* This function sets the default values for the form. For edit/view mode
* the default values are retrieved from the database
+ * Adding discussion from CRM-11915 as code comments
+ * When multiple payment processors are configured for a event and user does any selection changes for them on online event registeration page :
+ * The 'Register' page gets loaded through ajax and following happens :
+ * the setDefaults function is called with the variable _ppType set with selected payment processor type,
+ * so in the 'if' condition checked whether the selected payment processor's billing mode is of 'billing form mode'. If its not, don't setDefaults for billing form and return instead.
+ *- For payment processors of billing mode 'Notify' - return from setDefaults before the code for billing profile population execution .
+ * (done this is because for payment processors with 'Notify' mode billing profile form doesn't get rendered on UI)
* @access public
function setDefaultValues() {
if ($this->_ppType && !($this->_paymentProcessor['billing_mode'] & CRM_Core_Payment::BILLING_MODE_FORM)) {
+ // see function comment block for explanation of this
$contactID = parent::getContactID();
if ($contactID) {
+ //@todo CRM-11915 I observed that even when the billing block is not present the routine to retrieve the billing defaults is still called - which seems a bit redundant.
$names = array(
'first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name',
"street_address-{$this->_bltID}", "city-{$this->_bltID}", "postal_code-{$this->_bltID}",