protected $_membershipIDs = [];
+ /**
+ * Membership created or edited on this form.
+ *
+ * If a price set creates multiple this will be the last one created.
+ *
+ * This 'last' bias reflects historical code - but it's mostly used in the receipt
+ * and there is all sorts of weird and wonderful handling that potentially compensates.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ protected $membership = [];
* Set entity fields to be assigned to the form.
* @param CRM_Core_Form $form
* Form object.
* @param array $formValues
- * @param object $membership
- * Object.
* @return bool
* true if mail was sent successfully
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
* @deprecated
- * This function is shared with Batch_Entry which has limited overlap
+ * This function was shared with Batch_Entry which had limited overlap
* & needs rationalising.
- protected function emailReceipt($form, &$formValues, $membership) {
+ protected function emailReceipt($form, &$formValues) {
+ $membership = $this->getMembership();
// retrieve 'from email id' for acknowledgement
$receiptFrom = $formValues['from_email_address'] ?? NULL;
$form->assign('module', 'Membership');
$form->assign('contactID', $formValues['contact_id']);
- $form->assign('membershipID', CRM_Utils_Array::value('membership_id', $form->_params, CRM_Utils_Array::value('membership_id', $form->_defaultValues)));
+ $form->assign('membershipID', $this->getMembershipID());
if (!empty($formValues['contribution_id'])) {
$form->assign('contributionID', $formValues['contribution_id']);
$form->assign('receive_date', CRM_Utils_Array::value('receive_date', $formValues));
$form->assign('formValues', $formValues);
- $form->assign('mem_start_date', CRM_Utils_Date::formatDateOnlyLong($membership->start_date));
- if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($membership->end_date)) {
- $form->assign('mem_end_date', CRM_Utils_Date::formatDateOnlyLong($membership->end_date));
+ $form->assign('mem_start_date', CRM_Utils_Date::formatDateOnlyLong($membership['start_date']));
+ if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($membership['end_date'])) {
+ $form->assign('mem_end_date', CRM_Utils_Date::formatDateOnlyLong($membership['end_date']));
- $form->assign('membership_name', CRM_Member_PseudoConstant::membershipType($membership->membership_type_id));
+ $form->assign('membership_name', CRM_Member_PseudoConstant::membershipType($membership['membership_type_id']));
- // @todo - if we have to figure out if this is for batch processing it doesn't belong in the shared function.
- $isBatchProcess = is_a($form, 'CRM_Batch_Form_Entry');
- if ((empty($form->_contributorDisplayName) || empty($form->_contributorEmail)) || $isBatchProcess) {
+ if ((empty($form->_contributorDisplayName) || empty($form->_contributorEmail))) {
// in this case the form is being called statically from the batch editing screen
// having one class in the form layer call another statically is not greate
// & we should aim to move this function to the BAO layer in future.
// function will be the recipient
[$form->_contributorDisplayName, $form->_contributorEmail]
= CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location::getEmailDetails($formValues['contact_id']);
- if (empty($form->_receiptContactId) || $isBatchProcess) {
+ if (empty($form->_receiptContactId)) {
$form->_receiptContactId = $formValues['contact_id'];
public function submit(): void {
- $endDate = NULL;
- $membership = [];
$params = $softParams = $ids = [];
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->_memTypeSelected as $memType) {
if ($count &&
- ($relateContribution = CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::getMembershipContributionId($membership->id))
+ ($relateContribution = CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::getMembershipContributionId($this->getMembershipID()))
) {
$membershipTypeValues[$memType]['relate_contribution_id'] = $relateContribution;
$membershipParams['payment_instrument_id'] = $this->getPaymentInstrumentID();
// @todo stop passing $ids (membership and userId only are set above)
- $membership = CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::create($membershipParams, $ids);
+ $this->setMembership((array) CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::create($membershipParams, $ids));
$params['contribution'] = $membershipParams['contribution'] ?? NULL;
- $this->_membershipIDs[] = $membership->id;
$membershipParams['skipLineItem'] = TRUE;
// @todo stop passing $ids (membership and userId only are set above)
- $membership = CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::create($membershipParams, $ids);
- $lineItem[$this->_priceSetId][$id]['entity_id'] = $membership->id;
+ $this->setMembership((array) CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::create($membershipParams, $ids));
+ $lineItem[$this->_priceSetId][$id]['entity_id'] = $this->membership['id'];
$lineItem[$this->_priceSetId][$id]['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_membership';
- $this->_membershipIDs[] = $membership->id;
$params['lineItems'] = $lineItem;
if (!empty($formValues['record_contribution'])) {
$this->assign('lineItem', !empty($lineItem) && !$isQuickConfig ? $lineItem : FALSE);
$receiptSend = FALSE;
- $contributionId = CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::getMembershipContributionId($membership->id);
+ $contributionId = CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::getMembershipContributionId($this->getMembershipID());
$membershipIds = $this->_membershipIDs;
if ($contributionId && !empty($membershipIds)) {
$contributionDetails = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::getContributionDetails(
CRM_Export_Form_Select::MEMBER_EXPORT, $this->_membershipIDs);
- if ($contributionDetails[$membership->id]['contribution_status'] === 'Completed') {
+ if ($contributionDetails[$this->getMembershipID()]['contribution_status'] === 'Completed') {
$receiptSend = TRUE;
$formValues['receipt_text_signup'] = $formValues['receipt_text'];
// send email receipt
- $mailSend = $this->emailMembershipReceipt($formValues, $membership);
+ $mailSend = $this->emailMembershipReceipt($formValues);
$receiptSent = TRUE;
// finally set membership id if already not set
if (!$this->_id) {
- $this->_id = $membership->id;
+ $this->_id = $this->getMembershipID();
- $this->updateContributionOnMembershipTypeChange($params, $membership);
+ $this->updateContributionOnMembershipTypeChange($params);
if ($receiptSent && $mailSend) {
$this->addStatusMessage(ts('A membership confirmation and receipt has been sent to %1.', [1 => $this->_contributorEmail]));
CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($this->getStatusMessage(), ts('Complete'), 'success');
- $this->setStatusMessage($membership);
+ $this->setStatusMessage();
* @param array $inputParams
* submitted form values
- * @param CRM_Member_DAO_Membership $membership
- * Updated membership object
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
* @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
- protected function updateContributionOnMembershipTypeChange($inputParams, $membership) {
+ protected function updateContributionOnMembershipTypeChange($inputParams) {
if (Civi::settings()->get('update_contribution_on_membership_type_change') &&
// on update
($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE) &&
// fetch lineitems by updated membership ID
- $lineItems = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($membership->id, 'membership');
+ $lineItems = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($this->getMembershipID(), 'membership');
// retrieve the related contribution ID
$contributionID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue(
- $membership->id,
+ $this->getMembershipID(),
// add price field information in $inputParams
- self::addPriceFieldByMembershipType($inputParams, $priceSetDetails['fields'], $membership->membership_type_id);
+ self::addPriceFieldByMembershipType($inputParams, $priceSetDetails['fields'], $this->getMembership()['membership_type_id']);
// update related contribution and financial records
- $membership->id,
+ $this->getMembershipID(),
- * @param $membership
- protected function setStatusMessage($membership) {
+ protected function setStatusMessage() {
// display message when membership type is changed
if (($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE) && $this->_id && !in_array($this->_memType, $this->_memTypeSelected)) {
$lineItem = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($this->_id, 'membership');
$maxID = max(array_keys($lineItem));
$lineItem = $lineItem[$maxID];
- $membershipTypeDetails = $this->allMembershipTypeDetails[$membership->membership_type_id];
+ $membershipTypeDetails = $this->allMembershipTypeDetails[$this->getMembership()['membership_type_id']];
if ($membershipTypeDetails['financial_type_id'] != $lineItem['financial_type_id']) {
ts('The financial types associated with the old and new membership types are different. You may want to edit the contribution associated with this membership to adjust its financial type.'),
* Send a receipt for the membership.
* @param array $formValues
- * @param \CRM_Member_BAO_Membership $membership
* @return bool
* @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
* @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
- protected function emailMembershipReceipt($formValues, $membership) {
- $customValues = $this->getCustomValuesForReceipt($formValues, $membership);
+ protected function emailMembershipReceipt($formValues) {
+ $customValues = $this->getCustomValuesForReceipt($formValues);
$this->assign('customValues', $customValues);
$this->assign('total_amount', $this->order->getTotalAmount());
$this->assign('totalTaxAmount', $this->order->getTotalTaxAmount());
$formValues['contributionType_name'] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Financial_DAO_FinancialType',
- return $this->emailReceipt($this, $formValues, $membership);
+ return $this->emailReceipt($this, $formValues);
* @todo figure out why the scary code this calls does & document.
* @param array $formValues
- * @param \CRM_Member_BAO_Membership $membership
* @return array
- protected function getCustomValuesForReceipt($formValues, $membership) {
+ protected function getCustomValuesForReceipt($formValues): array {
$customFields = $customValues = [];
if (property_exists($this, '_groupTree')
&& !empty($this->_groupTree)
- $members = [['member_id', '=', $membership->id, 0, 0]];
+ $members = [['member_id', '=', $this->getMembershipID(), 0, 0]];
// check whether its a test drive
if ($this->_mode === 'test') {
$members[] = ['member_test', '=', 1, 0, 0];
return $this->getSubmittedValue('receive_date') ?: date('YmdHis');
+ /**
+ * Set membership IDs.
+ *
+ * @param array $ids
+ */
+ protected function setMembershipIDs(array $ids): void {
+ $this->_membershipIDs = $ids;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the created or edited membership ID.
+ *
+ * @return false|mixed
+ */
+ protected function getMembershipID() {
+ return reset($this->_membershipIDs);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the membership (or last membership) created or edited on this form.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ */
+ protected function getMembership(): array {
+ if (empty($this->membership)) {
+ $this->membership = civicrm_api3('Membership', 'get', ['id' => $this->getMembershipID()]);
+ }
+ return $this->membership;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Setter for membership.
+ *
+ * @param array $membership
+ */
+ protected function setMembership(array $membership): void {
+ if (!in_array($membership['id'], $this->_membershipIDs, TRUE)) {
+ $this->_membershipIDs[] = $membership['id'];
+ }
+ $this->membership = $membership;
+ }