public function setUp() {
+ $this->allowedContactsACL = array();
- * Test access related to the 'access deleted contact' permission
+ * Test access based on relations
* There should be the following permission-relationship
* contact[0] -> contact[1] -> contact[2]
public function testPermissionByRelation() {
// create test scenario
- $contacts = $this->createScenarioRelation();
+ $contacts = $this->createScenarioRelations();
// remove all permissions
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
- $this->assertNotContains($contacts[0], $result, "Contact[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[0].");
- $this->assertContains( $contacts[1], $result, "Contact[0] should have $permission_label permission on contact[1].");
- $this->assertNotContains($contacts[2], $result, "Contact[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[2].");
- $this->assertNotContains($contacts[3], $result, "Contact[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[3].");
- $this->assertNotContains($contacts[4], $result, "Contact[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[4].");
+ $this->assertNotContains($contacts[0], $result, "User[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[0].");
+ $this->assertContains( $contacts[1], $result, "User[0] should have $permission_label permission on contact[1].");
+ $this->assertNotContains($contacts[2], $result, "User[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[2].");
+ $this->assertNotContains($contacts[3], $result, "User[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[3].");
+ $this->assertNotContains($contacts[4], $result, "User[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[4].");
// run this for SECOND DEGREE relations
$result = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allowList($contacts, $permission);
- $this->assertNotContains($contacts[0], $result, "Contact[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[0].");
- $this->assertContains( $contacts[1], $result, "Contact[0] should have $permission_label permission on contact[1].");
- $this->assertContains( $contacts[2], $result, "Contact[0] should have second degree $permission_label permission on contact[2].");
- $this->assertNotContains($contacts[3], $result, "Contact[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[3].");
- $this->assertNotContains($contacts[4], $result, "Contact[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[4].");
+ $this->assertNotContains($contacts[0], $result, "User[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[0].");
+ $this->assertContains( $contacts[1], $result, "User[0] should have $permission_label permission on contact[1].");
+ $this->assertContains( $contacts[2], $result, "User[0] should have second degree $permission_label permission on contact[2].");
+ $this->assertNotContains($contacts[3], $result, "User[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[3].");
+ $this->assertNotContains($contacts[4], $result, "User[0] should NOT have $permission_label permission on contact[4].");
- * Test access related to the 'access deleted contact' permission
+ * Test access based on ACL
- public function _testPermissionByACL() {
- // CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('edit all contacts', 'view all contacts');
- // $contacts = $this->createScenarioPlain();
+ public function testPermissionByACL() {
+ $contacts = $this->createScenarioPlain();
+ // set custom hook
+ $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_aclWhereClause', array($this, 'hook_civicrm_aclWhereClause'));
+ // run simple test
+ $permissions_to_check = array(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW => 'View', CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT => 'Edit');
+ $this->allowedContactsACL = array($contacts[0], $contacts[1], $contacts[4]);
+ CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array();
+ $result = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allowList($contacts);
+ sort($result);
+ $this->assertContains( $contacts[0], $result, "User[0] should NOT have an ACL permission on contact[0].");
+ $this->assertContains( $contacts[1], $result, "User[0] should have an ACL permission on contact[1].");
+ $this->assertNotContains($contacts[2], $result, "User[0] should NOT have an ACL permission on contact[2].");
+ $this->assertNotContains($contacts[3], $result, "User[0] should NOT have an RELATION permission on contact[3].");
+ $this->assertContains( $contacts[4], $result, "User[0] should NOT have an ACL permission on contact[4].");
- * Test access related to the 'access deleted contact' permission
+ * Test access with a mix of ACL and relationship
- public function _testPermissionACLvsRelationship() {
- // CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array('edit all contacts', 'view all contacts');
- // $contacts = $this->createScenarioPlain();
+ public function testPermissionACLvsRelationship() {
+ $contacts = $this->createScenarioRelations();
+ // set custom hook
+ $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_aclWhereClause', array($this, 'hook_civicrm_aclWhereClause'));
+ $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
+ $config->userPermissionClass->permissions = array();
+ $config->secondDegRelPermissions = TRUE;
+ $this->allowedContactsACL = array($contacts[0], $contacts[1], $contacts[4]);
+ CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->permissions = array();
+ $result = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allowList($contacts);
+ sort($result);
+ $this->assertContains( $contacts[0], $result, "User[0] should have an ACL permission on contact[0].");
+ $this->assertContains( $contacts[1], $result, "User[0] should have an ACL permission on contact[1].");
+ $this->assertContains( $contacts[2], $result, "User[0] should have second degree an relation permission on contact[2].");
+ $this->assertNotContains($contacts[3], $result, "User[0] should NOT have an ACL permission on contact[3].");
+ $this->assertContains( $contacts[4], $result, "User[0] should have an ACL permission on contact[4].");
* create plain test scenario, no relationships/ACLs
- protected function createScenarioRelation() {
+ protected function createScenarioRelations() {
$contacts = $this->createScenarioPlain();
// create some relationships
return $contacts;
+ /**
+ * ACL HOOK implementation for various tests
+ */
+ public function hook_civicrm_aclWhereClause($type, &$tables, &$whereTables, &$contactID, &$where ) {
+ if (!empty($this->allowedContactsACL)) {
+ $contact_id_list = implode(',', $this->allowedContactsACL);
+ $where = " IN ($contact_id_list)";
+ }
+ }