- /**
- * Checks if line items total amounts
- * match the contribution total amount.
- *
- * @param array $params
- * array of order params.
- *
- * @throws \API_Exception
- */
- public static function checkLineItems(&$params) {
- $totalAmount = $params['total_amount'] ?? NULL;
- $lineItemAmount = 0;
- foreach ($params['line_items'] as &$lineItems) {
- foreach ($lineItems['line_item'] as &$item) {
- $lineItemAmount += $item['line_total'] + ($item['tax_amount'] ?? 0.00);
- }
- }
- if (!isset($totalAmount)) {
- $params['total_amount'] = $lineItemAmount;
- }
- else {
- $currency = $params['currency'] ?? CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->defaultCurrency;
- if (!CRM_Utils_Money::equals($totalAmount, $lineItemAmount, $currency)) {
- throw new CRM_Contribute_Exception_CheckLineItemsException();
- }
- }
- }
* Get the financial account for the item associated with the new transaction.
protected $lineItems = [];
+ /**
+ * Array of entities ordered.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $entityParameters = [];
+ /**
+ * Default price sets for component.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $defaultPriceSets = [];
+ /**
+ * Cache of the default price field.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $defaultPriceField;
+ /**
+ * Get parameters for the entities bought as part of this order.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ *
+ * @internal core tested code only.
+ *
+ */
+ public function getEntitiesToCreate(): array {
+ $entities = [];
+ foreach ($this->entityParameters as $entityToCreate) {
+ if (in_array($entityToCreate['entity'], ['participant', 'membership'], TRUE)) {
+ $entities[] = $entityToCreate;
+ }
+ }
+ return $entities;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set parameters for the entities bought as part of this order.
+ *
+ * @param array $entityParameters
+ * @param int|string $key indexing reference
+ *
+ * @internal core tested code only.
+ *
+ */
+ public function setEntityParameters(array $entityParameters, $key): void {
+ $this->entityParameters[$key] = $entityParameters;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a line item to an entity.
+ *
+ * The v3 api supports more than on line item being stored against a given
+ * set of entity parameters. There is some doubt as to whether this is a
+ * good thing that should be supported in v4 or something that 'seemed
+ * like a good idea at the time' - but this allows the lines to be added from the
+ * v3 api.
+ *
+ * @param string $lineIndex
+ * @param string $entityKey
+ */
+ public function addLineItemToEntityParameters(string $lineIndex, string $entityKey): void {
+ $this->entityParameters[$entityKey]['entity'] = $this->getLineItemEntity($lineIndex);
+ $this->entityParameters[$entityKey]['line_references'][] = $lineIndex;
+ }
* Metadata for price fields.
* @internal use in tested core code only.
public function setPriceSetToDefault(string $component): void {
- $this->priceSetID = PriceSet::get(FALSE)
- ->addWhere('name', '=', ($component === 'membership' ? 'default_membership_type_amount' : 'default_contribution_amount'))
- ->execute()
- ->first()['id'];
+ $this->priceSetID = $this->getDefaultPriceSetForComponent($component);
if (empty($this->priceSelection) && isset($input['total_amount'])
&& is_numeric($input['total_amount']) && !empty($input['financial_type_id'])) {
- $this->priceSelection['price_' . $this->getDefaultPriceField()] = $input['total_amount'];
+ $this->priceSelection['price_' . $this->getDefaultPriceFieldID()] = $input['total_amount'];
* Get the id of the price field to use when just an amount is provided.
* @throws \API_Exception
+ *
+ * @return int
- public function getDefaultPriceField() {
- return PriceField::get(FALSE)
- ->addWhere('name', '=', 'contribution_amount')
- ->addWhere('price_set_id.name', '=', 'default_contribution_amount')
- ->execute()->first()['id'];
+ public function getDefaultPriceFieldID():int {
+ if (!$this->defaultPriceField) {
+ $this->defaultPriceField = PriceField::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('name', '=', 'contribution_amount')
+ ->addWhere('price_set_id.name', '=', 'default_contribution_amount')
+ ->execute()->first();
+ }
+ return $this->defaultPriceField['id'];
$lineItem = $this->fillMembershipLine($lineItem);
+ if ($this->getPriceSetID() === $this->getDefaultPriceSetForComponent('contribution')) {
+ $this->fillDefaultContributionLine($lineItem);
+ }
$this->lineItems[$index] = $lineItem;
+ /**
+ * Get the default price set id for the given component.
+ *
+ * @param string $component
+ *
+ * @return int
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ */
+ protected function getDefaultPriceSetForComponent(string $component): int {
+ if (!isset($this->defaultPriceSets[$component])) {
+ $this->defaultPriceSets[$component] = PriceSet::get(FALSE)
+ ->addWhere('name', '=', ($component === 'membership' ? 'default_membership_type_amount' : 'default_contribution_amount'))
+ ->execute()
+ ->first()['id'];
+ }
+ return $this->defaultPriceSets[$component];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fill in values for a default contribution line item.
+ *
+ * @param array $lineItem
+ *
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ */
+ protected function fillDefaultContributionLine(array &$lineItem): void {
+ $defaults = [
+ 'qty' => 1,
+ 'price_field_id' => $this->getDefaultPriceFieldID(),
+ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution',
+ 'unit_price' => $lineItem['line_total'],
+ 'label' => ts('Contribution Amount'),
+ ];
+ $lineItem = array_merge($defaults, $lineItem);
+ }
function civicrm_api3_order_create(array $params): array {
civicrm_api3_verify_one_mandatory($params, NULL, ['line_items', 'total_amount']);
+ if (empty($params['skipCleanMoney'])) {
+ // We have to do this for v3 api - sadly. For v4 it will be no more.
+ foreach (['total_amount', 'net_amount', 'fee_amount', 'non_deductible_amount'] as $field) {
+ if (isset($params[$field])) {
+ $params[$field] = CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney($params[$field]);
+ }
+ }
+ $params['skipCleanMoney'] = TRUE;
+ }
$params['contribution_status_id'] = 'Pending';
$order = new CRM_Financial_BAO_Order();
$order->setDefaultFinancialTypeID($params['financial_type_id'] ?? NULL);
if (!empty($params['line_items']) && is_array($params['line_items'])) {
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::checkLineItems($params);
foreach ($params['line_items'] as $index => $lineItems) {
+ if (!empty($lineItems['params'])) {
+ $order->setEntityParameters($lineItems['params'], $index);
+ }
foreach ($lineItems['line_item'] as $innerIndex => $lineItem) {
$lineIndex = $index . '+' . $innerIndex;
$order->setLineItem($lineItem, $lineIndex);
- }
- $entityParams = $lineItems['params'] ?? NULL;
- if ($entityParams && $order->getLineItemEntity($lineIndex) !== 'contribution') {
- switch ($order->getLineItemEntity($lineIndex)) {
- case 'participant':
- if (isset($entityParams['participant_status_id'])
- && (!CRM_Event_BAO_ParticipantStatusType::getIsValidStatusForClass($entityParams['participant_status_id'], 'Pending'))) {
- throw new CiviCRM_API3_Exception('Creating a participant via the Order API with a non "pending" status is not supported');
- }
- $entityParams['participant_status_id'] = $entityParams['participant_status_id'] ?? 'Pending from incomplete transaction';
- $entityParams['status_id'] = $entityParams['participant_status_id'];
- $entityParams['skipLineItem'] = TRUE;
- $entityResult = civicrm_api3('Participant', 'create', $entityParams);
- // @todo - once membership is cleaned up & financial validation tests are extended
- // we can look at removing this - some weird handling in removeFinancialAccounts
- $params['contribution_mode'] = 'participant';
- $params['participant_id'] = $entityResult['id'];
- break;
- case 'membership':
- $entityParams['status_id'] = 'Pending';
- if (!empty($params['contribution_recur_id'])) {
- $entityParams['contribution_recur_id'] = $params['contribution_recur_id'];
- }
- $entityParams['skipLineItem'] = TRUE;
- $entityResult = civicrm_api3('Membership', 'create', $entityParams);
- break;
- }
- foreach ($lineItems['line_item'] as $innerIndex => $lineItem) {
- $lineIndex = $index . '+' . $innerIndex;
- $order->setLineItemValue('entity_id', $entityResult['id'], $lineIndex);
- }
+ $order->addLineItemToEntityParameters($lineIndex, $index);
- $priceSetID = $order->getPriceSetID();
- $params['line_item'][$priceSetID] = $order->getLineItems();
else {
+ $order->setLineItem([
+ // Historically total_amount in this case could be tax
+ // inclusive if tax is also supplied.
+ // This is inconsistent with the contribution api....
+ 'line_total' => ((float) $params['total_amount'] - (float) ($params['tax_amount'] ?? 0)),
+ 'financial_type_id' => (int) $params['financial_type_id'],
+ ], 0);
+ // Only check the amount if line items are set because that is what we have historically
+ // done and total amount is historically only inclusive of tax_amount IF
+ // tax amount is also passed in it seems
+ if (isset($params['total_amount']) && !empty($params['line_items'])) {
+ $currency = $params['currency'] ?? CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->defaultCurrency;
+ if (!CRM_Utils_Money::equals($params['total_amount'], $order->getTotalAmount(), $currency)) {
+ throw new CRM_Contribute_Exception_CheckLineItemsException();
+ }
+ }
+ $params['total_amount'] = $order->getTotalAmount();
+ foreach ($order->getEntitiesToCreate() as $entityParams) {
+ if ($entityParams['entity'] === 'participant') {
+ if (isset($entityParams['participant_status_id'])
+ && (!CRM_Event_BAO_ParticipantStatusType::getIsValidStatusForClass($entityParams['participant_status_id'], 'Pending'))) {
+ throw new CiviCRM_API3_Exception('Creating a participant via the Order API with a non "pending" status is not supported');
+ }
+ $entityParams['participant_status_id'] = $entityParams['participant_status_id'] ?? 'Pending from incomplete transaction';
+ $entityParams['status_id'] = $entityParams['participant_status_id'];
+ $entityParams['skipLineItem'] = TRUE;
+ $entityResult = civicrm_api3('Participant', 'create', $entityParams);
+ // @todo - once membership is cleaned up & financial validation tests are extended
+ // we can look at removing this - some weird handling in removeFinancialAccounts
+ $params['contribution_mode'] = 'participant';
+ $params['participant_id'] = $entityResult['id'];
+ foreach ($entityParams['line_references'] as $lineIndex) {
+ $order->setLineItemValue('entity_id', $entityResult['id'], $lineIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($entityParams['entity'] === 'membership') {
+ $entityParams['status_id'] = 'Pending';
+ if (!empty($params['contribution_recur_id'])) {
+ $entityParams['contribution_recur_id'] = $params['contribution_recur_id'];
+ }
+ $entityParams['skipLineItem'] = TRUE;
+ $entityResult = civicrm_api3('Membership', 'create', $entityParams);
+ foreach ($entityParams['line_references'] as $lineIndex) {
+ $order->setLineItemValue('entity_id', $entityResult['id'], $lineIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $params['line_item'][$order->getPriceSetID()] = $order->getLineItems();
$contributionParams = $params;
// If this is nested we need to set sequential to 0 as sequential handling is done
return $contributionObject;
- /**
- * checkLineItems() check if total amount matches the sum of line total
- */
- public function testcheckLineItems() {
- $params = [
- 'contact_id' => 202,
- 'receive_date' => '2010-01-20',
- 'total_amount' => 100,
- 'financial_type_id' => 3,
- 'line_items' => [
- [
- 'line_item' => [
- [
- 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution',
- 'price_field_id' => 8,
- 'price_field_value_id' => 16,
- 'label' => 'test 1',
- 'qty' => 1,
- 'unit_price' => 100,
- 'line_total' => 100,
- ],
- [
- 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution',
- 'price_field_id' => 8,
- 'price_field_value_id' => 17,
- 'label' => 'Test 2',
- 'qty' => 1,
- 'unit_price' => 200,
- 'line_total' => 200,
- 'financial_type_id' => 1,
- ],
- ],
- 'params' => [],
- ],
- ],
- ];
- try {
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::checkLineItems($params);
- $this->fail("Missed expected exception");
- }
- catch (CRM_Contribute_Exception_CheckLineItemsException $e) {
- $this->assertEquals(
- CRM_Contribute_Exception_CheckLineItemsException::LINE_ITEM_DIFFERRING_TOTAL_EXCEPTON_MSG,
- $e->getMessage()
- );
- }
- $params['total_amount'] = 300;
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::checkLineItems($params);
- }
- /**
- * Tests CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::checkLineItems() method works with
- * floating point values.
- */
- public function testCheckLineItemsWithFloatingPointValues() {
- $params = [
- 'contact_id' => 202,
- 'receive_date' => date('Y-m-d'),
- 'total_amount' => 16.67,
- 'financial_type_id' => 3,
- 'line_items' => [
- [
- 'line_item' => [
- [
- 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution',
- 'price_field_id' => 8,
- 'price_field_value_id' => 16,
- 'label' => 'test 1',
- 'qty' => 1,
- 'unit_price' => 14.85,
- 'line_total' => 14.85,
- ],
- [
- 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution',
- 'price_field_id' => 8,
- 'price_field_value_id' => 17,
- 'label' => 'Test 2',
- 'qty' => 1,
- 'unit_price' => 1.66,
- 'line_total' => 1.66,
- 'financial_type_id' => 1,
- ],
- [
- 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contribution',
- 'price_field_id' => 8,
- 'price_field_value_id' => 17,
- 'label' => 'Test 2',
- 'qty' => 1,
- 'unit_price' => 0.16,
- 'line_total' => 0.16,
- 'financial_type_id' => 1,
- ],
- ],
- 'params' => [],
- ],
- ],
- ];
- $foundException = FALSE;
- try {
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::checkLineItems($params);
- }
- catch (CRM_Contribute_Exception_CheckLineItemsException $e) {
- $foundException = TRUE;
- }
- $this->assertFalse($foundException);
- }
* Test activity amount updates activity subject.