$sTmp = decodeHeader($sTmp);
if (isset($aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']) && $aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']) {
- $sTrunc = truncateWithEntities($sTmp, $aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']);
+ $sTrunc = sm_truncate_string($sTmp, $aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate'], '...', TRUE);
if ($sTrunc != $sTmp) {
if (!$title) {
$title = $sTmp;
$iIndent = (isset($aIndentArray[$aId[$i]])) ? $aIndentArray[$aId[$i]] : 0;
// FIXME: don't break 8bit symbols and html entities during truncation
if (isset($aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']) && $aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']) {
- $sTmp = truncateWithEntities($value, $aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']-$iIndent);
+ $sTmp = sm_truncate_string($value, $aColumnDesc[$k]['truncate']-$iIndent, '...', TRUE);
// drop any double spaces since these will be displayed in the title
$title = ($sTmp != $value) ? preg_replace('/\s{2,}/', ' ', $value) : '';
$value = $sTmp;
- * Truncates a string and take care of html encoded characters
- *
- * @param string $s string to truncate
- * @param int $iTrimAt Trim at nn characters
- * @return string Trimmed string
- */
-function truncateWithEntities($s, $iTrimAt) {
- global $languages, $squirrelmail_language;
- $ent_strlen = strlen($s);
- if (($iTrimAt <= 0) || ($ent_strlen <= $iTrimAt))
- return $s;
- if (isset($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE']) &&
- function_exists($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE'] . '_strimwidth')) {
- return call_user_func($languages[$squirrelmail_language]['XTRA_CODE'] . '_strimwidth', $s, $iTrimAt);
- } else {
- /*
- * see if this is entities-encoded string
- * If so, Iterate through the whole string, find out
- * the real number of characters, and if more
- * than $iTrimAt, substr with an updated trim value.
- */
- $trim_val = $iTrimAt;
- $ent_offset = 0;
- $ent_loc = 0;
- while ( $ent_loc < $trim_val && (($ent_loc = strpos($s, '&', $ent_offset)) !== false) &&
- (($ent_loc_end = strpos($s, ';', $ent_loc+3)) !== false) ) {
- $trim_val += ($ent_loc_end-$ent_loc);
- $ent_offset = $ent_loc_end+1;
- }
- if (($trim_val > $iTrimAt) && ($ent_strlen > $trim_val) && (strpos($s,';',$trim_val) < ($trim_val + 6))) {
- $i = strpos($s,';',$trim_val);
- if ($i !== false) {
- $trim_val = strpos($s,';',$trim_val)+1;
- }
- }
- // only print '...' when we're actually dropping part of the subject
- if ($ent_strlen <= $trim_val)
- return $s;
- }
- return substr_replace($s, '...', $trim_val);
* Process messages list form and handle the cache gracefully. If $sButton and
* $aUid are provided as argument then you can fake a message list submit and
* @link http://www.php.net/substr
* @link http://www.php.net/mb_substr
-function sq_substr($string,$start,$length,$charset='auto') {
+function sq_substr($string,$start,$length=NULL,$charset='auto') {
+ // if $length is NULL, use the full string length...
+ // we have to do this to mimick the use of substr()
+ // where $length is not given
+ //
+ if (is_null($length))
+ $length = sq_strlen($length);
// use automatic charset detection, if function call asks for it
static $charset_auto, $bUse_mb;
return substr($string,$start,$length);
+ * This is a replacement for PHP's substr_replace() that is
+ * multibyte-aware.
+ *
+ * @param string $string The string to operate upon
+ * @param string $replacement The string to be inserted
+ * @param int $start The offset at which to begin substring replacement
+ * @param int $length The number of characters after $start to remove
+ * NOTE that if you need to specify a charset but
+ * want to achieve normal substr_replace() behavior
+ * where $length is not specified, use NULL (OPTIONAL;
+ * default from $start to end of string)
+ * @param string $charset The charset of the given string. A value of NULL
+ * here will force the use of PHP's standard substr().
+ * (OPTIONAL; default is "auto", which indicates that
+ * the user's current charset should be used).
+ *
+ * @return string The manipulated string
+ *
+ * Of course, you can use more advanced (e.g., negative) values
+ * for $start and $length as needed - see the PHP manual for more
+ * information: http://www.php.net/manual/function.substr-replace.php
+ *
+ */
+function sq_substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length=NULL,
+ $charset='auto')
+ // NULL charset? Just use substr_replace()
+ //
+ if (is_null($charset))
+ return is_null($length) ? substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start)
+ : substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length);
+ // use current character set?
+ //
+ if ($charset == 'auto')
+ {
+//FIXME: is there any reason why this cannot be a global flag used by all string wrapper functions?
+ static $auto_charset;
+ if (!isset($auto_charset))
+ {
+ global $default_charset;
+//FIXME - do we need this?
+global $squirrelmail_language;
+ set_my_charset();
+ $auto_charset = $default_charset;
+//FIXME - do we need this?
+if ($squirrelmail_language == 'ja_JP') $auto_charset = 'euc-jp';
+ }
+ $charset = $auto_charset;
+ }
+ // standardize character set name
+ //
+ $charset = strtolower($charset);
+/* ===== FIXME: this list is not used in 1.5.x, but if we need it, unless this differs between all our string function wrappers, we should store this info in the session
+ // only use mbstring with the following character sets
+ //
+ $sq_substr_replace_mb_charsets = array(
+ 'utf-8',
+ 'big5',
+ 'gb2312',
+ 'gb18030',
+ 'euc-jp',
+ 'euc-cn',
+ 'euc-tw',
+ 'euc-kr'
+ );
+ // now we can use our own implementation using
+ // mb_substr() and mb_strlen() if needed
+ //
+ if (in_array($charset, $sq_substr_replace_mb_charsets)
+ && in_array($charset, sq_mb_list_encodings()))
+===== */
+//FIXME: is there any reason why this cannot be a global array used by all string wrapper functions?
+ if (in_array($charset, sq_mb_list_encodings()))
+ {
+ $string_length = mb_strlen($string, $charset);
+ if ($start < 0)
+ $start = max(0, $string_length + $start);
+ else if ($start > $string_length)
+ $start = $string_length;
+ if ($length < 0)
+ $length = max(0, $string_length - $start + $length);
+ else if (is_null($length) || $length > $string_length)
+ $length = $string_length;
+ if ($start + $length > $string_length)
+ $length = $string_length - $start;
+ return mb_substr($string, 0, $start, $charset)
+ . $replacement
+ . mb_substr($string,
+ $start + $length,
+ $string_length, // FIXME: I can't see why this is needed: - $start - $length,
+ $charset);
+ }
+ // else use normal substr_replace()
+ //
+ return is_null($length) ? substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start)
+ : substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length);
* Wrapper that is used to switch between vanilla and multibyte strpos
* functions.
$value = trim($value);
+ * Truncates the given string so that it has at
+ * most $max_chars characters. NOTE that a "character"
+ * may be a multibyte character, or (optionally), an
+ * HTML entity , so this function is different than
+ * using substr() or mb_substr().
+ *
+ * NOTE that if $elipses is given and used, the returned
+ * number of characters will be $max_chars PLUS the
+ * length of $elipses
+ *
+ * @param string $string The string to truncate
+ * @param int $max_chars The maximum allowable characters
+ * @param string $elipses A string that will be added to
+ * the end of the truncated string
+ * (ONLY if it is truncated) (OPTIONAL;
+ * default not used)
+ * @param boolean $html_entities_as_chars Whether or not to keep
+ * HTML entities together
+ * (OPTIONAL; default ignore
+ * HTML entities)
+ *
+ * @return string The truncated string
+ *
+ * @since 1.4.20 and 1.5.2 (replaced truncateWithEntities())
+ *
+ */
+function sm_truncate_string($string, $max_chars, $elipses='',
+ $html_entities_as_chars=FALSE)
+ // if the length of the string is less than
+ // the allowable number of characters, just
+ // return it as is (even if it contains any
+ // HTML entities, that would just make the
+ // actual length even smaller)
+ //
+ $actual_strlen = sq_strlen($string, 'auto');
+ if ($max_chars <= 0 || $actual_strlen <= $max_chars)
+ return $string;
+ // if needed, count the number of HTML entities in
+ // the string up to the maximum character limit,
+ // pushing that limit up for each entity found
+ //
+ $adjusted_max_chars = $max_chars;
+ if ($html_entities_as_chars)
+ {
+ $entity_pos = -1;
+ while (($entity_pos = sq_strpos($string, '&', $entity_pos + 1)) !== FALSE
+ && ($entity_end_pos = sq_strpos($string, ';', $entity_pos)) !== FALSE
+ && $entity_pos <= $adjusted_max_chars)
+ {
+ $adjusted_max_chars += $entity_end_pos - $entity_pos;
+ }
+ // this isn't necessary because sq_substr() would figure this
+ // out anyway, but we can avoid a sq_substr() call and we
+ // know that we don't have to add an elipses (this is now
+ // an accurate comparison, since $adjusted_max_chars, like
+ // $actual_strlen, does not take into account HTML entities)
+ //
+ if ($actual_strlen <= $adjusted_max_chars)
+ return $string;
+ }
+ // get the truncated string
+ //
+ $truncated_string = sq_substr($string, 0, $adjusted_max_chars);
+ // return with added elipses
+ //
+ return $truncated_string . $elipses;
* Gathers the list of secuirty tokens currently
* stored in the user's preferences and optionally