$form->_contactIds = array($cid);
- $to = $form->add('text', 'to', ts('To'), '', TRUE);
- $form->add('text', 'activity_subject', ts('Name The SMS'), '', TRUE);
+ $to = $form->add('text', 'to', ts('To'), array('class' => 'huge'), TRUE);
+ $form->add('text', 'activity_subject', ts('Name The SMS'), array('class' => 'huge'), TRUE);
$toSetDefault = TRUE;
if (property_exists($form, '_context') && $form->_context == 'standalone') {
if ($phone) {
$toArray[] = array(
- 'name' => '"' . $value['sort_name'] . '" <' . $phone . '>',
+ 'text' => '"' . $value['sort_name'] . '" (' . $phone . ')',
'id' => "$contactId::{$phone}",
$dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
while ($dao->fetch()) {
- //working here
+ //working here
$result[] = array(
'text' => '"' . $dao->name . '" <' . $dao->email . '>',
'id' => (CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $_GET)) ? "{$dao->id}::{$dao->email}" : '"' . $dao->name . '" <' . $dao->email . '>',
while ($dao->fetch()) {
$result[] = array(
- 'name' => '"' . $dao->name . '" <' . $dao->phone . '>',
+ 'text' => '"' . $dao->name . '" (' . $dao->phone . ')',
'id' => (CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $_GET)) ? "{$dao->id}::{$dao->phone}" : '"' . $dao->name . '" <' . $dao->phone . '>',
<tr class="crm-contactsms-form-block-recipient">
<td class="label">{if $single eq false}{ts}Recipient(s){/ts}{else}{$form.to.label}{/if}</td>
- <div class="spacer"></div>
+ <div class="spacer"></div>
<tr><td class="label">{$form.activity_subject.label}</td>
{include file="CRM/Contact/Form/Task/SMSCommon.tpl"}
-var hintText = "{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Type in a partial or complete name or email address of an existing contact.{/ts}{literal}";
-var sourceDataUrl = "{/literal}{crmURL p='civicrm/ajax/checkphone' h=0 }{literal}";
-var toDataUrl = "{/literal}{crmURL p='civicrm/ajax/checkphone' q='id=1' h=0 }{literal}";
-cj( "#to" ).tokenInput( toDataUrl, { prePopulate: toContact, theme: 'facebook', hintText: hintText });
-cj( 'ul.token-input-list-facebook, div.token-input-dropdown-facebook' ).css( 'width', '450px' );
+ var sourceDataUrl = "{/literal}{crmURL p='civicrm/ajax/checkphone' h=0 }{literal}";
+ function phoneSelect(el){
+ $(el).data('api-entity', 'contact').crmSelect2({
+ minimumInputLength: 1,
+ multiple: true,
+ ajax: {
+ url: sourceDataUrl,
+ data: function(term) {
+ return { name: term,};
+ },
+ results: function(response) {
+ return { results: response };
+ }
+ }
+ }).select2('data', toContact);
+ }
+ phoneSelect('#to');
{include file="CRM/common/formNavigate.tpl"}