'start_action_unit' => 'month',
'subject' => 'subject sched_membership_end_2month',
+ $this->fixtures['sched_membership_end_limit_to_none'] = array( // create()
+ 'name' => 'limit to none',
+ 'title' => 'limit to none',
+ 'absolute_date' => '',
+ 'body_html' => '<p>body sched_membership_end_2month</p>',
+ 'body_text' => 'body sched_membership_end_2month',
+ 'end_action' => '',
+ 'end_date' => '',
+ 'end_frequency_interval' => '4',
+ 'end_frequency_unit' => 'month',
+ 'entity_status' => '',
+ 'entity_value' => '',
+ 'limit_to' => 0,
+ 'group_id' => '',
+ 'is_active' => 1,
+ 'is_repeat' => '1',
+ 'mapping_id' => 4,
+ 'msg_template_id' => '',
+ 'recipient' => '',
+ 'recipient_listing' => '',
+ 'recipient_manual' => '',
+ 'record_activity' => 1,
+ 'repetition_frequency_interval' => '4',
+ 'repetition_frequency_unit' => 'week',
+ 'start_action_condition' => 'after',
+ 'start_action_date' => 'membership_end_date',
+ 'start_action_offset' => '2',
+ 'start_action_unit' => 'month',
+ 'subject' => 'limit to none',
+ );
$this->callAPISuccess('custom_group', 'delete', array('id' => $createGroup['id'],));
+ /**
+ * Check that limit_to + an empty recipients doesn't sent to multiple contacts
+ */
+ function testMembershipLimitToNone() {
+ // creates membership with end_date = 20120615
+ $membership = $this->createTestObject('CRM_Member_DAO_Membership', array_merge($this->fixtures['rolling_membership'], array('status_id' => 2)));
+ $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($membership->id));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Email', 'create', array(
+ 'contact_id' => $membership->contact_id,
+ 'email' => 'member@example.com',
+ ));
+ $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->fixtures['contact'], array('contact_id' => $membership->contact_id)));
+ $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array('email' => 'b@c.com', 'contact_type' => 'Individual'));
+ $this->assertAPISuccess($result);
+ $actionSchedule = $this->fixtures['sched_membership_end_limit_to_none'];
+ $actionSchedule['entity_value'] = $membership->membership_type_id;
+ $actionScheduleDao = CRM_Core_BAO_ActionSchedule::add($actionSchedule);
+ $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($actionScheduleDao->id));
+ // end_date=2012-06-15 ; schedule is 2 weeks before end_date
+ $this->assertCronRuns(array(
+ array( // Before the 2-week mark, no email
+ 'time' => '2012-05-31 01:00:00',
+ // 'time' => '2012-06-01 01:00:00', // FIXME: Is this the right boundary?
+ 'recipients' => array(),
+ ),
+ ));
+ }
function testContactCustomDate_Anniv() {
$group = array(