- * Get custom groups/fields for type of entity.
+ * Get custom groups/fields data for type of entity in a tree structure representing group->field hierarchy
+ * This may also include entity specific data values.
* An array containing all custom groups and their custom fields is returned.
* @param string $entityType - of the contact whose contact type is needed
+ * @param object $form - not used but required
* @param int $entityId - optional - id of entity if we need to populate the tree with custom values.
* @param int $groupId - optional group id (if we need it for a single group only)
* - if groupId is 0 it gets for inline groups only
* - if groupId is -1 we get for all groups
+ * @param string $subType
+ * @param string $subName
+ * @param boolean $fromCache
- * @return array $groupTree - array consisting of all groups and fields and optionally populated with custom data values.
+ * @return array $groupTree - array The returned array is keyed by group id and has the custom group table fields
+ * and a subkey 'fields' holding the specific custom fields.
+ * If entityId is passed in the fields keys have a subkey 'customValue' which holds custom data
+ * if set for the given entity. This is structured as an array of values with each one having the keys 'id', 'data'
+ *
+ * @todo - review this - It also returns an array called 'info' with tables, select, from, where keys
+ * The reason for the info array in unclear and it could be determined from parsing the group tree after creation
+ * With caching the performance impact would be small & the function would be cleaner
* @access public
$cacheKey = "CRM_Core_DAO_CustomGroup_Query " . md5($cacheString);
+ $multipleFieldGroupCacheKey = "CRM_Core_DAO_CustomGroup_QueryMultipleFields " . md5($cacheString);
$cache = CRM_Utils_Cache::singleton();
+ $tablesWithEntityData = array();
if ($fromCache) {
$groupTree = $cache->get($cacheKey);
+ $multipleFieldGroups = $cache->get($multipleFieldGroupCacheKey);
if (empty($groupTree)) {
- $groupTree = array();
+ $groupTree = $multipleFieldGroups =array();
$crmDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($queryString, $params);
$customValueTables = array();
// process records
// get the id's
$groupID = $crmDAO->civicrm_custom_group_id;
$fieldId = $crmDAO->civicrm_custom_field_id;
+ if($crmDAO->civicrm_custom_group_is_multiple){
+ $multipleFieldGroups[$groupID] = $crmDAO->civicrm_custom_group_table_name;
+ }
// create an array for groups if it does not exist
if (!array_key_exists($groupID, $groupTree)) {
$groupTree[$groupID] = array();
$cache->set($cacheKey, $groupTree);
+ $cache->set($multipleFieldGroupCacheKey, $multipleFieldGroups);
+ //entitySelectClauses is an array of select clauses for custom value tables which are not multiple
+ // and have data for the given entities. $entityMultipleSelectClauses is the same for ones with multiple
+ $entitySingleSelectClauses = $entityMultipleSelectClauses = $groupTree['info']['select'] = array();
+ $singleFieldTables = array();
// now that we have all the groups and fields, lets get the values
// since we need to know the table and field names
// add info to groupTree
- if (isset($groupTree['info']) && !empty($groupTree['info'])) {
+ if (isset($groupTree['info']) && !empty($groupTree['info']) && !empty($groupTree['info']['tables'])) {
$select = $from = $where = array();
- foreach ($groupTree['info']['tables'] as $table => $fields) {
- $from[] = $table;
- $select[] = "{$table}.id as {$table}_id";
- $select[] = "{$table}.entity_id as {$table}_entity_id";
+ $groupTree['info']['where'] = NULL;
+ foreach ($groupTree['info']['tables'] as $table => $fields) {
+ $groupTree['info']['from'][] = $table;
+ $select = array("{$table}.id as {$table}_id",
+ "{$table}.entity_id as {$table}_entity_id");
foreach ($fields as $column => $dontCare) {
$select[] = "{$table}.{$column} as {$table}_{$column}";
+ $groupTree['info']['select'] = array_merge($groupTree['info']['select'], $select);
if ($entityID) {
- $where[] = "{$table}.entity_id = $entityID";
+ $groupTree['info']['where'][] = "{$table}.entity_id = $entityID";
+ if(in_array($table, $multipleFieldGroups) && self::customGroupDataExistsForEntity($entityID, $table)){
+ $entityMultipleSelectClauses[$table] = $select;
+ }
+ else{
+ $singleFieldTables[] = $table;
+ $entitySingleSelectClauses = array_merge($entitySingleSelectClauses, $select);
+ }
+ if ($entityID && !empty($singleFieldTables)) {
+ self::buildEntityTreeSingleFields(&$groupTree, $entityID, $entitySingleSelectClauses, $singleFieldTables);
+ }
+ $multipleFieldTablesWithEntityData = array_keys($entityMultipleSelectClauses);
+ if(!empty($multipleFieldTablesWithEntityData)){
+ self::buildEntityTreeMultipleFields(&$groupTree, $entityID, $entityMultipleSelectClauses, $multipleFieldTablesWithEntityData);
+ }
- $groupTree['info']['select'] = $select;
- $groupTree['info']['from'] = $from;
- $groupTree['info']['where'] = NULL;
+ }
+ return $groupTree;
+ }
- if ($entityID) {
- $groupTree['info']['where'] = $where;
- $select = implode(', ', $select);
- // this is a hack to find a table that has some values for this
- // entityID to make the below LEFT JOIN work (CRM-2518)
- $firstTable = NULL;
- foreach ($from as $table) {
- $query = "
-FROM $table
-WHERE entity_id = $entityID
- $recordExists = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query);
- if ($recordExists) {
- $firstTable = $table;
- break;
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * Check whether the custom group has any data for the given entity.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param integer $entityID id of entity for whom we are checking data for
+ * @param string $table table that we are checking
+ *
+ * @return boolean does this entity have data in this custom table
+ */
+ static public function customGroupDataExistsForEntity($entityID, $table){
+ $query = "
+ SELECT count(id)
+ FROM $table
+ WHERE entity_id = $entityID
+ ";
+ $recordExists = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query);
+ return $recordExists ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ }
- if ($firstTable) {
- $fromSQL = $firstTable;
- foreach ($from as $table) {
- if ($table != $firstTable) {
- $fromSQL .= "\nLEFT JOIN $table USING (entity_id)";
- }
- }
+ * Build the group tree for Custom fields which are not 'is_multiple'
+ *
+ * The combination of all these fields in one query with a 'using' join was not working for
+ * multiple fields. These now have a new behaviour (one at a time) but the single fields still use this
+ * mechanism as it seemed to be acceptable in this context
+ *
+ * @param array $groupTree (reference) group tree array which is being built
+ * @param integer $entityID id of entity for whom the tree is being build up.
+ * @param array $entitySingleSelectClauses array of select clauses relevant to the entity
+ * @param array $singleFieldTablesWithEntityData array of tables in which this entity has data
+ */
+ static public function buildEntityTreeSingleFields(&$groupTree, $entityID, $entitySingleSelectClauses, $singleFieldTablesWithEntityData){
+ $select = implode(', ', $entitySingleSelectClauses);
+ $fromSQL = " (SELECT $entityID as entity_id ) as first ";
+ foreach ($singleFieldTablesWithEntityData as $table) {
+ $fromSQL .= "\nLEFT JOIN $table USING (entity_id)";
+ }
- $query = "
-SELECT $select
- FROM $fromSQL
- WHERE {$firstTable}.entity_id = $entityID
+ $query = "
+ SELECT $select
+ FROM $fromSQL
+ WHERE first.entity_id = $entityID
+ ";
+ self::buildTreeEntityDataFromQuery(&$groupTree, $query, $singleFieldTablesWithEntityData);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build the group tree for Custom fields which are 'is_multiple'
+ *
+ * This is done one table at a time to avoid Cross-Joins resulting in too many rows being returned
+ *
+ * @param array $groupTree (reference) group tree array which is being built
+ * @param integer $entityID id of entity for whom the tree is being build up.
+ * @param array $entityMultipleSelectClauses array of select clauses relevant to the entity
+ * @param array $multipleFieldTablesWithEntityData array of tables in which this entity has data
+ */
+ static public function buildEntityTreeMultipleFields(&$groupTree, $entityID, $entityMultipleSelectClauses, $multipleFieldTablesWithEntityData){
+ foreach ($entityMultipleSelectClauses as $table => $selectClauses) {
+ $select = implode(',', $selectClauses);
+ $query = "
+ SELECT $select
+ FROM $table
+ WHERE entity_id = $entityID
+ ";
+ self::buildTreeEntityDataFromQuery(&$groupTree, $query, array($table));
+ }
+ }
- $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
+ /**
+ * Build the tree entity data - starting from a query retrieving the custom fields build the group
+ * tree data for the relevant entity (entity is included in the query).
+ *
+ * This function represents shared code between the buildEntityTreeMultipleFields & the buildEntityTreeSingleFields function
+ *
+ * @param array $groupTree (reference) group tree array which is being built
+ * @param string $query
+ * @param array $includedTables tables to include - required because the function (for historical reasons)
+ * iterates through the group tree
+ */
+ static public function buildTreeEntityDataFromQuery(&$groupTree, $query, $includedTables){
+ $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
+ while ($dao->fetch()) {
+ foreach ($groupTree as $groupID => $group) {
+ if ($groupID === 'info') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $table = $groupTree[$groupID]['table_name'];
+ //working from the groupTree instead of the table list means we have to iterate & exclude.
+ // this could possibly be re-written as other parts of the function have been refactored
+ // for now we just check if the given table is to be included in this function
+ if( !in_array($table, $includedTables)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($group['fields'] as $fieldID => $dontCare) {
+ self::buildCustomFieldData($dao, $groupTree, $table, $groupID, $fieldID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- while ($dao->fetch()) {
- foreach ($groupTree as $groupID => $group) {
- if ($groupID === 'info') {
- continue;
- }
- $table = $groupTree[$groupID]['table_name'];
- foreach ($group['fields'] as $fieldID => $dontCare) {
- $column = $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['column_name'];
- $idName = "{$table}_id";
- $fieldName = "{$table}_{$column}";
- $dataType = $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['data_type'];
- if ($dataType == 'File') {
- if (isset($dao->$fieldName)) {
- $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
- $fileDAO = new CRM_Core_DAO_File();
- $fileDAO->id = $dao->$fieldName;
- if ($fileDAO->find(TRUE)) {
- $entityIDName = "{$table}_entity_id";
- $customValue['id'] = $dao->$idName;
- $customValue['data'] = $fileDAO->uri;
- $customValue['fid'] = $fileDAO->id;
- $customValue['fileURL'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/file', "reset=1&id={$fileDAO->id}&eid={$dao->$entityIDName}");
- $customValue['displayURL'] = NULL;
- $deleteExtra = ts('Are you sure you want to delete attached file.');
- $deleteURL = array(
- CRM_Core_Action::DELETE =>
- array(
- 'name' => ts('Delete Attached File'),
- 'url' => 'civicrm/file',
- 'qs' => 'reset=1&id=%%id%%&eid=%%eid%%&fid=%%fid%%&action=delete',
- 'extra' =>
- 'onclick = "if (confirm( \'' . $deleteExtra . '\' ) ) this.href+=\'&confirmed=1\'; else return false;"',
- ),
- );
- $customValue['deleteURL'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($deleteURL,
- CRM_Core_Action::DELETE,
- array(
- 'id' => $fileDAO->id,
- 'eid' => $dao->$entityIDName,
- 'fid' => $fieldID,
- )
- );
- $customValue['deleteURLArgs'] = CRM_Core_BAO_File::deleteURLArgs($table, $dao->$entityIDName, $fileDAO->id);
- $customValue['fileName'] = CRM_Utils_File::cleanFileName(basename($fileDAO->uri));
- if ($fileDAO->mime_type == "image/jpeg" ||
- $fileDAO->mime_type == "image/pjpeg" ||
- $fileDAO->mime_type == "image/gif" ||
- $fileDAO->mime_type == "image/x-png" ||
- $fileDAO->mime_type == "image/png"
- ) {
- $customValue['displayURL'] = $customValue['fileURL'];
- $entityId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_EntityFile',
- $fileDAO->id,
- 'entity_id',
- 'file_id'
- );
- $customValue['imageURL'] = str_replace('persist/contribute', 'custom', $config->imageUploadURL) . $fileDAO->uri;
- list($path) = CRM_Core_BAO_File::path($fileDAO->id, $entityId,
- );
- list($imageWidth, $imageHeight) = getimagesize($path);
- list($imageThumbWidth, $imageThumbHeight) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getThumbSize($imageWidth, $imageHeight);
- $customValue['imageThumbWidth'] = $imageThumbWidth;
- $customValue['imageThumbHeight'] = $imageThumbHeight;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $customValue = array(
- 'id' => $dao->$idName,
- 'data' => '',
- );
- }
- }
- else {
- $customValue = array(
- 'id' => $dao->$idName,
- 'data' => $dao->$fieldName,
- );
- }
- if (!array_key_exists('customValue', $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID])) {
- $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['customValue'] = array();
- }
- if (empty($groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['customValue'])) {
- $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['customValue'] = array(1 => $customValue);
- }
- else {
- $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['customValue'][] = $customValue;
- }
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * Build the entity-specific custom data into the group tree on a per-field basis
+ *
+ * @param object $dao object representing the custom field to be populated into the groupTree
+ * @param array $groupTree (reference) the group tree being build
+ * @param string $table table name
+ * @param unknown_type $groupID custom group ID
+ * @param unknown_type $fieldID custom field ID
+ */
+ static public function buildCustomFieldData($dao, &$groupTree, $table, $groupID, $fieldID){
+ $column = $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['column_name'];
+ $idName = "{$table}_id";
+ $fieldName = "{$table}_{$column}";
+ $dataType = $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['data_type'];
+ if ($dataType == 'File') {
+ if (isset($dao->$fieldName)) {
+ $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
+ $fileDAO = new CRM_Core_DAO_File();
+ $fileDAO->id = $dao->$fieldName;
+ if ($fileDAO->find(TRUE)) {
+ $entityIDName = "{$table}_entity_id";
+ $customValue['id'] = $dao->$idName;
+ $customValue['data'] = $fileDAO->uri;
+ $customValue['fid'] = $fileDAO->id;
+ $customValue['fileURL'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/file', "reset=1&id={$fileDAO->id}&eid={$dao->$entityIDName}");
+ $customValue['displayURL'] = NULL;
+ $deleteExtra = ts('Are you sure you want to delete attached file.');
+ $deleteURL = array(
+ CRM_Core_Action::DELETE =>
+ array(
+ 'name' => ts('Delete Attached File'),
+ 'url' => 'civicrm/file',
+ 'qs' => 'reset=1&id=%%id%%&eid=%%eid%%&fid=%%fid%%&action=delete',
+ 'extra' =>
+ 'onclick = "if (confirm( \'' . $deleteExtra . '\' ) ) this.href+=\'&confirmed=1\'; else return false;"',
+ ),
+ );
+ $customValue['deleteURL'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($deleteURL,
+ CRM_Core_Action::DELETE,
+ array(
+ 'id' => $fileDAO->id,
+ 'eid' => $dao->$entityIDName,
+ 'fid' => $fieldID,
+ )
+ );
+ $customValue['deleteURLArgs'] = CRM_Core_BAO_File::deleteURLArgs($table, $dao->$entityIDName, $fileDAO->id);
+ $customValue['fileName'] = CRM_Utils_File::cleanFileName(basename($fileDAO->uri));
+ if ($fileDAO->mime_type == "image/jpeg" ||
+ $fileDAO->mime_type == "image/pjpeg" ||
+ $fileDAO->mime_type == "image/gif" ||
+ $fileDAO->mime_type == "image/x-png" ||
+ $fileDAO->mime_type == "image/png"
+ ) {
+ $customValue['displayURL'] = $customValue['fileURL'];
+ $entityId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Core_DAO_EntityFile',
+ $fileDAO->id,
+ 'entity_id',
+ 'file_id'
+ );
+ $customValue['imageURL'] = str_replace('persist/contribute', 'custom', $config->imageUploadURL) . $fileDAO->uri;
+ list($path) = CRM_Core_BAO_File::path($fileDAO->id, $entityId,
+ );
+ list($imageWidth, $imageHeight) = getimagesize($path);
+ list($imageThumbWidth, $imageThumbHeight) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getThumbSize($imageWidth, $imageHeight);
+ $customValue['imageThumbWidth'] = $imageThumbWidth;
+ $customValue['imageThumbHeight'] = $imageThumbHeight;
+ else {
+ $customValue = array(
+ 'id' => $dao->$idName,
+ 'data' => '',
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $customValue = array(
+ 'id' => $dao->$idName,
+ 'data' => $dao->$fieldName,
+ );
- return $groupTree;
+ if (!array_key_exists('customValue', $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID])) {
+ $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['customValue'] = array();
+ }
+ if (empty($groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['customValue'])) {
+ $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['customValue'] = array(1 => $customValue);
+ }
+ else {
+ $groupTree[$groupID]['fields'][$fieldID]['customValue'][] = $customValue;
+ }