--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Script for downloading all user data.
+Named after SensualAsaCat user whose account was deleted after some
+radikal transgender reported her to admins of joindiaspora.com for
+posting *inappropriate* content.
+I disaggred with him. So, here it is get all SensualAsaCat's pictures.
+import getpass
+import urllib.request
+import diaspy
+guid = "b1b7d3e76ec50c7d"
+pod = input('Your pod: ')
+username = input ('Your username on pod \'{0}\': '.format(pod))
+password = getpass.getpass('Password for \'{0}@{1}\': '.format(username, pod))
+connection = diaspy.connection.Connection(pod=pod, username=username, password=password)
+user = diaspy.people.User(connection, guid=guid)
+oldstream = user.stream.copy()
+while len(oldstream) != len(user.stream):
+ try:
+ oldstream = user.stream.copy()
+ user.stream.more()
+ go = True
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ go = False
+ finally:
+ if go: print('Working... ({0})'.format(len(oldstream)))
+print('Posts found:', len(user.stream))
+for i, p in enumerate(oldstream):
+ #print(repr(p), '\n(', p.data, ')', '\n\n----\n')
+ print(repr(p))
+ if p.data['photos']:
+ print('Downloading photos...')
+ for n, photo in enumerate(p.data['photos']):
+ print('{0}/{1}'.format(n+1, len(p.data['photos'])), end='\t')
+ try:
+ urllib.request.urlretrieve(url=photo['sizes']['large'], filename=photo['guid'])
+ print('[ OK ]')
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('[ FAIL: {0}]'.format(e))
+ finally:
+ pass
+ print('\n\n----\n')