import {getPlayerAnimations, playAnimation, PlayerAnimationNames} from "../Player/Animation";
import {ActiveEventList, UserInputEvent} from "../UserInput/UserInputManager";
+import {SpeechBubble} from "./SpeechBubble";
export class PlayableCaracter extends Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite {
+ private bubble: SpeechBubble;
constructor(scene: Phaser.Scene, x: number, y: number, texture: string, frame?: string | number) {
super(scene, x, y, texture, frame);, true);
+ say(text: string) {
+ if (this.bubble) return;
+ this.bubble = new SpeechBubble(this.scene, this, text)
+ //todo make the buble destroy on player movement?
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.bubble.destroy();
+ this.bubble = null;
+ }, 3000)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+import Scene = Phaser.Scene;
+import {PlayableCaracter} from "./PlayableCaracter";
+export class SpeechBubble {
+ private bubble: Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics;
+ private content: Phaser.GameObjects.Text;
+ constructor(scene: Scene, player: PlayableCaracter, text: string) {
+ let bubbleHeight = 50;
+ let bubblePadding = 10;
+ let bubbleWidth = bubblePadding * 2 + text.length * 10;
+ let arrowHeight = bubbleHeight / 4;
+ this.bubble ={ x: player.x + 16, y: player.y - 80 });
+ // Bubble shadow
+ this.bubble.fillStyle(0x222222, 0.5);
+ this.bubble.fillRoundedRect(6, 6, bubbleWidth, bubbleHeight, 16);
+ // this.bubble color
+ this.bubble.fillStyle(0xffffff, 1);
+ // this.bubble outline line style
+ this.bubble.lineStyle(4, 0x565656, 1);
+ // this.bubble shape and outline
+ this.bubble.strokeRoundedRect(0, 0, bubbleWidth, bubbleHeight, 16);
+ this.bubble.fillRoundedRect(0, 0, bubbleWidth, bubbleHeight, 16);
+ // Calculate arrow coordinates
+ let point1X = Math.floor(bubbleWidth / 7);
+ let point1Y = bubbleHeight;
+ let point2X = Math.floor((bubbleWidth / 7) * 2);
+ let point2Y = bubbleHeight;
+ let point3X = Math.floor(bubbleWidth / 7);
+ let point3Y = Math.floor(bubbleHeight + arrowHeight);
+ // bubble arrow shadow
+ this.bubble.lineStyle(4, 0x222222, 0.5);
+ this.bubble.lineBetween(point2X - 1, point2Y + 6, point3X + 2, point3Y);
+ // bubble arrow fill
+ this.bubble.fillTriangle(point1X, point1Y, point2X, point2Y, point3X, point3Y);
+ this.bubble.lineStyle(2, 0x565656, 1);
+ this.bubble.lineBetween(point2X, point2Y, point3X, point3Y);
+ this.bubble.lineBetween(point1X, point1Y, point3X, point3Y);
+ this.content = scene.add.text(0, 0, text, { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 20, color: '#000000', align: 'center', wordWrap: { width: bubbleWidth - (bubblePadding * 2) } });
+ let bounds = this.content.getBounds();
+ this.content.setPosition(this.bubble.x + (bubbleWidth / 2) - (bounds.width / 2), this.bubble.y + (bubbleHeight / 2) - (bounds.height / 2));
+ }
+ destroy(): void {
+ this.bubble.setVisible(false) //todo find a better way
+ this.content.destroy()
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
import {GameManagerInterface} from "./GameManager";
import {UserInputEvent, UserInputManager} from "../UserInput/UserInputManager";
-import {getPlayerAnimations, PlayerAnimationNames} from "../Player/Animation";
+import {getPlayerAnimations} from "../Player/Animation";
import {Player} from "../Player/Player";
import {NonPlayer} from "../NonPlayer/NonPlayer";
this.otherPlayers.add(new NonPlayer(this, 400, 600));
this.physics.add.collider(this.player, this.otherPlayers, (player: Player, otherPlayer: NonPlayer) => {
- console.log("Don't touch me!");
this.player.move(0, 0)
+ if(activeEvents.get(UserInputEvent.Shout)) {
+ this.player.say('HEHO!');
+ }
//updates other players
this.otherPlayers.getChildren().forEach((otherPlayer: NonPlayer) => {