Note: On current D7, this doesn't actually reproduce the message because `` redirects it
function _drupal_bootstrap_configuration() {
// Set the Drupal custom error handler.
But if you comment out `set_error_handler()`, then it does. And I presume it would on D8+...
--- /dev/null
+namespace E2E\Api4;
+ * Class LocaleTest
+ * @package E2E\Api4
+ * @group e2e
+ */
+class LocaleTest extends \CiviEndToEndTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Ensure that
+ */
+ public function testSetLanguage() {
+ $contacts = civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', [
+ 'limit' => 25,
+ 'language' => 'en_US',
+ ]);
+ $this->assertTrue(count($contacts) > 0);
+ }