return $this->strings;
+ /**
+ * Get the params used to render crm-l10n.js
+ * Gets called above the caching layer and then used
+ * in the render function below
+ */
+ public static function getL10nJsParams(): array {
+ $settings = Civi::settings();
+ return [
+ 'cid' => CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID() ?: 0,
+ 'includeEmailInName' => (bool) $settings->get('includeEmailInName'),
+ 'ajaxPopupsEnabled' => (bool) $settings->get('ajaxPopupsEnabled'),
+ 'allowAlertAutodismissal' => (bool) $settings->get('allow_alert_autodismissal'),
+ 'resourceCacheCode' => Civi::resources()->getCacheCode(),
+ 'locale' => CRM_Core_I18n::getLocale(),
+ 'lcMessages' => $settings->get('lcMessages'),
+ 'dateInputFormat' => $settings->get('dateInputFormat'),
+ 'timeInputFormat' => $settings->get('timeInputFormat'),
+ 'moneyFormat' => CRM_Utils_Money::format(1234.56),
+ ];
+ }
* Create dynamic script for localizing js widgets.
+ * Params come from the function above
+ * @see getL10nJsParams
public static function renderL10nJs(GenericHookEvent $e) {
if ($e->asset !== 'crm-l10n.js') {
// Dynamic localization script
if (!CRM_Core_Config::isUpgradeMode()) {
- $items[] = Civi::service('asset_builder')->getUrl('crm-l10n.js', [
- 'cid' => $contactID,
- 'includeEmailInName' => (bool) $settings->get('includeEmailInName'),
- 'ajaxPopupsEnabled' => (bool) $settings->get('ajaxPopupsEnabled'),
- 'allowAlertAutodismissal' => (bool) $settings->get('allow_alert_autodismissal'),
- 'resourceCacheCode' => Civi::resources()->getCacheCode(),
- 'locale' => CRM_Core_I18n::getLocale(),
- 'lcMessages' => $settings->get('lcMessages'),
- 'dateInputFormat' => $settings->get('dateInputFormat'),
- 'timeInputFormat' => $settings->get('timeInputFormat'),
- 'moneyFormat' => CRM_Utils_Money::format(1234.56),
- ]);
+ $items[] = Civi::service('asset_builder')->getUrl('crm-l10n.js', CRM_Core_Resources::getL10nJsParams());
// These scripts are only needed by back-office users