com/files/foo/'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com/files/', '[te.st]/foo', 'http://example.com/files/foo'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com/files/', '[te.st]/.', 'http://example.com/files/'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com:8080/', '[te.st]/foo/bar', 'http://example.com:8080/foo/bar'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com:8080/', '[te.st]/foo/', 'http://example.com:8080/foo/'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com:8080/', '[te.st]/foo', 'http://example.com:8080/foo'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com:8080/', '[te.st]/.', 'http://example.com:8080/'];
- // Trimmed-slash configurations -- some of these worked before, and some misbehaved. Now fixed.
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'path', '/var/www/files', '[te.st]/foo/bar', '/var/www/files/foo/bar'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'path', '/var/www/files', '[te.st]/foo/', '/var/www/files/foo/'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'path', '/var/www/files', '[te.st]/foo', '/var/www/files/foo'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'path', '/var/www/files', '[te.st]/.', '/var/www/files/'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com/files', '[te.st]/foo/bar', 'http://example.com/files/foo/bar'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com/files', '[te.st]/foo/', 'http://example.com/files/foo/'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com/files', '[te.st]/foo', 'http://example.com/files/foo'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com/files', '[te.st]/.', 'http://example.com/files/'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com:8080', '[te.st]/foo/bar', 'http://example.com:8080/foo/bar'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com:8080', '[te.st]/foo/', 'http://example.com:8080/foo/'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com:8080', '[te.st]/foo', 'http://example.com:8080/foo'];
- $exs[] = ['te.st', 'url', 'http://example.com:8080', '[te.st]/.', 'http://example.com:8080/'];
- return $exs;
- }
- /**
- * @param $varName
- * @param $varType
- * @param $varValue
- * @param $inputExpr
- * @param $expectValue
- * @dataProvider getExamples
- */
- public function testExamples($varName, $varType, $varValue, $inputExpr, $expectValue) {
- global $civicrm_paths;
- $civicrm_paths[$varName][$varType] = $varValue;
- $func = ($varType === 'url') ? 'getUrl' : 'getPath';
- $paths = new Paths();
- $paths->register($varName, function() {
- return ['path' => 'FIXME-PATH', 'url' => 'FIXME-URL'];
- });
- $actualValue = call_user_func([$paths, $func], $inputExpr);
- $this->assertEquals($expectValue, $actualValue);
- unset($civicrm_paths[$varName][$varType]);
- }
- public function testGetUrl_ImplicitBase() {
- $p = \Civi::paths();
- $cmsRoot = rtrim($p->getVariable('cms.root', 'url'), '/');
- $this->assertEquals("$cmsRoot/foo/bar", $p->getUrl('foo/bar'));
- $this->assertEquals("$cmsRoot/foo/", $p->getUrl('foo/'));
- $this->assertEquals("$cmsRoot/foo", $p->getUrl('foo'));
- }