* Update the record with PK $id in the import database table.
+ * @deprecated - call setImportStatus directly as the parameters are simpler,
+ *
* @param int $id
* @param array $params
- public function updateImportRecord($id, &$params) {
- $statusFieldName = $this->_statusFieldName;
- $primaryKeyName = $this->_primaryKeyName;
- if ($statusFieldName && $primaryKeyName) {
- $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO();
- $db = $dao->getDatabaseConnection();
- $query = "UPDATE $this->_tableName
- SET $statusFieldName = ?,
- ${statusFieldName}Msg = ?
- WHERE $primaryKeyName = ?";
- $args = [
- $params[$statusFieldName],
- CRM_Utils_Array::value("${statusFieldName}Msg", $params),
- $id,
- ];
- //print "Running query: $query<br/>With arguments: ".$params[$statusFieldName].", ".$params["${statusFieldName}Msg"].", $id<br/>";
+ public function updateImportRecord($id, $params): void {
+ $this->setImportStatus((int) $id, $params[$this->_statusFieldName] ?? '', $params["{$this->_statusFieldName}Msg"] ?? '');
+ }
- $db->query($query, $args);
+ /**
+ * Set the import status for the given record.
+ *
+ * If this is a sql import then the sql table will be used and the update
+ * will not happen as the relevant fields don't exist in the table - hence
+ * the checks that statusField & primary key are set.
+ *
+ * @param int $id
+ * @param string $status
+ * @param string $message
+ */
+ public function setImportStatus(int $id, string $status, string $message): void {
+ if ($this->_statusFieldName && $this->_primaryKeyName) {
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("
+ UPDATE $this->_tableName
+ SET $this->_statusFieldName = %1,
+ {$this->_statusFieldName}Msg = %2
+ WHERE $this->_primaryKeyName = %3
+ ", [
+ 1 => [$status, 'String'],
+ 2 => [$message, 'String'],
+ 3 => [$id, 'Integer'],
+ ]);
* @return bool
* the result of this processing
- public function summary(&$values) {
+ public function summary(&$values): int {
$erroneousField = NULL;
- $response = $this->setActiveFieldValues($values, $erroneousField);
+ $this->setActiveFieldValues($values, $erroneousField);
+ $rowNumber = (int) ($values[count($values) - 1]);
$errorMessage = NULL;
$errorRequired = FALSE;
switch ($this->_contactType) {
- $statusFieldName = $this->_statusFieldName;
if ($this->_emailIndex >= 0) {
/* If we don't have the required fields, bail */
- if ($this->_contactType == 'Individual' && !$this->_updateWithId) {
+ if ($this->_contactType === 'Individual' && !$this->_updateWithId) {
if ($errorRequired && empty($values[$this->_emailIndex])) {
if ($errorMessage) {
$errorMessage .= ' ' . ts('OR') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
$errorMessage = ts('Missing required field:') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
- $importRecordParams = [
- $statusFieldName => 'ERROR',
- "${statusFieldName}Msg" => $errorMessage,
- ];
- $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
+ $this->setImportStatus($rowNumber, 'ERROR', $errorMessage);
return CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR;
if (!CRM_Utils_Rule::email($email)) {
$errorMessage = ts('Invalid Email address');
array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
- $importRecordParams = [
- $statusFieldName => 'ERROR',
- "${statusFieldName}Msg" => $errorMessage,
- ];
- $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
+ $this->setImportStatus($rowNumber, 'ERROR', $errorMessage);
return CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR;
$errorMessage = ts('Missing required field:') . ' ' . ts('Email Address');
array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
- $importRecordParams = [
- $statusFieldName => 'ERROR',
- "${statusFieldName}Msg" => $errorMessage,
- ];
- $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
+ $this->setImportStatus($rowNumber, 'ERROR', $errorMessage);
return CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR;
if ($externalDupe = CRM_Utils_Array::value($externalID, $this->_allExternalIdentifiers)) {
$errorMessage = ts('External ID conflicts with record %1', [1 => $externalDupe]);
array_unshift($values, $errorMessage);
- $importRecordParams = [
- $statusFieldName => 'ERROR',
- "${statusFieldName}Msg" => $errorMessage,
- ];
- $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
+ $this->setImportStatus($rowNumber, 'ERROR', $errorMessage);
return CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR;
//otherwise, count it and move on
$this->isErrorInCoreData($params, $errorMessage);
if ($errorMessage) {
$tempMsg = "Invalid value for field(s) : $errorMessage";
- // put the error message in the import record in the DB
- $importRecordParams = [
- $statusFieldName => 'ERROR',
- "${statusFieldName}Msg" => $tempMsg,
- ];
- $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
+ $this->setImportStatus($rowNumber, 'ERROR', $tempMsg);
array_unshift($values, $tempMsg);
$errorMessage = NULL;
return CRM_Import_Parser::ERROR;
- //if user correcting errors by walking back
- //need to reset status ERROR msg to null
- //now currently we are having valid data.
- $importRecordParams = [
- $statusFieldName => 'NEW',
- ];
- $this->updateImportRecord($values[count($values) - 1], $importRecordParams);
+ $this->setImportStatus($rowNumber, 'NEW', '');
return CRM_Import_Parser::VALID;
* @throws \API_Exception
public function import($onDuplicate, &$values, $doGeocodeAddress = FALSE) {
- $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
$this->_unparsedStreetAddressContacts = [];
if (!$doGeocodeAddress) {
// CRM-5854, reset the geocode method to null to prevent geocoding