--- /dev/null
+require_once 'CiviTest/CiviUnitTestCase.php';
+class CRM_Utils_HookTest extends CiviUnitTestCase {
+ static $activeTest = NULL;
+ var $fakeModules;
+ var $log;
+ function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->fakeModules = array(
+ 'hooktesta',
+ 'hooktestb',
+ 'hooktestc',
+ );
+ // our goal is to test a helper in CRM_Utils_Hook, but we need a concrete class
+ $this->hook = new CRM_Utils_Hook_UnitTests();
+ $this->log = array();
+ self::$activeTest = $this;
+ }
+ function tearDown() {
+ self::$activeTest = $this;
+ parent::tearDown();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Verify that runHooks() is reentrant by invoking one hook which calls another hooks
+ */
+ function testRunHooks_reentrancy() {
+ $arg1 = 'whatever';
+ $this->hook->runHooks($this->fakeModules, 'civicrm_testRunHooks_outer', 1, $arg1, CRM_Utils_Hook::$_nullObject, CRM_Utils_Hook::$_nullObject, CRM_Utils_Hook::$_nullObject, CRM_Utils_Hook::$_nullObject);
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array(
+ 'a-outer',
+ 'b-outer-1',
+ 'a-inner',
+ 'b-inner',
+ 'b-outer-2',
+ 'c-outer',
+ ),
+ $this->log
+ );
+ }
+/* --- Library of test hook implementations ---- */
+function hooktesta_civicrm_testRunHooks_outer() {
+ $test = CRM_Utils_HookTest::$activeTest;
+ $test->log[] = 'a-outer';
+function hooktestb_civicrm_testRunHooks_outer() {
+ $test = CRM_Utils_HookTest::$activeTest;
+ $test->log[] = 'b-outer-1';
+ $test->hook->runHooks($test->fakeModules, 'civicrm_testRunHooks_inner', 0, CRM_Utils_Hook::$_nullObject, CRM_Utils_Hook::$_nullObject, CRM_Utils_Hook::$_nullObject, CRM_Utils_Hook::$_nullObject, CRM_Utils_Hook::$_nullObject);
+ $test->log[] = 'b-outer-2';
+function hooktestc_civicrm_testRunHooks_outer() {
+ $test = CRM_Utils_HookTest::$activeTest;
+ $test->log[] = 'c-outer';
+function hooktesta_civicrm_testRunHooks_inner() {
+ $test = CRM_Utils_HookTest::$activeTest;
+ $test->log[] = 'a-inner';
+function hooktestb_civicrm_testRunHooks_inner() {
+ $test = CRM_Utils_HookTest::$activeTest;
+ $test->log[] = 'b-inner';