* Render entity references as text.
- * If user has permission, format as link (or now limited to contacts).
+ * If user has permission, format as link (for now limited to contacts).
* @param $el array
* @param $field HTML_QuickForm_element
function renderFrozenEntityRef(&$el, $field) {
$entity = $field->getAttribute('data-api-entity');
$vals = json_decode($field->getAttribute('data-entity-value'), TRUE);
+ // Hack for single-entity @see self::preProcessEntityRef
if (isset($vals['id'])) {
$vals = array($vals);
// Format contact as link
if ($entity == 'contact' && CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allow($val['id'], CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW)) {
$url = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/contact/view", array('reset' => 1, 'cid' => $val['id']));
- $val['label'] = '<a href="' . $url . '" title="' . ts('View Contact') . '">' . $val['label'] . '</a>';
+ $val['label'] = '<a class="view-' . $entity . ' no-popup" href="' . $url . '" title="' . ts('View Contact') . '">' . $val['label'] . '</a>';
$display[] = $val['label'];