* CRM-13078: Batch Data Entry silently drops 'batch-valid' entries if no contact_id is associated with them
<div class="batch-entry form-item">
<div id="help">
- {ts}Click Validate & Process below when you've entered all items for the batch. You can also Save & Continue Later at any time. Go to Administer > Customize Display & Screens > Profiles > Reserved Profiles > to add, remove or change the order of columns.{/ts}
+ {ts}Click Validate & Process below when you've entered all items for the batch. You can also Save & Continue Later at any time. Go to Administer > Customize Data and Screens > Profiles > Reserved Profiles > to add, remove or change the order of columns.{/ts}
{if $batchAmountMismatch}
<div class="status message status-warning">