$smartGroupIDs[] = $id;
else {
- $regularGroupIDs[] = $id;
+ $regularGroupIDs[] = trim($id);
if (count($regularGroupIDs) > 1) {
$op = strpos($op, 'IN') ? $op : ($op == '!=') ? 'NOT IN' : 'IN';
- $groupIds = implode(',', (array) $regularGroupIDs);
+ $groupIds = CRM_Utils_Type::validate(
+ implode(',', (array) $regularGroupIDs),
+ 'CommaSeparatedIntegers'
+ );
$gcTable = "`civicrm_group_contact-" . uniqid() . "`";
$joinClause = array("contact_a.id = {$gcTable}.contact_id");
list($name, $op, $value, $grouping, $wildcard) = $values;
$op = "LIKE";
+ // security/core#28: hashed value serves as a unique, SQLi-safe table alias
+ $alias = hash('sha256', $value);
$value = "%{$value}%";
+ $escapedValue = CRM_Utils_Type::escape("%{$value}%", 'String');
$useAllTagTypes = $this->getWhereValues('all_tag_types', $grouping);
$tagTypesText = $this->getWhereValues('tag_types_text', $grouping);
- $etTable = "`civicrm_entity_tag-" . $value . "`";
- $tTable = "`civicrm_tag-" . $value . "`";
+ $etTable = "`civicrm_entity_tag-" . $alias . "`";
+ $tTable = "`civicrm_tag-" . $alias . "`";
if ($useAllTagTypes[2]) {
$this->_tables[$etTable] = $this->_whereTables[$etTable]
LEFT JOIN civicrm_tag {$tTable} ON ( {$etTable}.tag_id = {$tTable}.id )";
// search tag in cases
- $etCaseTable = "`civicrm_entity_case_tag-" . $value . "`";
- $tCaseTable = "`civicrm_case_tag-" . $value . "`";
+ $etCaseTable = "`civicrm_entity_case_tag-" . $alias . "`";
+ $tCaseTable = "`civicrm_case_tag-" . $alias . "`";
$this->_tables[$etCaseTable] = $this->_whereTables[$etCaseTable]
= " LEFT JOIN civicrm_case_contact ON civicrm_case_contact.contact_id = contact_a.id
LEFT JOIN civicrm_case
LEFT JOIN civicrm_entity_tag {$etCaseTable} ON ( {$etCaseTable}.entity_table = 'civicrm_case' AND {$etCaseTable}.entity_id = civicrm_case.id )
LEFT JOIN civicrm_tag {$tCaseTable} ON ( {$etCaseTable}.tag_id = {$tCaseTable}.id )";
// search tag in activities
- $etActTable = "`civicrm_entity_act_tag-" . $value . "`";
- $tActTable = "`civicrm_act_tag-" . $value . "`";
+ $etActTable = "`civicrm_entity_act_tag-" . $alias . "`";
+ $tActTable = "`civicrm_act_tag-" . $alias . "`";
$activityContacts = CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityContact::buildOptions('record_type_id', 'validate');
$targetID = CRM_Utils_Array::key('Activity Targets', $activityContacts);
LEFT JOIN civicrm_entity_tag as {$etActTable} ON ( {$etActTable}.entity_table = 'civicrm_activity' AND {$etActTable}.entity_id = civicrm_activity.id )
LEFT JOIN civicrm_tag {$tActTable} ON ( {$etActTable}.tag_id = {$tActTable}.id )";
- $this->_where[$grouping][] = "({$tTable}.name $op '" . $value . "' OR {$tCaseTable}.name $op '" . $value . "' OR {$tActTable}.name $op '" . $value . "')";
+ $this->_where[$grouping][] = "({$tTable}.name $op '" . $escapedValue . "' OR {$tCaseTable}.name $op '" . $escapedValue . "' OR {$tActTable}.name $op '" . $escapedValue . "')";
$this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('Tag %1 %2', array(1 => $tagTypesText[2], 2 => $op)) . ' ' . $value;
else {
- $etTable = "`civicrm_entity_tag-" . $value . "`";
- $tTable = "`civicrm_tag-" . $value . "`";
+ $etTable = "`civicrm_entity_tag-" . $alias . "`";
+ $tTable = "`civicrm_tag-" . $alias . "`";
$this->_tables[$etTable] = $this->_whereTables[$etTable] = " LEFT JOIN civicrm_entity_tag {$etTable} ON ( {$etTable}.entity_id = contact_a.id AND
{$etTable}.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact' )
LEFT JOIN civicrm_tag {$tTable} ON ( {$etTable}.tag_id = {$tTable}.id ) ";
if (count($value) > 1) {
$this->_useDistinct = TRUE;
- $value = implode(',', (array) $value);
+ // implode array, then remove all spaces and validate CommaSeparatedIntegers
+ $value = CRM_Utils_Type::validate(
+ str_replace(' ', '', implode(',', (array) $value)),
+ 'CommaSeparatedIntegers'
+ );
$useAllTagTypes = $this->getWhereValues('all_tag_types', $grouping);
$tagTypesText = $this->getWhereValues('tag_types_text', $grouping);
- $etTable = "`civicrm_entity_tag-" . $value . "`";
+ $etTable = CRM_Utils_Type::escape(
+ str_replace(',', '-', "`civicrm_entity_tag-" . $value . "`"),
+ 'MysqlColumnNameOrAlias'
+ );
if ($useAllTagTypes[2]) {
$this->_tables[$etTable] = $this->_whereTables[$etTable]
= " LEFT JOIN civicrm_entity_tag {$etTable} ON ( {$etTable}.entity_id = contact_a.id AND {$etTable}.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact') ";
// search tag in cases
- $etCaseTable = "`civicrm_entity_case_tag-" . $value . "`";
+ $etCaseTable = CRM_Utils_Type::escape(
+ str_replace(',', '-', "`civicrm_entity_case_tag-" . $value . "`"),
+ 'MysqlColumnNameOrAlias'
+ );
$activityContacts = CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityContact::buildOptions('record_type_id', 'validate');
$targetID = CRM_Utils_Array::key('Activity Targets', $activityContacts);
AND civicrm_case.is_deleted = 0 )
LEFT JOIN civicrm_entity_tag {$etCaseTable} ON ( {$etCaseTable}.entity_table = 'civicrm_case' AND {$etCaseTable}.entity_id = civicrm_case.id ) ";
// search tag in activities
- $etActTable = "`civicrm_entity_act_tag-" . $value . "`";
+ $etActTable = CRM_Utils_Type::escape(
+ str_replace(',', '-', "`civicrm_entity_act_tag-" . $value . "`"),
+ 'MysqlColumnNameOrAlias'
+ );
$this->_tables[$etActTable] = $this->_whereTables[$etActTable]
= " LEFT JOIN civicrm_activity_contact
ON ( civicrm_activity_contact.contact_id = contact_a.id AND civicrm_activity_contact.record_type_id = {$targetID} )
$this->assertTrue($g3Contacts['count'] == 1);
+ /**
+ * Verify that passing tag IDs to Contact.get works
+ *
+ * Tests the following formats
+ * - Contact.get tag='id1'
+ * - Contact.get tag='id1,id2'
+ * - Contact.get tag='id1, id2'
+ */
+ public function testContactGetWithTag() {
+ $contact = $this->callApiSuccess('Contact', 'create', [
+ 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
+ 'first_name' => 'Test',
+ 'last_name' => 'Tagged',
+ 'email' => 'test@example.org',
+ ]);
+ $tags = [];
+ foreach (['Tag A', 'Tag B'] as $name) {
+ $tags[] = $this->callApiSuccess('Tag', 'create', [
+ 'name' => $name
+ ]);
+ }
+ // assign contact to "Tag B"
+ $this->callApiSuccess('EntityTag', 'create', [
+ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_contact',
+ 'entity_id' => $contact['id'],
+ 'tag_id' => $tags[1]['id'],
+ ]);
+ // test format Contact.get tag='id1'
+ $contact_get = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', [
+ 'tag' => $tags[1]['id'],
+ 'return' => 'tag',
+ ]);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $contact_get['count']);
+ $this->assertEquals($contact['id'], $contact_get['id']);
+ $this->assertEquals('Tag B', $contact_get['values'][$contact['id']]['tags']);
+ // test format Contact.get tag='id1,id2'
+ $contact_get = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', [
+ 'tag' => $tags[0]['id'] . ',' . $tags[1]['id'],
+ 'return' => 'tag',
+ ]);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $contact_get['count']);
+ $this->assertEquals($contact['id'], $contact_get['id']);
+ $this->assertEquals('Tag B', $contact_get['values'][$contact['id']]['tags']);
+ // test format Contact.get tag='id1, id2'
+ $contact_get = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', [
+ 'tag' => $tags[0]['id'] . ', ' . $tags[1]['id'],
+ 'return' => 'tag',
+ ]);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $contact_get['count']);
+ $this->assertEquals($contact['id'], $contact_get['id']);
+ $this->assertEquals('Tag B', $contact_get['values'][$contact['id']]['tags']);
+ foreach ($tags as $tag) {
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Tag', 'delete', ['id' => $tag['id']]);
+ }
+ $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'delete', [
+ 'id' => $contact['id'],
+ 'skip_undelete' => TRUE
+ ]);
+ }