+ * Function for same purpose as convertFormValues.
+ *
+ * Like convert form values this function exists to pre-Process parameters from the form.
+ *
+ * It is unclear why they are different functions & likely relates to advances search
+ * versus search builder.
+ *
+ * The direction we are going is having the form convert values to a standardised format &
+ * moving away from wierd & wonderful where clause switches.
+ *
* Fix and handle contact deletion nicely.
* this code is primarily for search builder use case where different clauses can specify if they want deleted.
CRM_Contact_BAO_Query_Hook::singleton()->alterSearchQuery($this, 'select');
if (!empty($this->_cfIDs)) {
+ // @todo This function is the select function but instead of running 'select' it
+ // is running the whole query.
$this->_customQuery = new CRM_Core_BAO_CustomQuery($this->_cfIDs, TRUE, $this->_locationSpecificCustomFields);
$this->_select = array_merge($this->_select, $this->_customQuery->_select);
- * Convert form values to array for this object.
+ * Convert values from form-appropriate to query-object appropriate.
+ *
+ * The query object is increasingly supporting the sql-filter syntax which is the most flexible syntax.
+ * So, ideally we would convert all fields to look like
+ * array(
+ * 0 => $fieldName
+ * // Set the operator for legacy reasons, but it is ignored
+ * 1 => '='
+ * // array in sql filter syntax
+ * 2 => array('BETWEEN' => array(1,60),
+ * 3 => null
+ * 4 => null
+ * );
+ *
+ * There are some examples of the syntax in
+ * https://github.com/civicrm/civicrm-core/tree/master/api/v3/examples/Relationship
+ *
+ * More notes at CRM_Core_DAO::createSQLFilter
+ *
+ * and a list of supported operators in CRM_Core_DAO
* @param array $formValues
* @param int $wildcard
$params[] = array('on_hold', '=', $formValues['email_on_hold']['on_hold'], 0, 0);
+ elseif (substr($id, 0, 7) == 'custom_'
+ && (
+ substr($id, -9, 9) == '_relative'
+ || substr($id, -5, 5) == '_from'
+ || substr($id, -3, 3) == '_to'
+ )
+ ) {
+ self::convertCustomDateRelativeFields($formValues, $params, $values, $id);
+ }
elseif (preg_match('/_date_relative$/', $id) ||
$id == 'event_relative' ||
$id == 'case_from_relative' ||
return array($values, $options);
+ /**
+ * Get the actual custom field name by stripping off the appended string.
+ *
+ * The string could be _relative, _from, or _to
+ *
+ * @todo use metadata rather than convention to do this.
+ *
+ * @param string $parameterName
+ * The name of the parameter submitted to the form.
+ * e.g
+ * custom_3_relative
+ * custom_3_from
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public static function getCustomFieldName($parameterName) {
+ if (substr($parameterName, -5, 5) == '_from') {
+ return substr($parameterName, 0, strpos($parameterName, '_from'));
+ }
+ if (substr($parameterName, -9, 9) == '_relative') {
+ return substr($parameterName, 0, strpos($parameterName, '_relative'));
+ }
+ if (substr($parameterName, -3, 3) == '_to') {
+ return substr($parameterName, 0, strpos($parameterName, '_to'));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert submitted values for relative custom date fields to query object format.
+ *
+ * The query will support the sqlOperator format so convert to that format.
+ *
+ * @param array $formValues
+ * Submitted values.
+ * @param array $params
+ * Converted parameters for the query object.
+ * @param string $values
+ * Submitted value.
+ * @param string $fieldName
+ * Submitted field name. (Matches form field not DB field.)
+ */
+ protected static function convertCustomDateRelativeFields(&$formValues, &$params, $values, $fieldName) {
+ if (empty($values)) {
+ // e.g we might have relative set & from & to empty. The form flow is a bit funky &
+ // this function gets called again after they fields have been converted which can get ugly.
+ return;
+ }
+ $customFieldName = self::getCustomFieldName($fieldName);
+ if (substr($fieldName, -9, 9) == '_relative') {
+ list($from, $to) = CRM_Utils_Date::getFromTo($values, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($fieldName == $customFieldName . '_to' && CRM_Utils_Array::value($customFieldName . '_from', $formValues)) {
+ // Both to & from are set. We only need to acton one, choosing from.
+ return;
+ }
+ list($from, $to) = CRM_Utils_Date::getFromTo(
+ (empty($formValues[$customFieldName . '_from']) ? NULL : $formValues[$customFieldName . '_from']),
+ CRM_Utils_Array::value($customFieldName . '_to', $formValues)
+ );
+ }
+ if ($from) {
+ if ($to) {
+ $relativeFunction = array('BETWEEN' => array($from, $to));
+ }
+ else {
+ $relativeFunction = array('>=' => $from);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $relativeFunction = array('<=' => $to);
+ }
+ $params[] = array(
+ $customFieldName,
+ '=',
+ $relativeFunction,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ );
+ }
* Create and query the db for an contact search.
* Qill refers to the query detail visible on the UI.
- * @param $daoName
- * @param $fieldName
- * @param $fieldValue
- * @param $op
- * @param array $pseduoExtraParam
+ * @param string $daoName
+ * @param string $fieldName
+ * @param mixed $fieldValue
+ * @param string $op
+ * @param array $pseudoExtraParam
+ * @param int $type
+ * Type of the field per CRM_Utils_Type
* @return array
- public static function buildQillForFieldValue($daoName = NULL, $fieldName, $fieldValue, $op, $pseduoExtraParam = array()) {
+ public static function buildQillForFieldValue(
+ $daoName,
+ $fieldName,
+ $fieldValue,
+ $op,
+ $pseudoExtraParam = array(),
+ $type = CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING
+ ) {
$qillOperators = CRM_Core_SelectValues::getSearchBuilderOperators();
if ($fieldName == 'activity_type_id') {
- $pseduoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 'label', TRUE);
+ $pseudoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 'label', TRUE);
elseif ($daoName == 'CRM_Event_DAO_Event' && $fieldName == 'id') {
- $pseduoOptions = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEvents(0, $fieldValue, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
+ $pseudoOptions = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEvents(0, $fieldValue, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
elseif ($fieldName == 'contribution_product_id') {
- $pseduoOptions = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::products();
+ $pseudoOptions = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::products();
elseif ($daoName == 'CRM_Contact_DAO_Group' && $fieldName == 'id') {
- $pseduoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::group();
+ $pseudoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::group();
elseif ($fieldName == 'country_id') {
- $pseduoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
+ $pseudoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
elseif ($daoName) {
- $pseduoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get($daoName, $fieldName, $pseduoExtraParam = array());
+ $pseudoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get($daoName, $fieldName, $pseudoExtraParam);
//API usually have fieldValue format as array(operator => array(values)),
if (is_array($fieldValue)) {
$qillString = array();
- if (!empty($pseduoOptions)) {
+ if (!empty($pseudoOptions)) {
foreach ((array) $fieldValue as $val) {
- $qillString[] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($val, $pseduoOptions, $val);
+ $qillString[] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($val, $pseudoOptions, $val);
$fieldValue = implode(', ', $qillString);
else {
- $fieldValue = implode(', ', $fieldValue);
+ if ($type == CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATE) {
+ foreach ($fieldValue as $index => $value) {
+ $fieldValue[$index] = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($value);
+ }
+ }
+ $separator = ', ';
+ // @todo - this is a bit specific (one operator).
+ // However it is covered by a unit test so can be altered later with
+ // some confidence.
+ if ($op == 'BETWEEN') {
+ $separator = ' AND ';
+ }
+ $fieldValue = implode($separator, $fieldValue);
- elseif (!empty($pseduoOptions) && array_key_exists($fieldValue, $pseduoOptions)) {
- $fieldValue = $pseduoOptions[$fieldValue];
+ elseif (!empty($pseudoOptions) && array_key_exists($fieldValue, $pseudoOptions)) {
+ $fieldValue = $pseudoOptions[$fieldValue];
+ }
+ elseif ($type === CRM_Utils_Type::T_DATE) {
+ $fieldValue = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($fieldValue);
return array(CRM_Utils_Array::value($op, $qillOperators, $op), $fieldValue);