$realFieldName = $field['field_name'];
//see function notes
+ // as we build up a list of these we should be able to determine a generic approach
+ //
$hardCodedEntityFields = array(
'state_province' => 'state_province_id',
'country' => 'country_id',
'participant_status' => 'status_id',
'gender' => 'gender_id',
+ 'financial_type' => 'financial_type_id',
+ 'soft_credit' => 'soft_credit_to',
+ 'group' => 'group_id',
+ 'tag' => 'tag_id',
if(array_key_exists($realFieldName, $hardCodedEntityFields)) {
$realFieldName = $hardCodedEntityFields[$realFieldName];
$entities[$entity][$fieldName] = $realFieldName;
foreach ($entities as $entity => $entityFields) {
$result = civicrm_api3($entity, 'getfields', array('action' => 'create'));
+ $entityGetFieldsResult = _civicrm_api3_profile_appendaliases($result['values'], $entity);
foreach ($entityFields as $entityfield => $realName) {
- $profileFields[$profileID][$entityfield] = $result['values'][$realName];
- if($optionsBehaviour && !empty($result['values'][$realName]['pseudoconstant'])) {
+ $profileFields[$profileID][$entityfield] = $entityGetFieldsResult[$realName];
+ if($optionsBehaviour && !empty($entityGetFieldsResult[$realName]['pseudoconstant'])) {
if($optionsBehaviour > 1 || !in_array($realName, array('state_province_id', 'county_id', 'country_id'))) {
$options = civicrm_api3($entity, 'getoptions', array('field' => $realName));
$profileFields[$profileID][$entityfield]['options'] = $options['values'];
$fieldName .= '-' . $field['location_type_id'];
$entity = 'Phone';
+ // @todo - sort this out!
//here we do a hard-code list of known fields that don't map to where they are mapped to
- // not a great solution but probably if we looked in the BAO we'd find a scary switch
+ // not a great solution but probably if we looked in the BAO we'd find a scary switch statement
+ // in a perfect world the uf_field table would hold the correct entity for each item
+ // & only the relationships between entities would need to be coded
$hardCodedEntityMappings = array(
'street_address' => 'Address',
'street_number' => 'Address',
'state_province' => 'Address',
'country' => 'Address',
'county' => 'Address',
+ //note that in discussions about how to restructure the api we discussed making these membership
+ // fields into 'membership_payment' fields - which would entail declaring them in getfields
+ // & renaming them in existing profiles
+ 'financial_type' => 'Contribution',
+ 'total_amount' => 'Contribution',
+ 'receive_date' => 'Contribution',
+ 'payment_instrument' => 'Contribution',
+ 'check_number' => 'Contribution',
+ 'contribution_status_id' => 'Contribution',
+ 'soft_credit' => 'Contribution',
+ 'group' => 'GroupContact',
+ 'tag' => 'EntityTag',
if(array_key_exists($fieldName, $hardCodedEntityMappings)) {
$entity = $hardCodedEntityMappings[$fieldName];
$profileID = civicrm_api3('uf_group', 'getvalue', array('return' => 'id', 'name' => $profileID));
return $profileID;
+ * helper function to add all aliases as keys to getfields response so we can look for keys within it
+ * since the relationship between profile fields & api / metadata based fields is a bit inconsistent
+ * @param array $values
+ *
+ * e.g getfields response incl 'membership_type_id' - with api.aliases = 'membership_type'
+ * returned array will include both as keys (with the same values)
+ */
+function _civicrm_api3_profile_appendaliases($values, $entity) {
+ foreach ($values as $field => $spec) {
+ if(!empty($spec['api.aliases'])) {
+ foreach ($spec['api.aliases'] as $alias) {
+ $values[$alias] = $spec;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($spec['uniqueName'])) {
+ $values[$spec['uniqueName']] = $spec;
+ }
+ }
+ //special case on membership & contribution - can't see how to handle in a generic way
+ if(in_array($entity, array('Membership', 'Contribution'))) {
+ $values['send_receipt'] = array('title' => 'Send Receipt', 'type' => 16);
+ }
+ return $values;
\ No newline at end of file
$this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('participant_status', $result['values']));
- * Check getfields works & gives us our fields
+ * Check getfields works & gives us our fields - partipant profile
function testGetFieldsParticipantProfile() {
$result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'getfields', array(
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('participant_status', $result['values']));
$this->assertEquals('Attended', $result['values']['participant_status']['options'][2]);
+ /**
+ * Check getfields works & gives us our fields - membership_batch_entry
+ * (getting to the end with no e-notices is pretty good evidence it's working)
+ */
+ function testGetFieldsMembershipBatchProfile() {
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'getfields', array(
+ 'action' => 'submit',
+ 'profile_id' => 'membership_batch_entry',
+ 'get_options' => 'all')
+ );
+ $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('total_amount', $result['values']));
+ $this->assertEquals(12, $result['values']['receive_date']['type']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check getfields works & gives us our fields - do them all
+ * (getting to the end with no e-notices is pretty good evidence it's working)
+ */
+ function testGetFieldsAllProfiles() {
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('uf_group', 'get', array('return' => 'id'));
+ $profileIDs = array_keys($result['values']);
+ foreach ($profileIDs as $profileID) {
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('profile', 'getfields', array(
+ 'action' => 'submit',
+ 'profile_id' => $profileID,
+ 'get_options' => 'all')
+ );
+ }
+ }
/////////////// test $this->callAPISuccess3_profile_set //////////////////