$this->assertEquals('World Region = Middle East and North Africa', $query->_qill[0][0]);
+ /**
+ * Tests the advanced search query by searching on related contacts and contact type same time.
+ *
+ * Preparation:
+ * Create an individual contact Contact A
+ * Create an organization contact Contact B
+ * Create an "Employer of" relationship between them.
+ *
+ * Searching:
+ * Go to advanced search
+ * Click on View contact as related contact
+ * Select Employee of as relationship type
+ * Select "Organization" as contact type
+ *
+ * Expected results
+ * We expect to find contact A.
+ *
+ * @throws \Exception
+ */
+ public function testAdvancedSearchWithDisplayRelationshipsAndContactType(): void {
+ $employeeRelationshipTypeId = $this->callAPISuccess('RelationshipType', 'getvalue', ['return' => 'id', 'name_a_b' => 'Employee of']);
+ $indContactID = $this->individualCreate(['first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Smith']);
+ $orgContactID = $this->organizationCreate(['contact_type' => 'Organization', 'organization_name' => 'Healthy Planet Fund']);
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Relationship', 'create', ['contact_id_a' => $indContactID, 'contact_id_b' => $orgContactID, 'relationship_type_id' => $employeeRelationshipTypeId]);
+ // Search setup
+ $formValues = ['display_relationship_type' => $employeeRelationshipTypeId . '_a_b', 'contact_type' => 'Organization'];
+ $params = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::convertFormValues($formValues, 0, FALSE, NULL, []);
+ $isDeleted = FALSE;
+ $selector = new CRM_Contact_Selector(
+ 'CRM_Contact_Selector',
+ $formValues,
+ $params,
+ CRM_Core_Action::NONE,
+ 'advanced'
+ );
+ $queryObject = $selector->getQueryObject();
+ $sql = $queryObject->query(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, $isDeleted);
+ // Run the search
+ $rows = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery(implode(' ', $sql))->fetchAll();
+ // Check expected results.
+ $this->assertCount(1, $rows);
+ $this->assertEquals('John', $rows[0]['first_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('Smith', $rows[0]['last_name']);
+ }