* after related Contribution is cancelled
public function testFinancialEntiriesOnCancelledContribution() {
- $form = $this->getForm(NULL);
- $form->preProcess();
- $this->createLoggedInUser();
- // create a price-set of price-field of type checkbox and each price-option corrosponds to a membership type
- $priceSet = $this->callAPISuccess('price_set', 'create', array(
- 'is_quick_config' => 0,
- 'extends' => 'CiviMember',
- 'financial_type_id' => 1,
- 'title' => 'my Page',
- ));
- $priceSetID = $priceSet['id'];
- // create respective checkbox price-field
- $priceField = $this->callAPISuccess('price_field', 'create', array(
- 'price_set_id' => $priceSetID,
- 'label' => 'Memberships',
- 'html_type' => 'Checkbox',
- ));
- $priceFieldID = $priceField['id'];
- // create two price options, each represent a membership type of amount 20 and 10 respectively
- $priceFieldValue = $this->callAPISuccess('price_field_value', 'create', array(
- 'price_set_id' => $priceSetID,
- 'price_field_id' => $priceField['id'],
- 'label' => 'Long Haired Goat',
- 'amount' => 20,
- 'financial_type_id' => 'Donation',
- 'membership_type_id' => 15,
- 'membership_num_terms' => 1,
- )
- );
- $pfvIDs = array($priceFieldValue['id'] => 1);
- $priceFieldValue = $this->callAPISuccess('price_field_value', 'create', array(
- 'price_set_id' => $priceSetID,
- 'price_field_id' => $priceField['id'],
- 'label' => 'Shoe-eating Goat',
- 'amount' => 10,
- 'financial_type_id' => 'Donation',
- 'membership_type_id' => 35,
- 'membership_num_terms' => 2,
- )
- );
- $pfvIDs[$priceFieldValue['id']] = 1;
- // register for both of this memberships via backoffice membership form submission
- $params = array(
- 'cid' => $this->_individualId,
- 'join_date' => date('m/d/Y', time()),
- 'start_date' => '',
- 'end_date' => '',
- // This format reflects the 23 being the organisation & the 25 being the type.
- "price_$priceFieldID" => $pfvIDs,
- "price_set_id" => $priceSetID,
- 'membership_type_id' => array(1 => 0),
- 'auto_renew' => '0',
- 'max_related' => '',
- 'num_terms' => '2',
- 'source' => '',
- 'total_amount' => '30.00',
- //Member dues, see data.xml
- 'financial_type_id' => '2',
- 'soft_credit_type_id' => '',
- 'soft_credit_contact_id' => '',
- 'payment_instrument_id' => 4,
- 'from_email_address' => '"Demonstrators Anonymous" <info@example.org>',
- 'receipt_text_signup' => 'Thank you text',
- 'payment_processor_id' => $this->_paymentProcessorID,
- 'record_contribution' => TRUE,
- 'trxn_id' => 777,
- 'contribution_status_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Pending'),
- 'billing_first_name' => 'Test',
- 'billing_middlename' => 'Last',
- 'billing_street_address-5' => '10 Test St',
- 'billing_city-5' => 'Test',
- 'billing_state_province_id-5' => '1003',
- 'billing_postal_code-5' => '90210',
- 'billing_country_id-5' => '1228',
- );
- $form->testSubmit($params);
+ // Create two memberships for individual $this->_individualId, via a price set in the back end.
+ $this->createTwoMembershipsViaPriceSetInBackEnd($this->_individualId);
// cancel the related contribution via API
$contribution = $this->callAPISuccessGetSingle('Contribution', array(
$this->assertEquals($membership['status_id'], array_search('Pending', CRM_Member_PseudoConstant::membershipStatus()));
+ /**
+ * CRM-20955, CRM-20966:
+ * Test creating two memberships with inheritance via price set in the back end,
+ * checking that the correct primary & secondary memberships, contributions, line items
+ * & membership_payment records are created.
+ * Uses some data from tests/phpunit/CRM/Member/Form/dataset/data.xml .
+ */
+ public function testTwoInheritedMembershipsViaPriceSetInBackend() {
+ // Create an organization and give it a "Member of" relationship to $this->_individualId.
+ $orgId = $this->organizationCreate();
+ $relationship = $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'create', array(
+ 'contact_id_a' => $this->_individualId,
+ 'contact_id_b' => $orgId,
+ 'relationship_type_id' => 20,
+ 'is_active' => 1,
+ ));
+ // Create two memberships for the organization, via a price set in the back end.
+ $this->createTwoMembershipsViaPriceSetInBackEnd($orgId);
+ // Check the primary memberships on the organization.
+ $orgMembershipResult = $this->callAPISuccess('membership', 'get', array(
+ 'contact_id' => $orgId,
+ ));
+ $this->assertEquals(2, $orgMembershipResult['count'], "2 primary memberships should have been created on the organization.");
+ $primaryMembershipIds = array();
+ foreach ($orgMembershipResult['values'] as $membership) {
+ $primaryMembershipIds[] = $membership['id'];
+ $this->assertTrue(empty($membership['owner_membership_id']), "Membership on the organization has owner_membership_id so is inherited.");
+ }
+ // CRM-20955: check that correct inherited memberships were created for the individual,
+ // for both of the primary memberships.
+ $individualMembershipResult = $this->callAPISuccess('membership', 'get', array(
+ 'contact_id' => $this->_individualId,
+ ));
+ $this->assertEquals(2, $individualMembershipResult['count'], "2 inherited memberships should have been created on the individual.");
+ foreach ($individualMembershipResult['values'] as $membership) {
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($membership['owner_membership_id'], "Membership on the individual lacks owner_membership_id so is not inherited.");
+ $this->assertNotContains($membership['id'], $primaryMembershipIds, "Inherited membership id should not be the id of a primary membership.");
+ $this->assertContains($membership['owner_membership_id'], $primaryMembershipIds, "Inherited membership owner_membership_id should be the id of a primary membership.");
+ }
+ // CRM-20966: check that the correct membership contribution, line items
+ // & membership_payment records were created for the organization.
+ $contributionResult = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'get', array(
+ 'contact_id' => $orgId,
+ 'sequential' => 1,
+ 'api.line_item.get' => array(),
+ 'api.membership_payment.get' => array(),
+ ));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $contributionResult['count'], "One contribution should have been created for the organization's memberships.");
+ $this->assertEquals(2, $contributionResult['values'][0]['api.line_item.get']['count'], "2 line_items should have been created for the organization's memberships.");
+ foreach ($contributionResult['values'][0]['api.line_item.get']['values'] as $lineItem) {
+ $this->assertEquals('civicrm_membership', $lineItem['entity_table'], "Membership line_item entity_table should be 'civicrm_membership'.");
+ $this->assertContains($lineItem['entity_id'], $primaryMembershipIds, "Membership line_item entity_id should be the id of a primary membership.");
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals(2, $contributionResult['values'][0]['api.membership_payment.get']['count'], "2 membership_payment records should have been created for the organization's memberships.");
+ foreach ($contributionResult['values'][0]['api.membership_payment.get']['values'] as $membershipPayment) {
+ $this->assertEquals($contributionResult['values'][0]['id'], $membershipPayment['contribution_id'], "membership_payment contribution_id should be the id of the organization's membership contribution.");
+ $this->assertContains($membershipPayment['membership_id'], $primaryMembershipIds, "membership_payment membership_id should be the id of a primary membership.");
+ }
+ // CRM-20966: check that deleting relationship used for inheritance does not delete contribution.
+ $this->callAPISuccess('relationship', 'delete', array(
+ 'id' => $relationship['id'],
+ ));
+ $contributionResultAfterRelationshipDelete = $this->callAPISuccess('contribution', 'get', array(
+ 'id' => $contributionResult['values'][0]['id'],
+ 'contact_id' => $orgId,
+ ));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $contributionResultAfterRelationshipDelete['count'], "Contribution has been wrongly deleted.");
+ }
* Get a membership form object.
return $params;
+ /**
+ * Scenario builder:
+ * create two memberships for the same individual, via a price set in the back end.
+ *
+ * @param int $contactId Id of contact on which the memberships will be created.
+ */
+ protected function createTwoMembershipsViaPriceSetInBackEnd($contactId) {
+ $form = $this->getForm(NULL);
+ $form->preProcess();
+ $this->createLoggedInUser();
+ // create a price-set of price-field of type checkbox and each price-option corresponds to a membership type
+ $priceSet = $this->callAPISuccess('price_set', 'create', array(
+ 'is_quick_config' => 0,
+ 'extends' => 'CiviMember',
+ 'financial_type_id' => 1,
+ 'title' => 'my Page',
+ ));
+ $priceSetID = $priceSet['id'];
+ // create respective checkbox price-field
+ $priceField = $this->callAPISuccess('price_field', 'create', array(
+ 'price_set_id' => $priceSetID,
+ 'label' => 'Memberships',
+ 'html_type' => 'Checkbox',
+ ));
+ $priceFieldID = $priceField['id'];
+ // create two price options, each represent a membership type of amount 20 and 10 respectively
+ $priceFieldValue = $this->callAPISuccess('price_field_value', 'create', array(
+ 'price_set_id' => $priceSetID,
+ 'price_field_id' => $priceField['id'],
+ 'label' => 'Long Haired Goat',
+ 'amount' => 20,
+ 'financial_type_id' => 'Donation',
+ 'membership_type_id' => 15,
+ 'membership_num_terms' => 1,
+ )
+ );
+ $pfvIDs = array($priceFieldValue['id'] => 1);
+ $priceFieldValue = $this->callAPISuccess('price_field_value', 'create', array(
+ 'price_set_id' => $priceSetID,
+ 'price_field_id' => $priceField['id'],
+ 'label' => 'Shoe-eating Goat',
+ 'amount' => 10,
+ 'financial_type_id' => 'Donation',
+ 'membership_type_id' => 35,
+ 'membership_num_terms' => 2,
+ )
+ );
+ $pfvIDs[$priceFieldValue['id']] = 1;
+ // register for both of these memberships via backoffice membership form submission
+ $params = array(
+ 'cid' => $contactId,
+ 'join_date' => date('m/d/Y', time()),
+ 'start_date' => '',
+ 'end_date' => '',
+ // This format reflects the 23 being the organisation & the 25 being the type.
+ "price_$priceFieldID" => $pfvIDs,
+ "price_set_id" => $priceSetID,
+ 'membership_type_id' => array(1 => 0),
+ 'auto_renew' => '0',
+ 'max_related' => '',
+ 'num_terms' => '2',
+ 'source' => '',
+ 'total_amount' => '30.00',
+ //Member dues, see data.xml
+ 'financial_type_id' => '2',
+ 'soft_credit_type_id' => '',
+ 'soft_credit_contact_id' => '',
+ 'payment_instrument_id' => 4,
+ 'from_email_address' => '"Demonstrators Anonymous" <info@example.org>',
+ 'receipt_text_signup' => 'Thank you text',
+ 'payment_processor_id' => $this->_paymentProcessorID,
+ 'record_contribution' => TRUE,
+ 'trxn_id' => 777,
+ 'contribution_status_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', 'Pending'),
+ 'billing_first_name' => 'Test',
+ 'billing_middlename' => 'Last',
+ 'billing_street_address-5' => '10 Test St',
+ 'billing_city-5' => 'Test',
+ 'billing_state_province_id-5' => '1003',
+ 'billing_postal_code-5' => '90210',
+ 'billing_country_id-5' => '1228',
+ );
+ $form->testSubmit($params);
+ }