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- <h3>Keynote Speakers</h3>
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-<h2 style="clear:both"><div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>Reclaiming public values in the internet</p>
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-<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>: <a class="lpcalendarlink" href="/lp-schedule/47#5914">Saturday 12:15 - 13:00 EDT - Opening keynote</a>
-<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></i>: Jupiter
-<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-road"></i>: <span class="lptrack lptrack12">Keynote</span>
-<div class="abstract"><div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>In her keynote, Marleen will explain how Waag’s model of the <a href="https://publicstack.net/">Public Stack</a>) proposes an alternative way of designing and developing technology. Public Stack advocates for a design of technology with the interests of the public in mind. She will show how the program has been developed over the course of the last four years, and how Waag and its partners apply the model and spread free software awareness in various sectors, including health, media, and government. From building the capacities of citizens, developing critical maker education and the development of data commons and ethical tech like Fairphone.</p>
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-<div class="speakerheader"><img class="speakerpic" src="https://my.fsf.org/sites/default/files/webform/marleen-stikker.jpg">
-<h2>Marleen Stikker</h2></div>
-<div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>Marleen Stikker is founder of Waag, a social organization and research institute for creative technologies and social innovation. The prolific advocate for free, honest, and inclusive technology, and honorary PhD, is also founder of The Digital City (1993), a group that provides free public access to the Internet in Amsterdam, and author of the book "Het Internet is Stuk" (The Internet is Broken).</p><br />
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-<h2 style="clear:both"><div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>TBA</p>
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-<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>: <a class="lpcalendarlink" href="/lp-schedule/47#5916">Sunday 12:15 - 13:00 EDT - Opening keynote</a>
-<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></i>: Jupiter
-<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-road"></i>: <span class="lptrack lptrack12">Keynote</span>
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-<div class="speakerheader"><img class="speakerpic" src="https://my.fsf.org/sites/default/files/webform/wunderland.6.full_.jpg">
-<h2>Hundred Rabbits</h2></div>
-<div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>Hundred Rabbits is a small artist collective consisting of Rek (they), a writer and cartoonist, and Devine (they), a programmer, artist, and musician. They travel the globe together with their sailboat named "Pino" while creating and adapting software to fit their needs. They learned, with a lack of energy resources and Internet access, they needed to make adjustments to the way they were using their technology. Besides sharing their experiences about living on the water, they also document their use of various technologies and their art. In addition to blogs, cartoons, and music, they create and publish free (as in freedom) software projects.</p><br />
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+<div class="talkblock" style="clear:both">
+<h2 style="clear:both"><div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>TBA</p>
+<div class="talkblockheader">
+<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>: <a class="lpcalendarlink" href="/lp-schedule/47#5916">Sunday 12:15 - 13:00 EDT - Opening keynote</a>
+<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></i>: Jupiter
+<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-road"></i>: <span class="lptrack lptrack12">Keynote</span>
+<div class="abstract"><div class="webform-html-textarea"></div></div>
+<div class="speakerblock">
+<div class="speakerheader"><img class="speakerpic" src="https://my.fsf.org/sites/default/files/webform/wunderland.6.full_.jpg">
+<h2>Hundred Rabbits</h2></div>
+<div class="webform-html-textarea"><p>Hundred Rabbits is a small artist collective consisting of Rek (they), a writer and cartoonist, and Devine (they), a programmer, artist, and musician. They travel the globe together with their sailboat named "Pino" while creating and adapting software to fit their needs. They learned, with a lack of energy resources and Internet access, they needed to make adjustments to the way they were using their technology. Besides sharing their experiences about living on the water, they also document their use of various technologies and their art. In addition to blogs, cartoons, and music, they create and publish free (as in freedom) software projects.</p><br />
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