Allows operators other than `=` in conditional style rules.
Also supports pseudofields like `row_number`.
protected function getCssRuleCondition($clause) {
$fieldKey = $clause[1] ?? NULL;
- // For fields used in group by, add aggregation and change operator from = to CONTAINS
- // FIXME: This assumes the operator is always set to '=', which so far is all the admin UI supports.
- // That's only a safe assumption as long as the admin UI doesn't have an operator selector.
- // @see ang/crmSearchAdmin/displays/common/searchAdminCssRules.html
+ // For fields used in group by, add aggregation and change operator to CONTAINS
+ // NOTE: This doesn't support any other operators for aggregated fields.
if ($fieldKey && $this->canAggregate($fieldKey)) {
$clause[2] = 'CONTAINS';
$fieldKey = 'GROUP_CONCAT_' . str_replace(['.', ':'], '_', $clause[1]);
// Might be a pseudoField
if (!field) {
- field = _.cloneDeep(_.find(CRM.crmSearchAdmin.pseudoFields, {name: name}));
+ field = _.find(CRM.crmSearchAdmin.pseudoFields, {name: name});
if (field) {
field.baseEntity = entityName;
this.styles.strikethrough = ts('Strikethrough');
this.fields = function() {
- return {results: ctrl.crmSearchAdmin.getAllFields(':name', ['Field', 'Custom', 'Extra'])};
+ var allFields = ctrl.crmSearchAdmin.getAllFields(':name', ['Field', 'Custom', 'Extra', 'Pseudo']);
+ return {
+ results: ctrl.crmSearchAdmin.getSelectFields().concat(allFields)
+ };
this.$onInit = function() {
return !this.item.cssRules || !this.item.cssRules.length || _.last(this.item.cssRules)[1];
+ this.operators = CRM.crmSearchAdmin.operators;
<label>{{:: ts('If') }}</label>
<input class="form-control collapsible-optgroups" ng-model="clause[1]" crm-ui-select="::{data: $ctrl.fields, allowClear: true, placeholder: ts('Always')}" ng-change="$ctrl.onSelectField(clause)" />
- <!-- TODO: Support operators other than '=' as clause[2] -->
- <label ng-if="clause[1]">{{:: ts('Is') }}</label>
- <crm-search-input ng-if="clause[1]" ng-model="clause[3]" field="$ctrl.getField(clause[1])" option-key="'name'" op="clause[1]" format="$ctrl.format" class="form-group"></crm-search-input>
+ <select class="form-control api4-operator" ng-if="clause[1]" ng-model="clause[2]" ng-options="o.key as o.value for o in $ctrl.operators">
+ </select>
+ <crm-search-input ng-if="clause[1] && clause[2].indexOf('IS ') !== 0" ng-model="clause[3]" field="$ctrl.getField(clause[1])" option-key="'name'" op="clause[2]" format="$ctrl.format" class="form-group"></crm-search-input>
<button type="button" class="btn-xs btn-danger-outline" ng-click="$ctrl.item.cssRules.splice($index);" title="{{:: ts('Remove style') }}">
<i class="crm-i fa-ban"></i>