.. automethod:: API.update_with_media
+Search Tweets
+.. automethod:: API.search
User methods
Search Methods
-.. method:: API.search(q, [geocode], [lang], [locale], [result_type], \
- [count], [until], [since_id], [max_id], \
- [include_entities])
- Returns a collection of relevant Tweets matching a specified query.
- Please note that Twitter's search service and, by extension, the Search API
- is not meant to be an exhaustive source of Tweets. Not all Tweets will be
- indexed or made available via the search interface.
- In API v1.1, the response format of the Search API has been improved to
- return Tweet objects more similar to the objects you’ll find across the REST
- API and platform. However, perspectival attributes (fields that pertain to
- the perspective of the authenticating user) are not currently supported on
- this endpoint.\ [#]_\ [#]_
- :param q: the search query string of 500 characters maximum, including
- operators. Queries may additionally be limited by complexity.
- :param geocode: Returns tweets by users located within a given radius of the
- given latitude/longitude. The location is preferentially taking from the
- Geotagging API, but will fall back to their Twitter profile. The
- parameter value is specified by "latitide,longitude,radius", where radius
- units must be specified as either "mi" (miles) or "km" (kilometers). Note
- that you cannot use the near operator via the API to geocode arbitrary
- locations; however you can use this geocode parameter to search near
- geocodes directly. A maximum of 1,000 distinct "sub-regions" will be
- considered when using the radius modifier.
- :param lang: Restricts tweets to the given language, given by an ISO 639-1
- code. Language detection is best-effort.
- :param locale: Specify the language of the query you are sending (only ja is
- currently effective). This is intended for language-specific consumers
- and the default should work in the majority of cases.
- :param result_type: Specifies what type of search results you would prefer
- to receive. The current default is "mixed." Valid values include:
- * mixed : include both popular and real time results in the response
- * recent : return only the most recent results in the response
- * popular : return only the most popular results in the response
- :param count: |count|
- :param until: Returns tweets created before the given date. Date should be
- formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Keep in mind that the search index has a 7-day
- limit. In other words, no tweets will be found for a date older than one
- week.
- :param since_id: |since_id| There are limits to the number of Tweets which
- can be accessed through the API. If the limit of Tweets has occurred
- since the since_id, the since_id will be forced to the oldest ID
- available.
- :param max_id: |max_id|
- :param include_entities: |include_entities|
- :rtype: :class:`SearchResults` object
.. method:: API.search_30_day(environment_name, query, [tag], [fromDate], \
[toDate], [maxResults], [next])
), status=status, files=files, **kwargs
+ # Search Tweets
+ @pagination(mode='id')
+ @payload('search_results')
+ def search(self, q, **kwargs):
+ """search(q, *, geocode, lang, locale, result_type, count, until, \
+ since_id, max_id, include_entities)
+ Returns a collection of relevant Tweets matching a specified query.
+ Please note that Twitter's search service and, by extension, the Search
+ API is not meant to be an exhaustive source of Tweets. Not all Tweets
+ will be indexed or made available via the search interface.
+ In API v1.1, the response format of the Search API has been improved to
+ return Tweet objects more similar to the objects you’ll find across the
+ REST API and platform. However, perspectival attributes (fields that
+ pertain to the perspective of the authenticating user) are not
+ currently supported on this endpoint.\ [#]_\ [#]_
+ :param q: the search query string of 500 characters maximum, including
+ operators. Queries may additionally be limited by complexity.
+ :param geocode: Returns tweets by users located within a given radius
+ of the given latitude/longitude. The location is preferentially
+ taking from the Geotagging API, but will fall back to their Twitter
+ profile. The parameter value is specified by
+ "latitide,longitude,radius", where radius units must be specified
+ as either "mi" (miles) or "km" (kilometers). Note that you cannot
+ use the near operator via the API to geocode arbitrary locations;
+ however you can use this geocode parameter to search near geocodes
+ directly. A maximum of 1,000 distinct "sub-regions" will be
+ considered when using the radius modifier.
+ :param lang: Restricts tweets to the given language, given by an ISO
+ 639-1 code. Language detection is best-effort.
+ :param locale: Specify the language of the query you are sending (only
+ ja is currently effective). This is intended for language-specific
+ consumers and the default should work in the majority of cases.
+ :param result_type: Specifies what type of search results you would
+ prefer to receive. The current default is "mixed." Valid values
+ include:
+ * mixed : include both popular and real time results in the \
+ response
+ * recent : return only the most recent results in the response
+ * popular : return only the most popular results in the response
+ :param count: |count|
+ :param until: Returns tweets created before the given date. Date should
+ be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Keep in mind that the search index has
+ a 7-day limit. In other words, no tweets will be found for a date
+ older than one week.
+ :param since_id: |since_id| There are limits to the number of Tweets
+ which can be accessed through the API. If the limit of Tweets has
+ occurred since the since_id, the since_id will be forced to the
+ oldest ID available.
+ :param max_id: |max_id|
+ :param include_entities: |include_entities|
+ :rtype: :class:`SearchResults` object
+ :reference: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/tweets/search/api-reference/get-search-tweets
+ """
+ return self.request(
+ 'GET', 'search/tweets', endpoint_parameters=(
+ 'q', 'geocode', 'lang', 'locale', 'result_type', 'count',
+ 'until', 'since_id', 'max_id', 'include_entities'
+ ), q=q, **kwargs
+ )
def media_upload(self, filename, *, file=None, chunked=False,
media_category=None, additional_owners=None, **kwargs):
""" :reference: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/media/upload-media/overview
), lat=lat, long=long, **kwargs
- @pagination(mode='id')
- @payload('search_results')
- def search(self, q, **kwargs):
- """ :reference: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/tweets/search/api-reference/get-search-tweets
- """
- return self.request(
- 'GET', 'search/tweets', endpoint_parameters=(
- 'q', 'geocode', 'lang', 'locale', 'result_type', 'count',
- 'until', 'since_id', 'max_id', 'include_entities'
- ), q=q, **kwargs
- )
@payload('status', list=True)
def search_30_day(self, label, query, **kwargs):