{* this template is used for adding/editing/deleting Message Templates *}
{capture assign=tokenDocsRepeated}{docURL page="user/common-workflows/tokens-and-mail-merge" text="token documentation"}{/capture}
-<h3>{if $action eq 1}{ts}New Message Template{/ts}{elseif $action eq 2}{ts}Edit Message Template{/ts}{else}{ts}Delete Message Template{/ts}{/if}</h3>
{if $action neq 8}
<div class="help">
{ts}Use this form to add or edit re-usable message templates.{/ts} {help id="id-intro" file="CRM/Admin/Page/MessageTemplates.hlp"}
+<h3>{if $action eq 1}{ts}New Message Template{/ts}{elseif $action eq 2}{ts}Edit Message Template{/ts}{else}{ts}Delete Message Template{/ts}{/if}</h3>
<div class="crm-block crm-form-block">
<div class="form-item" id="message_templates">
{if $action eq 8}
{capture assign=docLink}{docURL page="CiviMail Mailer Settings" text="CiviMail Mailer Settings and Optimization" resource="wiki"}{/capture}
-<div class="crm-block crm-form-block crm-mail-form-block">
- <div class="help">
+<div class="help">
{ts 1=$docLink}These settings are used to configure mailer properties for the optional CiviMail component and may allow you to significantly optimize performance. Please read the %1 documentation, and make sure you understand it before modifying default values. (These settings are NOT used for the built-in 'Email - send now' feature).{/ts}
+<div class="crm-block crm-form-block crm-mail-form-block">
{include file='CRM/Admin/Form/Setting/SettingForm.tpl'}
{include file="CRM/Admin/Form/MailSettings.tpl"}
+<div class="crm-block crm-content-block">
{if $rows}
<div id="mSettings">
- <p></p>
<div class="form-item">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
+ <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="row-highlight">
<thead class="sticky">
{crmButton p="civicrm/admin" q="reset=1" class="cancel" icon="times"}{ts}Done{/ts}{/crmButton}
{include file="CRM/Contribute/Form/AdditionalInfo/$formType.tpl"}
{include file="CRM/Contribute/Form/AdditionalInfo/Payment.tpl"}
- <div class="crm-block crm-form-block crm-contribution-form-block">
- {if !$email and $action neq 8 and $context neq 'standalone'}
- <div class="messages status no-popup">
- <div class="icon inform-icon"></div> {ts}You will not be able to send an automatic email receipt for this contribution because there is no email address recorded for this contact. If you want a receipt to be sent when this contribution is recorded, click Cancel and then click Edit from the Summary tab to add an email address before recording the contribution.{/ts}
- </div>
- {/if}
{if $contributionMode}
<div class="help">
{if $contactId && $payNow}
+ <div class="crm-block crm-form-block crm-contribution-form-block">
+ {if !$email and $action neq 8 and $context neq 'standalone'}
+ <div class="messages status no-popup">
+ <div class="icon inform-icon"></div> {ts}You will not be able to send an automatic email receipt for this contribution because there is no email address recorded for this contact. If you want a receipt to be sent when this contribution is recorded, click Cancel and then click Edit from the Summary tab to add an email address before recording the contribution.{/ts}
+ </div>
+ {/if}
{if $action eq 8}
<div class="messages status no-popup">
<div class="icon inform-icon"></div>
<tr><td colspan="2">
<fieldset><legend>{ts}Fixed Contribution Options{/ts}</legend>
- {ts}Use the table below to enter up to ten fixed contribution amounts. These will be presented as a list of radio button options. Both the label and dollar amount will be displayed.{/ts}{if $isQuick}{ts} Click <a id='quickconfig' href='#'>here</a> if you want to configure the Fixed Contribution Options below as part of a Price Set, with the added flexibility and complexity that entails.{/ts}{/if}<br />
+ <div class="description">
+ {ts}Use the table below to enter up to ten fixed contribution amounts. These will be presented as a list of radio button options. Both the label and dollar amount will be displayed.{/ts}{if $isQuick}{ts} Click <a id='quickconfig' href='#'>here</a> if you want to configure the Fixed Contribution Options below as part of a Price Set, with the added flexibility and complexity that entails.{/ts}{/if}
+ </div>
+ <br />
<table id="map-field-table">
<tr class="columnheader" ><th scope="column">{ts}Contribution Label{/ts}</th><th scope="column">{ts}Amount{/ts}</th><th scope="column">{ts}Default?{/ts}<br />{$form.default.0.html}</th></tr>
{section name=loop start=1 loop=11}
<tr id="soft-credit-row-{$rowNumber}"
class="crm-contribution-form-block-soft_credit_to {if $rowNumber gte $showSoftCreditRow}hiddenElement{/if}">
- {$form.soft_credit_contact_id.$rowNumber.label} {$form.soft_credit_contact_id.$rowNumber.html|crmAddClass:twenty}
+ {$form.soft_credit_contact_id.$rowNumber.label}<br>{$form.soft_credit_contact_id.$rowNumber.html|crmAddClass:twenty}
- {$form.soft_credit_amount.$rowNumber.label} {$form.soft_credit_amount.$rowNumber.html|crmAddClass:eight}
+ {$form.soft_credit_amount.$rowNumber.label}<br>{$form.soft_credit_amount.$rowNumber.html|crmAddClass:eight}
- {$form.soft_credit_type.$rowNumber.label} {$form.soft_credit_type.$rowNumber.html}
+ {$form.soft_credit_type.$rowNumber.label}<br>
+ {$form.soft_credit_type.$rowNumber.html}
<a class="crm-hover-button soft-credit-delete-link" href="#"><span class="icon delete-icon"></span></a>
{* add/update/view custom data group *}
+<div class="help">{ts}Use Custom Field Sets to add logically related fields for a specific type of CiviCRM record (e.g. contact records, contribution records, etc.).{/ts} {help id="id-group_intro"}</div>
<div class="crm-block crm-form-block">
- <div class="help">{ts}Use Custom Field Sets to add logically related fields for a specific type of CiviCRM record (e.g. contact records, contribution records, etc.).{/ts} {help id="id-group_intro"}</div>
<div class="crm-submit-buttons">{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="top"}</div>
<table class="form-layout">
<div class="crm-submit-buttons">{include file="CRM/common/formButtons.tpl" location="top"}</div>
<table class="form-layout">
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
<tr class="crm-friend-manage-form-block-tf_is_active">
<td class="label"">{$form.tf_is_active.html}</td>