$this->_contactType = $main['contact_type'];
$this->addElement('checkbox', 'toggleSelect', NULL, NULL, array('class' => 'select-rows'));
- $this->assign('mainLocBlock', json_encode($rowsElementsAndInfo['main_loc_block']));
+ $this->assign('mainLocBlock', json_encode($rowsElementsAndInfo['main_details']['location_blocks']));
+ $this->assign('locationBlockInfo', json_encode(CRM_Dedupe_Merger::getLocationBlockInfo()));
$this->assign('rows', $rowsElementsAndInfo['rows']);
// add elements
<script type="text/javascript">
+ var locationBlockInfo = {/literal}{$locationBlockInfo}{literal};
+ var allBlock = {/literal}{$mainLocBlock}{literal};
function mergeBlock(blockname, element, blockId, type) {
- var allBlock = {/literal}{$mainLocBlock}{literal};
// Get type of select list that's been changed (location or type)
var locTypeId = '';
// @todo Fix this 'special handling' for websites (no location id)
if (!locTypeId) { locTypeId = 0; }
- // Get the matching block, based on location and type, from the main contact record
- var blockQuery = "allBlock.main_" + blockname + "_" + locTypeId;
- if (typeTypeId) {
- blockQuery += "_" + typeTypeId;
- }
- var block = eval( blockQuery );
+ // Look for a matching block on the main contact
var mainBlockId = 0;
var mainBlockDisplay = '';
+ var mainBlock = findBlock(allBlock, blockname, locTypeId, typeTypeId);
// Create appropriate label / add new link after changing the block
- if (typeof block == 'undefined') {
+ if (mainBlock == false) {
label = '<span class="action_label">({/literal}{ts}add{/ts}{literal})</span>';
else {
// Set display and ID
- mainBlockDisplay = block['display'];
- mainBlockId = block['id'];
+ mainBlockDisplay = mainBlock['display'];
+ mainBlockId = mainBlock['id'];
// Set label
var label = '<span class="action_label">({/literal}{ts}overwrite{/ts}{literal})</span> ';
CRM.$( "#main_" + blockname + "_" + blockId + "_overwrite" ).html( label );
+ // Find a matching main contact location block by entity, location and type
+ function findBlock(allBlock, entName, locationID, typeID) {
+ var entityArray = allBlock[entName];
+ var result = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < entityArray.length; i++) {
+ // Match based on location and type ID, depending on the entity info
+ if (locationBlockInfo[entName]['hasLocation'] == false || locationID == entityArray[i]['location_type_id']) {
+ if (locationBlockInfo[entName]['hasType'] == false || typeID == entityArray[i][locationBlockInfo[entName]['hasType']]) {
+ result = {
+ display: entityArray[i][locationBlockInfo[entName]['displayField']],
+ id: entityArray[i]['id']
+ };
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
CRM.$(function($) {
$('body').on('change', "input[id*='[operation]']", function() {