$config->logging = TRUE;
if ($config->logging) {
- foreach ($this->schemaDifferences() as $table => $cols) {
- $this->fixSchemaDifferencesFor($table, $cols, FALSE);
- }
+ $this->fixSchemaDifferencesForALL();
// invoke the meta trigger creation call
* @return void
- function fixSchemaDifferencesFor($table, $cols = NULL, $rebuildTrigger = TRUE) {
+ function fixSchemaDifferencesFor($table, $cols = array(), $rebuildTrigger = FALSE) {
+ if (empty($table)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
if (empty($this->logs[$table])) {
- return;
+ return TRUE;
- if (is_null($cols)) {
- $cols = array_diff($this->columnsOf($table), $this->columnsOf("log_$table"));
- }
if (empty($cols)) {
- return;
+ $cols = $this->columnsWithDiffSpecs($table, "log_$table");
// use the relevant lines from CREATE TABLE to add colums to the log table
- $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table");
+ $create = $this->_getCreateQuery($table);
+ foreach ((array('ADD', 'MODIFY')) as $alterType) {
+ foreach ($cols[$alterType] as $col) {
+ $line = $this->_getColumnQuery($col, $create);
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( 'ALTER TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table {$alterType} {$line}', "ALTER TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table {$alterType} {$line}" );
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("ALTER TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table {$alterType} {$line}");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($cols['DROP'])) {
+ $create = $this->_getCreateQuery("log_{$table}");
+ foreach ($cols['DROP'] as $col) {
+ $line = $this->_getColumnQuery($col, $create);
+ // note we not dropping the column
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( 'ALTER TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table {$alterType} {$line}', "ALTER TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table MODIFY {$line}" );
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("ALTER TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table {$alterType} {$line}");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($rebuildTrigger) {
+ // invoke the meta trigger creation call
+ CRM_Core_DAO::triggerRebuild($table);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ private function _getCreateQuery($table) {
+ $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}");
$create = explode("\n", $dao->Create_Table);
- foreach ($cols as $col) {
- $line = preg_grep("/^ `$col` /", $create);
- $line = substr(array_pop($line), 0, -1);
- // CRM-11179
- $line = self::fixTimeStampAndNotNullSQL($line);
+ return $create;
+ }
+ private function _getColumnQuery($col, $createQuery) {
+ $line = preg_grep("/^ `$col` /", $createQuery);
+ $line = substr(array_pop($line), 0, -1);
+ // CRM-11179
+ $line = self::fixTimeStampAndNotNullSQL($line);
+ return $line;
+ }
- CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("ALTER TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table ADD $line");
+ function fixSchemaDifferencesForAll($rebuildTrigger = FALSE) {
+ $diffs = array();
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( '$this->logs', $this->logs );
+ foreach ($this->tables as $table) {
+ if (empty($this->logs[$table])) {
+ $this->createLogTableFor($table);
+ } else {
+ $diffs[$table] = $this->columnsWithDiffSpecs($table, "log_$table");
+ }
+ }
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( 'total $diffs', $diffs );
+ foreach ($diffs as $table => $cols) {
+ $this->fixSchemaDifferencesFor($table, $cols, FALSE);
if ($rebuildTrigger) {
+ /*
+ * log_civicrm_contact.modified_date for example would always be copied from civicrm_contact.modified_date,
+ * so there's no need for a default timestamp and therefore we remove such default timestamps
+ * also eliminate the NOT NULL constraint, since we always copy and schema can change down the road)
+ */
function fixTimeStampAndNotNullSQL($query) {
$query = str_ireplace("TIMESTAMP NOT NULL", "TIMESTAMP NULL", $query);
return $query;
- /**
- * Find missing log table columns by comparing columns of the relevant tables.
- * Returns table-name-keyed array of arrays of missing columns, e.g. array('civicrm_value_foo_1' => array('bar_1', 'baz_2'))
- */
- function schemaDifferences() {
- $diffs = array();
- foreach ($this->tables as $table) {
- $diffs[$table] = array_diff($this->columnsOf($table), $this->columnsOf("log_$table"));
- }
- return array_filter($diffs);
- }
private function addReports() {
$titles = array(
'logging/contact/detail' => ts('Logging Details'),
return $columnsOf[$table];
+ /**
+ * Get an array of columns and their details like DATA_TYPE, IS_NULLABLE, COLUMN_DEFAULT for the given table.
+ */
+ private function columnSpecsOf($table) {
+ static $columnSpecs = array(), $civiDB = NULL;
+ if (empty($columnSpecs)) {
+ if (!$civiDB) {
+ $dao = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact();
+ $civiDB = $dao->_database;
+ }
+ CRM_Core_Error::ignoreException();
+ // NOTE: W.r.t Performance using one query to find all details and storing in static array is much faster
+ // than firing query for every given table.
+ $query = "
+WHERE table_schema IN ('{$this->db}', '{$civiDB}')";
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( '$query', $query );
+ $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( '$dao', $dao );
+ CRM_Core_Error::setCallback();
+ if (is_a($dao, 'DB_Error')) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ while ($dao->fetch()) {
+ //CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( '$dao', $dao );
+ if (!array_key_exists($dao->TABLE_NAME, $columnSpecs)) {
+ $columnSpecs[$dao->TABLE_NAME] = array();
+ }
+ $columnSpecs[$dao->TABLE_NAME][$dao->COLUMN_NAME] =
+ array(
+ 'DATA_TYPE' => $dao->DATA_TYPE,
+ );
+ }
+ //CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( '$columnSpecs', $columnSpecs );
+ }
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( '$table', $table );
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( '$columnSpecs[$table]', $columnSpecs[$table] );
+ return $columnSpecs[$table];
+ }
+ private function columnsWithDiffSpecs($table1, $table2) {
+ $colSpecs1 = $this->columnSpecsOf($table1);
+ $colSpecs2 = $this->columnSpecsOf($table2);
+ $diff = array('ADD' => array(), 'MODIFY' => array(), 'DROP' => array());
+ foreach ($colSpecs1 as $key => $val) {
+ if (!empty(array_diff($colSpecs1[$key], $colSpecs2[$key])) && $key != 'id') {
+ // ignore id column for any spec changes, to avoid any auto-increment mysql errors
+ $diff['MODIFY'][] = $key;
+ }
+ }
+ // columns to be added
+ $diff['ADD'] = array_diff(array_keys($colSpecs1), array_keys($colSpecs2));
+ // columns to be dropped
+ $drops = array_diff(array_keys($colSpecs2), array_keys($colSpecs1));
+ foreach ($drops as $col) {
+ if (!in_array($col, array('log_date', 'log_conn_id', 'log_user_id', 'log_action'))) {
+ $diff['DROP'][] = $col;
+ }
+ }
+ return $diff;
+ }
* Create a log table with schema mirroring the given table’s structure and seeding it with the given table’s contents.