'price' => json_encode([$elementName, '0|0']),
'data-currency' => $currencyName,
'onclick' => 'clearAmountOther();',
+ 'data-amount' => 0,
+ 'data-is-null-option' => TRUE,
$choiceAttrs['0'] = [
'price' => json_encode([$elementName, '0']),
'data-membership-type-id' => NULL,
+ 'data-amount' => 0,
+ 'data-is-null-option' => TRUE,
] + $incomingExtra;
<script type="text/javascript">
- // Putting these functions directly in template so they are available for standalone forms
+ // Putting these functions directly in template for historical reasons.
function useAmountOther(mainPriceFieldName) {
- for( i=0; i < document.Main.elements.length; i++ ) {
- element = document.Main.elements[i];
- if ( element.type == 'radio' && element.name === mainPriceFieldName ) {
- if (element.value == '0' ) {
- element.checked = true;
- // Copied from `updatePriceSetHighlight()` below which isn't available here.
- cj('#priceset .price-set-row span').removeClass('highlight');
- cj('#priceset .price-set-row input:checked').parent().addClass('highlight');
- }
- else {
- element.checked = false;
+ var currentFocus = CRM.$(':focus');
+ CRM.$('input[name=' + mainPriceFieldName + ']:radio:unchecked').each(
+ function () {
+ if (CRM.$(this).data('is-null-option') !== undefined) {
+ // Triggering this click here because over in Calculate.tpl
+ // a blur action is attached
+ CRM.$(this).prop('checked', true).trigger('click');
- }
+ );
+ // Copied from `updatePriceSetHighlight()` below which isn't available here.
+ // @todo - consider adding this to the actions assigned in Calculate.tpl
+ CRM.$('#priceset .price-set-row span').removeClass('highlight');
+ CRM.$('#priceset .price-set-row input:checked').parent().addClass('highlight');
+ // Return the focus we blurred earlier.
+ currentFocus.trigger('focus');
function clearAmountOther(otherPriceFieldName) {
- cj('#' + otherPriceFieldName).val('');
- cj('#' + otherPriceFieldName).blur();
- // @todo - remove the next 2 lines - they seems to relate to a field that is never present
- // as amount_other will be (e.g) price_4
- if (document.Main.amount_other == null) return; // other_amt field not present; do nothing
- document.Main.amount_other.value = "";
+ cj('#' + otherPriceFieldName).val('').trigger('blur');