t = Twitter(auth=authen())
user = g['stuff'].split()[0]
- try:
- count = int(g['stuff'].split()[1])
- except:
- count = HOME_TWEET_NUM
- for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.user_timeline(count=count, screen_name=user)):
- draw(t=tweet)
+ if user[0] == '@':
+ try:
+ count = int(g['stuff'].split()[1])
+ except:
+ count = HOME_TWEET_NUM
+ for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.user_timeline(count=count, screen_name=user[1:])):
+ draw(t=tweet)
+ else:
+ print(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
+ sys.stdout.write(g['decorated_name'])
def tweet():
t.statuses.update(status=status, in_reply_to_status_id=id)
print(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
+ sys.stdout.write(g['decorated_name'])
def delete():
print(green('Okay it\'s gone.'))
print(red('Sorry I can\'t delete this tweet for you.'))
+ sys.stdout.write(g['decorated_name'])
def search():
t = Twitter(auth=authen())
- rel = t.search.tweets(q='#' + g['stuff'])['statuses']
h, w = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()
- printNicely(grey('*' * int(w) + '\n'))
- print('Newest', SEARCH_MAX_RECORD, 'tweet: \n')
- for i in xrange(5):
- draw(t=rel[i], keyword=g['stuff'].strip())
- printNicely(grey('*' * int(w) + '\n'))
+ if g['stuff'][0] == '#':
+ rel = t.search.tweets(q=g['stuff'])['statuses']
+ printNicely(grey('*' * int(w) + '\n'))
+ print('Newest', SEARCH_MAX_RECORD, 'tweet: \n')
+ for i in xrange(5):
+ draw(t=rel[i], keyword=g['stuff'].strip())
+ printNicely(grey('*' * int(w) + '\n'))
+ else:
+ print(red('A keyword should be a hashtag (like \'#AKB48\')'))
+ sys.stdout.write(g['decorated_name'])
def friend():
Hi boss! I'm ready to serve you right now!
"home" will show your timeline. "home 7" will print 7 tweet.
- "view bob" will show your friend @bob's home.
+ "view @bob" will show your friend @bob's home.
"t oops" will tweet "oops" immediately.
"rep 12345 oops" will reply "oops" to tweet with id "12345".
"del 12345" will delete tweet with id "12345".
- "s AKB48" will search for "AKB48" and return 5 newest tweet.
+ "s #AKB48" will search for "AKB48" and return 5 newest tweet.
"fr" will list out your following people.
"fl" will list out your followers.
"h" or "help" will print this help once again.