16 colors supported
- def inner(text, bold=True):
+ def inner(text, rl=False):
c = code
- if bold:
- c = "1;%s" % c
- return "\033[%sm%s\033[0m" % (c, text)
+ if rl:
+ return "\001\033[%sm\002%s\001\033[0m\002" % (c, text)
+ else:
+ return "\033[%sm%s\033[0m" % (c, text)
return inner
256 colors supported
- def inner(text):
+ def inner(text, rl=False):
c = code
- return "\033[38;5;%sm%s\033[0m" % (c, text)
+ if rl:
+ return "\001\033[38;5;%sm\002%s\001\033[0m\002" % (c, text)
+ else:
+ return "\033[38;5;%sm%s\033[0m" % (c, text)
return inner
c['original_name'] = g['original_name'] = screen_name[1:]
g['full_name'] = name
g['decorated_name'] = lambda x: color_func(
- c['DECORATED_NAME'])('[' + x + ']: ')
+ c['DECORATED_NAME'])('[' + x + ']: ', rl=True)
# Theme init
files = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/colorset')
themes = [f.split('.')[0] for f in files if f.split('.')[-1] == 'json']
if not formater:
# Get comment
- prefix = light_magenta('Compose your ') + light_green('#comment: ')
+ prefix = light_magenta('Compose your ', rl=True) + \
+ light_green('#comment: ', rl=True)
comment = raw_input(prefix)
if comment:
quote = comment.join(formater.split('#comment'))
Get slug
# Get list name
- list_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me the list\'s name ("@owner/list_name"): '))
+ list_name = raw_input(
+ light_magenta('Give me the list\'s name ("@owner/list_name"): ', rl=True))
# Get list name and owner
owner, slug = list_name.split('/')
owner, slug = get_slug()
# Add
- user_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me name of the newbie: '))
+ user_name = raw_input(
+ light_magenta(
+ 'Give me name of the newbie: ',
+ rl=True))
if user_name.startswith('@'):
user_name = user_name[1:]
owner, slug = get_slug()
# Remove
- user_name = raw_input(light_magenta('Give me name of the unlucky one: '))
+ user_name = raw_input(
+ light_magenta(
+ 'Give me name of the unlucky one: ',
+ rl=True))
if user_name.startswith('@'):
user_name = user_name[1:]
Create a new list
- name = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s name: '))
- mode = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s mode (public/private): '))
- description = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s description: '))
+ name = raw_input(light_magenta('New list\'s name: ', rl=True))
+ mode = raw_input(
+ light_magenta(
+ 'New list\'s mode (public/private): ',
+ rl=True))
+ description = raw_input(
+ light_magenta(
+ 'New list\'s description: ',
+ rl=True))
Update a list
- slug = raw_input(light_magenta('Your list that you want to update: '))
- name = raw_input(light_magenta('Update name (leave blank to unchange): '))
- mode = raw_input(light_magenta('Update mode (public/private): '))
- description = raw_input(light_magenta('Update description: '))
+ slug = raw_input(
+ light_magenta(
+ 'Your list that you want to update: ',
+ rl=True))
+ name = raw_input(
+ light_magenta(
+ 'Update name (leave blank to unchange): ',
+ rl=True))
+ mode = raw_input(light_magenta('Update mode (public/private): ', rl=True))
+ description = raw_input(light_magenta('Update description: ', rl=True))
if name:
Delete a list
- slug = raw_input(light_magenta('Your list that you want to delete: '))
+ slug = raw_input(
+ light_magenta(
+ 'Your list that you want to delete: ',
+ rl=True))
elif target == 'list':
owner, slug = get_slug()
# Force python 2 not redraw readline buffer
- g['cmd'] = '/'.join([owner,slug])
+ g['cmd'] = '/'.join([owner, slug])
printNicely(light_yellow('getting list members ...'))
# Get members
t = Twitter(auth=authen())