$memLimitUnit = strtolower(substr($memLimitString, -1));
$memLimit = (int) $memLimitString;
switch ($memLimitUnit) {
- case 'g': $memLimit *= 1024;
- case 'm': $memLimit *= 1024;
- case 'k': $memLimit *= 1024;
+ case 'g': $memLimit *= 1024;
+ case 'm': $memLimit *= 1024;
+ case 'k': $memLimit *= 1024;
if ($memLimit >= 0 and $memLimit < 536870912) {
- ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
+ ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); // avoid php warnings if timezone is not set - CRM-10844
# TODO: pull these settings from configuration
$genCode = new CRM_Core_CodeGen_Main(
- '../CRM/Core/DAO/', // $CoreDAOCodePath
- '../sql/', // $sqlCodePath
- '../', // $phpCodePath
- '../templates/', // $tplCodePath
- array('../packages/Smarty/plugins', '../CRM/Core/Smarty/plugins'), // smarty plugin dirs
- @$argv[3], // cms
- empty($argv[2]) ? NULL : $argv[2], // db version
- empty($argv[1]) ? 'schema/Schema.xml' : $argv[1], // schema file
+ '../CRM/Core/DAO/', // $CoreDAOCodePath
+ '../sql/', // $sqlCodePath
+ '../', // $phpCodePath
+ '../templates/', // $tplCodePath
+ array('../packages/Smarty/plugins', '../CRM/Core/Smarty/plugins'), // smarty plugin dirs
+ @$argv[3], // cms
+ empty($argv[2]) ? NULL : $argv[2], // db version
+ empty($argv[1]) ? 'schema/Schema.xml' : $argv[1], // schema file
getenv('CIVICRM_GENCODE_DIGEST') ? getenv('CIVICRM_GENCODE_DIGEST') : NULL // path to digest file
\ No newline at end of file