$this->assertEquals(1, $count);
+ /**
+ * Check the behavior in the erroneous situation where someone uses
+ * a mailing-related token without providing a mailing ID.
+ */
+ public function testTokensWithoutMailing() {
+ // We only need one case to see that the mailing-object works as
+ // an alternative to the mailing-id.
+ $inputTemplateFormat = 'text/plain';
+ $inputTemplate = 'To optout: {action.optOutUrl}!';
+ $mailing = CRM_Core_DAO::createTestObject('CRM_Mailing_DAO_Mailing', array(
+ 'name' => 'Example Name',
+ ));
+ $contact = CRM_Core_DAO::createTestObject('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact');
+ $p = new \Civi\Token\TokenProcessor(Civi::service('dispatcher'), array(
+ 'mailing' => $mailing,
+ ));
+ $p->addMessage('example', $inputTemplate, $inputTemplateFormat);
+ $p->addRow()->context(array(
+ 'contactId' => $contact->id,
+ ));
+ try {
+ $p->evaluate();
+ $this->fail('TokenProcessor::evaluate() should have thrown an exception');
+ }
+ catch (CRM_Core_Exception $e) {
+ $this->assertRegExp(';Cannot use action tokens unless context defines mailingJobId and mailingActionTarget;', $e->getMessage());
+ }
+ }