return, entity, action, params, options);
- /**
- * FIXME: This function is not documented, is not used anywhere in the codebase, and doesn't
- * clearly differentiate field elements which store the "contact id" versus the "contact label".
- * My guess is that it's designed more for "quick-search" and less for "CRUD forms".
- *
- * @param params
- * @param options
- * @return {*}
- */
- $.fn.crmAutocomplete = function (params, options) {
- if (typeof params == 'undefined') params = {};
- if (typeof options == 'undefined') options = {};
- params = $().extend({
- rowCount:35,
- json:1,
- entity:'Contact',
- action:'getquick',
- sequential:1
- }, params);
- options = $().extend({}, {
- field :'name',
- skip : ['id','contact_id','contact_type','contact_is_deleted',"email_id",'address_id', 'country_id'],
- result: function(data){
- return false;
- },
- formatItem: function(data,i,max,value,term){
- var tmp = [];
- for (attr in data) {
- if ($.inArray (attr, options.skip) == -1 && data[attr]) {
- tmp.push(data[attr]);
- }
- }
- return tmp.join(' :: ');
- },
- parse: function (data){
- var acd = new Array();
- for(cid in data.values){
- delete data.values[cid]["data"];// to be removed once quicksearch doesn't return data
- acd.push({ data:data.values[cid], value:data.values[cid].sort_name, result:data.values[cid].sort_name });
- }
- return acd;
- },
- delay:100,
- width:250,
- minChars:1
- }, options
- );
- var contactUrl = CRM.url('civicrm/ajax/rest', params);
- return this.each(function() {
- var selector = this;
- if (typeof $.fn.autocomplete != 'function')
- $.fn.autocomplete = cj.fn.autocomplete;//to work around the fubar cj
- var extraP = {};
- extraP [options.field] = function () {return $(selector).val();};
- $(this).autocomplete( contactUrl, {
- extraParams:extraP,
- formatItem: function(data,i,max,value,term){
- return options.formatItem(data,i,max,value,term);
- },
- parse: function(data){ return options.parse(data);},
- width: options.width,
- delay:options.delay,
- max:25,
- dataType:'json',
- minChars:options.minChars,
- selectFirst: true
- }).result(function(event, data, formatted) {
- options.result(data);
- });
- });
- }
})(jQuery, CRM);