+ $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
// All cached content needs to be cleared because the civi codebase was just replaced
- // This could be removed in later rev
- if ($currentVer == '2.1.6') {
- $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
- // also cleanup the templates_c directory
- $config->cleanupCaches();
- } else {
- $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
- // cleanup only the templates_c directory
- $config->cleanup(1, FALSE);
- }
- // end of hack
+ // cleanup only the templates_c directory
+ $config->cleanup(1, FALSE);
$preUpgradeMessage = NULL;
$upgrade->setPreUpgradeMessage($preUpgradeMessage, $currentVer, $latestVer);
$template->assign('preUpgradeMessage', $preUpgradeMessage);
- // $template->assign( 'message', $postUpgradeMessage );
$content = $template->fetch('CRM/common/success.tpl');
echo CRM_Utils_System::theme($content, $this->_print, TRUE);
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
- // This could be removed in later rev
- if ($currentVer == '2.1.6') {
- // also cleanup the templates_c directory
- $config->cleanupCaches();
- }
- // end of hack
$postUpgradeMessage = '<span class="bold">' . ts('Congratulations! Your upgrade was successful! (... wasn\'t that easy!)') . '</span>';