/* Don't kill the connection if the browser is over a dialup
* and it would take over 30 seconds to download it.
- * Dont call set_time_limit in safe mode.
+ * Don't call set_time_limit in safe mode.
if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
function sqimap_base64_decode(&$string) {
- // base64 enoded data goes in pairs of 4 bytes. To achieve on the
+ // Base64 encoded data goes in pairs of 4 bytes. To achieve on the
// fly decoding (to reduce memory usage) you have to check if the
// data has incomplete pairs
- // remove the noise in order to check if the 4 bytes pairs are complete
+ // Remove the noise in order to check if the 4 bytes pairs are complete
$string = str_replace(array("\r\n","\n", "\r", " "),array('','','',''),$string);
$sStringRem = '';
$iMod = strlen($string) % 4;
if ($iMod) {
$sStringRem = substr($string,-$iMod);
- // check if $sStringRem contains padding characters
+ // Check if $sStringRem contains padding characters
if (substr($sStringRem,-1) != '=') {
$string = substr($string,0,-$iMod);
} else {