var mltokens = [];
var crmMailingAB = angular.module('crmMailingAB', ['ngRoute', 'ui.utils', 'ngSanitize']);
var mltokens = [];
- var chck = []; //to fill the group variable $scope.incGroup
- var chck2= []; // to get id and text in the required format
- var chck3= [];
+ ($rootScope, $templateCache) {
$rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function () {
templateUrl: partialUrl('list.html'),
controller: 'ABListingCtrl',
resolve: {
- mailingList: function ($route, crmApi) {
- return crmApi('Mailing', 'get', {});
+ mailingABList: function ($route, crmApi) {
+ return crmApi('MailingAB', 'get', {});
// Add a new record by name.
// Ex: <crmAddName crm-options="['Alpha','Beta','Gamma']" crm-var="newItem" crm-on-add="callMyCreateFunction(newItem)" />
- crmMailingAB.controller('ABListingCtrl', function ($scope, crmApi) {
- $scope.abmailList = CRM.crmMailing.mailingabNames;
+ crmMailingAB.controller('ABListingCtrl', function ($scope, crmApi,mailingABList) {
+ $scope.mailingABList = mailingABList.values;
crmMailingAB.controller('ReportCtrl', function ($scope, crmApi, selectedABTest) {
$scope.currentABTest.time = $scope.ans[1];
$scope.token = [];
- chck = [];
- chck2 = [];
- chck3=[];
if ($scope.currentABTest.just_created != 1) {
$scope.abId = $;
$scope.sparestuff.isnew = false;
abmailC.success(function (data) {
if (data.is_error == 0) {
$scope.mailC = data;
- for(var a in $scope.mailingGrp){
- console.log("youuo");
- if($scope.mailingGrp[a].mailing_id==${
- console.log($scope.mailingGrp[a]);
- var b = $scope.mailingGrp[a].entity_id + " " + $scope.mailingGrp[a].entity_table +" " + $scope.mailingGrp[a].group_type;
- var c = $scope.mailingGrp[a].id;
- chck.push(b);
- $scope.mailid.push(c);
- }
- }
- for(var a in chck)
- { var b ={}
- = chck[a];
- var splt = chck[a].split(" ");
- if(splt[1] == "civicrm_group"){
- for(var c in $scope.groups){
- if($scope.groups[c].id==splt[0]){
- b.text = $scope.groups[c].title;
- }
- }
- }
- if(splt[1] == "civicrm_mailing"){
- for(var c in $scope.mailList){
- if($scope.mailList[c].id==splt[0]){
- b.text = $scope.mailList[c].name;
- }
- }
- }
- chck2.push(b);
- }
- for(var a in chck2){
- var b =chck2[a];
- chck3.push(" "+ b.text);
- }
- console.log("yooyo");
- console.log(chck);
- console.log(chck2);
- console.log(chck3);
- $scope.sparestuff.allgroups = chck3;
}).select2("data", scope.sparestuff.allgroups);
- $(element).on("select2-opening", function()
- { scope.sparestuff.allgroups=chck3;
- scope.$apply();
- });
$(element).on('select2-selecting', function (e) {
var a = e.val.split(" ");
- chck3.push(e.val);
- scope.sparestuff.allgroups=chck3;
// console.log(scope.incGroup);
scope.incGroupids.splice(index, 1);
- var index = chck3.indexOf(e.val);
- chck3.splice(index, 1);
- scope.sparestuff.allgroups=chck3;
// console.log(scope.incGroup);