new version, as well as to verify that all of your old options are set
-When you have migrated plugins from your old install to your new
-install, or even use any plugins at all, you *must* run and do
-the following:
+Always save your options, also if you haven't changed anything.
+This will ensure that any problems with that might have been solved
+are effective to your installation.
-A. Select "8" (Plugins)
-B. Select "A" (Sanitize all plugins for use with Squirrelmail 1.2)
-This will make sure the plugins work more efficiently (and will
-release you from any "cannot redeclare" error messages).
6. DONE!
closedir DIR;
- print "\n";
- print "A Sanitize all plugins for use with Squirrelmail 1.2\n";
print "\n";
print "R Return to Main Menu\n";
} elsif ( $menu == 9 ) {
if ( $command == 1 ) { $motd = command71(); }
} elsif ( $menu == 8 ) {
if ( $command =~ /^[0-9]+/ ) { @plugins = command81(); }
- elsif ( $command eq "a" ) { command8s(); }
} elsif ( $menu == 9 ) {
if ( $command == 1 ) { $addrbook_dsn = command91(); }
elsif ( $command == 2 ) { $addrbook_table = command92(); }
while ( $ct <= $#unused_plugins ) {
if ( $ct == $num ) {
@newplugins = ( @newplugins, $unused_plugins[$ct] );
- # sanitize the plugin
- $dir = $unused_plugins[$ct];
- if (-d "../plugins/$dir") {
- `./ ../plugins/$dir`;
- } else {
- print "Could not locate ../plugins/$dir\n" ;
- print "The plugin $dir could *not* be sanitized!\n" ;
- print "If you want to try to do this manually, please run\n" ;
- print "config/ with the full path to the $dir plugin.\n" ;
- }
return @plugins;
-sub command8s {
- print "This command will sanitize all plugins for use with\n";
- print "Squirrelmail 1.2. That is, it will rewrite some php-\n";
- print "constructs that are *incompatible* with the 1.2 design\n";
- print "into ones that are *compatible*\n";
- print "Do you wish to issue this command [y/N]? ";
- $ctu = <STDIN>;
- if ( $ctu =~ /^y\n/i ) {
- `./ ../plugins`;
- }
################# FOLDERS ###################
# default_folder_prefix