* Test the submit function that completes the partially paid Contribution with multiple payments.
public function testMultiplePaymentForPartiallyPaidContributionWithOneCreditCardPayment() {
+ $mut = new CiviMailUtils($this, TRUE);
$this->createContribution('Partially paid');
// pay additional amount
- $this->submitPayment(50);
+ $this->submitPayment(50, NULL, TRUE);
$contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', array('id' => $this->_contributionId));
$this->assertEquals('Partially paid', $contribution['contribution_status']);
// pay additional amount by using credit card
$this->submitPayment(20, 'live');
$this->checkResults(array(30, 50, 20), 3);
+ $mut->assertSubjects(array('Payment Receipt -'));
+ $mut->checkMailLog(array(
+ 'Dear Anthony Anderson',
+ 'A payment has been received',
+ 'Total Fees: $ 100.00',
+ 'This Payment Amount: $ 50.00',
+ 'Balance Owed: $ 20.00 ',
+ 'Paid By: Check',
+ 'Check Number: check-12345',
+ ));
+ $mut->stop();