<div id="help">
{ts}<p>CiviCRM offers several options to send emails. The default option should work fine on linux systems. If you are using windows, you probably need to enter settings for your SMTP/Sendmail server. You can send a test email to check your settings by clicking "Save and Send Test Email". If you're unsure of the correct values, check with your system administrator, ISP or hosting provider.</p>
- <p>If you do not want users to send outbound mail from CiviCRM, select "Disable Outbound Email". NOTE: If you disable outbound email, and you are using Online Contribution pages or online Event Registration - you will need to disable automated receipts and registration confirmations.</p>
- <p>If you choose Redirect to Database, all emails will be recorded in the civicrm_mailing_spool table instead of being sent out. This setting is generally used only in test sites.</p>{/ts}
+ <p>If you do not want users to send outbound mail from CiviCRM, select "Disable Outbound Email". NOTE: If you disable outbound email, and you are using Online Contribution pages or online Event Registration - you will need to disable automated receipts and registration confirmations.</p>{/ts}
<table class="form-layout-compressed">
<tr class="crm-smtp-form-block-outBound_option">