public function setPreUpgradeMessage(&$preUpgradeMessage, $rev, $currentVer = NULL) {
// Example: Generate a pre-upgrade message.
- // if ($rev == '5.12.34') {
- // $preUpgradeMessage .= '<p>' . ts('A new permission, "%1", has been added. This permission is now used to control access to the Manage Tags screen.', array(1 => ts('manage tags'))) . '</p>';
- // }
+ if ($rev == '5.28.alpha1') {
+ $preUpgradeMessage .= CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_php_FiveTwentyEight::createWpFilesMessage();
+ }
* an intermediate version; note that setPostUpgradeMessage is called repeatedly with different $revs.
public function setPostUpgradeMessage(&$postUpgradeMessage, $rev) {
- // Example: Generate a post-upgrade message.
- // if ($rev == '5.12.34') {
- // $postUpgradeMessage .= '<br /><br />' . ts("By default, CiviCRM now disables the ability to import directly from SQL. To use this feature, you must explicitly grant permission 'import SQL datasource'.");
- // }
+ // Example: Generate a pre-upgrade message.
+ if ($rev == '5.28.alpha1') {
+ $postUpgradeMessage .= CRM_Upgrade_Incremental_php_FiveTwentyEight::createWpFilesMessage();
+ }
+ }
+ public static function createWpFilesMessage() {
+ if (!function_exists('civi_wp')) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['civicrm_paths']['civicrm.files']['path'])) {
+ // They've explicitly chosen to use a non-default path.
+ return '';
+ }
+ return '<p>' . ts('Starting with version 5.29.0, CiviCRM on WP will
+ automate the determination of the civicrm files directory. Please
+ <a href=\'%1\' target=\'_blank\'>read the upgrade documentation related to this change before starting the upgrade process </a>
+ If you have a legacy (wp-content/plugins/files/civicrm) or non-standard directory
+ structure you will need to either override the settings in civicrm.settings.php
+ or by specifying the locations in System Settings Directories and System
+ Settings Resource URLs. . Starting with version 4.7.0, wp-content/uploads/civicrm/
+ is the standard WordPress CiviCRM Files directory.', [
+ 1 => 'https://docs.civicrm.org/sysadmin/en/latest/upgrade/version-specific/#civicrm-5.29',
+ ]) . '</p>';