Table layout was broken because code was relying on english label "Soft Credit For".
There may well be a better way to do this, but at least it's not as broken as before.
array('desc' => ts('Actions')),
+ CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton()->assign('softCreditColumns', $this->_includeSoftCredits);
return self::$_columnHeaders;
{if !$single and $context eq 'Search' }
<th scope="col" title="Select Rows">{$form.toggleSelect.html}</th>
- {assign var="softCreditColumns" value=0}
{foreach from=$columnHeaders item=header}
<th scope="col">
{if $header.sort}
- {if $ eq "Soft Credit For"}
- {assign var='softCreditColumns' value=1}
- {/if}