--- /dev/null
+var stream = require('stream'),
+ util = require('util'),
+ net = require("net"),
+ tls = require("tls"),
+ Identd = require('./identd');
+module.exports = {
+ ProxyServer: ProxyServer,
+ ProxySocket: ProxySocket
+function debug() {
+ console.log.apply(console, arguments);
+// Socket connection responses
+var RESPONSE_ERROR = '0';
+var RESPONSE_OK = '1';
+ * ProxyServer
+ * Listens for connections from a kiwi server, dispatching ProxyPipe
+ * instances for each connection
+ */
+function ProxyServer() {}
+ProxyServer.prototype.listen = function(listen_port, listen_addr) {
+ var that = this;
+ // Username lookup function for the identd
+ var identdResolveUser = function(port_here, port_there, callback) {
+ var key = port_here.toString() + '_' + port_there.toString();
+ global.data.get(key, function(err, val) {
+ callback(val);
+ });
+ };
+ /*
+ this.identd_server = new Identd({
+ bind_addr: global.config.identd.address,
+ bind_port: global.config.identd.port,
+ user_id: identdResolveUser
+ });
+ this.identd_server.start();
+ */
+ // Start listening for proxy connections connections
+ this.server = new net.Server();
+ this.server.listen(listen_port, listen_addr);
+ this.server.on('connection', function(socket) {
+ new ProxyPipe(socket);
+ });
+ProxyServer.prototype.close = function(callback) {
+ if (this.server) {
+ return this.server.close(callback);
+ }
+ if (typeof callback === 'function')
+ callback();
+ * ProxyPipe
+ * Takes connections from a kiwi server, then:
+ * 1. Reads its meta data such as username for identd lookups
+ * 2. Make the connection to the IRC server
+ * 3. Reply to the kiwi server with connection status
+ * 4. If all ok, pipe data between the 2 sockets as a proxy
+ */
+function ProxyPipe(kiwi_socket) {
+ this.kiwi_socket = kiwi_socket;
+ this.irc_socket = null;
+ this.buffer = '';
+ this.meta = null;
+ kiwi_socket.on('data', this.kiwiSocketOnData.bind(this));
+ProxyPipe.prototype.destroy = function() {
+ this.buffer = null;
+ this.meta = null;
+ if (this.irc_socket) {
+ this.irc_socket.destroy();
+ this.irc_socket.removeAllListeners();
+ this.irc_socket = null;
+ }
+ if (this.kiwi_socket) {
+ this.kiwi_socket.destroy();
+ this.kiwi_socket.removeAllListeners();
+ this.kiwi_socket = null;
+ }
+ProxyPipe.prototype.kiwiSocketOnData = function(data) {
+ var meta;
+ this.buffer += data.toString();
+ // Not got a complete line yet? Wait some more
+ if (this.buffer.substr(-1) !== '\n')
+ return;
+ try {
+ meta = JSON.parse(this.buffer);
+ } catch (err) {
+ this.destroy();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!meta.username) {
+ this.destroy();
+ return;
+ }
+ this.buffer = '';
+ this.meta = meta;
+ this.kiwi_socket.removeAllListeners('data');
+ this.makeIrcConnection();
+ProxyPipe.prototype.makeIrcConnection = function() {
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] Proxied connection to: ' + this.meta.host + ':' + this.meta.port.toString());
+ this.irc_socket = this.meta.ssl ?
+ tls.connect(parseInt(this.meta.port, 10), this.meta.host, this._onSocketConnect.bind(this)) :
+ net.connect(parseInt(this.meta.port, 10), this.meta.host, this._onSocketConnect.bind(this));
+ this.irc_socket.setTimeout(10000);
+ this.irc_socket.on('error', this._onSocketError.bind(this));
+ this.irc_socket.on('timeout', this._onSocketTimeout.bind(this));
+ProxyPipe.prototype._onSocketConnect = function() {
+ // Socket has connected, return no error to the kiwi server
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] ProxyPipe::_onSocketConnect()');
+ this.kiwi_socket.write(new Buffer(RESPONSE_OK.toString()), this.startPiping.bind(this));
+ProxyPipe.prototype._onSocketError = function(err) {
+ var replies = {
+ };
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] IRC Error ' + err.code);
+ this.kiwi_socket.write(new Buffer((replies[err.code] || RESPONSE_ERROR).toString()), 'UTF8', this.destroy.bind(this));
+ProxyPipe.prototype._onSocketTimeout = function() {
+ this.has_timed_out = true;
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] IRC Timeout');
+ this.irc_socket.destroy();
+ this.kiwi_socket.write(new Buffer(RESPONSE_ETIMEDOUT.toString()), 'UTF8', this.destroy.bind(this));
+ProxyPipe.prototype.startPiping = function() {
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] ProxyPipe::startPiping()');
+ this.kiwi_socket.pipe(this.irc_socket);
+ this.irc_socket.pipe(this.kiwi_socket);
+ * ProxySocket
+ * Transparent socket interface to a kiwi proxy
+ */
+function ProxySocket(proxy_port, proxy_addr, meta) {
+ stream.Duplex.call(this);
+ this.connected_fn = null;
+ this.proxy_addr = proxy_addr;
+ this.proxy_port = proxy_port;
+ this.meta = meta || {};
+ this.state = 'disconnected';
+util.inherits(ProxySocket, stream.Duplex);
+ProxySocket.prototype.setMeta = function(meta) {
+ this.meta = meta;
+ProxySocket.prototype.connect = function(dest_port, dest_addr, connected_fn) {
+ this.meta.host = dest_addr;
+ this.meta.port = dest_port;
+ this.connected_fn = connected_fn;
+ if (!this.meta.host || !this.meta.port) {
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] Invalid destination addr/port', this.meta);
+ return false;
+ }
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] Connecting to proxy ' + this.proxy_addr + ':' + this.proxy_port.toString());
+ this.socket = net.connect(this.proxy_port, this.proxy_addr, this._onSocketConnect.bind(this));
+ this.socket.setTimeout(10000);
+ this.socket.on('data', this._onSocketData.bind(this));
+ this.socket.on('close', this._onSocketClose.bind(this));
+ this.socket.on('error', this._onSocketError.bind(this));
+ return this;
+ProxySocket.prototype.destroySocket = function() {
+ if (!this.socket)
+ return;
+ this.socket.removeAllListeners();
+ this.socket.destroy();
+ delete this.socket;
+ProxySocket.prototype._read = function() {
+ var data;
+ if (this.state === 'connected' && this.socket) {
+ while ((data = this.socket.read()) !== null) {
+ if ((this.push(data)) === false) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.push('');
+ }
+ProxySocket.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
+ if (this.state === 'connected' && this.socket) {
+ return this.socket.write(chunk, encoding, callback);
+ } else {
+ callback("Not connected");
+ }
+ProxySocket.prototype._onSocketConnect = function() {
+ var meta = this.meta || {};
+ this.state = 'handshaking';
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] Connected to proxy, sending meta');
+ this.socket.write(JSON.stringify(meta) + '\n');
+ProxySocket.prototype._onSocketData = function(data) {
+ if (this.state === 'connected') {
+ this.emit('data', data);
+ return;
+ }
+ var buffer_str = data.toString(),
+ status = buffer_str[0],
+ error_code,
+ error_codes = {};
+ error_codes[RESPONSE_ERROR] = 'ERROR';
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] Recieved socket status: ' + data.toString());
+ if (status === RESPONSE_OK) {
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] Remote socket connected OK');
+ this.state = 'connected';
+ if (typeof this.connected_fn === 'function')
+ connected_fn();
+ this.emit('connect');
+ } else {
+ this.destroySocket();
+ error_code = error_codes[status] || error_codes[RESPONSE_ERROR];
+ debug('[KiwiProxy] Error: ' + error_code);
+ this.emit('error', new Error(error_code));
+ }
+ProxySocket.prototype._onSocketClose = function(had_error) {
+ if (this.state === 'connected') {
+ this.emit('close', had_error);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this.ignore_close)
+ this.emit('error', new Error(RESPONSE_ERROR));
+ProxySocket.prototype._onSocketError = function(err) {
+ this.emit('error', err);
\ No newline at end of file