// required for attachmentjs.tpl
+ // FormButtons.tpl (adds buttons to forms).
+ 'linkButtons',
$template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
$template->assign('activeComponent', 'CiviCRM');
$template->assign('formTpl', 'default');
+ // Ensure template variables have 'something' assigned for e-notice
+ // prevention. These are ones that are included very often
+ // and not tied to a specific form.
+ // jsortable.tpl (datatables)
+ $template->assign('sourceUrl');
+ $template->assign('useAjax', 0);
if ($item) {
{crmRegion name='form-buttons'}
{* Loops through $linkButtons and assigns html "a" (link) buttons to the template. Used for additional entity functions such as "Move to Case" or "Renew Membership" *}
-{if !empty($linkButtons)}
+{if $linkButtons}
{foreach from=$linkButtons item=linkButton}
{if $linkButton.accessKey}
{capture assign=accessKey}accesskey="{$linkButton.accessKey}"{/capture}
// for date sorting see http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Sorting+Date+Fields+in+dataTables+Widget
- var useAjax = {/literal}{if !empty($useAjax)}1{else}0{/if}{literal},
+ var useAjax = {$useAjax},
sourceUrl = '',
useClass = 'display',
tcount = 1,
tableId = [];
if ( useAjax ) {
- {/literal}{if isset($sourceUrl)}sourceUrl = "{$sourceUrl}";{/if}{literal}
+ {/literal}{if $sourceUrl}sourceUrl = "{$sourceUrl}";{/if}{literal}
useClass = 'pagerDisplay';
tcount = 5;