- **[CIVI-SA-2019-22](https://civicrm.org/advisory/civi-sa-2019-22-xss-in-dashboard-titles)**: XSS in Dashboard Titles
- **[CIVI-SA-2019-23](https://civicrm.org/advisory/civi-sa-2019-23-incorrect-storage-encoding-for-apiv4)**: Incorrect storage encoding for APIv4
- **[CIVIEXT-SA-2019-02](https://civicrm.org/advisory/civiext-sa-2019-02-xss-in-civicase-v5-extension)**: XSS in CiviCase v5 Extension.
+## <a name="credits"></a>Credits
+This release was developed by the following people, who participated in
+various stages of reporting, analysis, development, review, and testing:
+Alan Dixon of Blackfly Solutions; Coleman Watts of CiviCRM; Daniel Compton of
+Armadillo Sec Ltd; Eileen McNaughton of Wikimedia Foundation; Kevin Cristiano of
+Tadpole Collective; Patrick Figel of Greenpeace CEE; Seamus Lee of Australian
+Greens; Tim Otten of CiviCRM