protected function setUp(): void {
- foreach (['CIVI_CORE', 'CMS_ROOT', 'CMS_URL'] as $var) {
+ foreach (['CIVI_CORE', 'CMS_ROOT', 'CMS_URL', 'ADMIN_USER'] as $var) {
if (empty($GLOBALS['_CV'][$var])) {
$this->markTestSkipped("Test environment does provide the civibuild/cv variable ($var)");
+ /**
+ * Perform permission-checks using "on-behalf-of" mechanics.
+ */
+ public function testPermissionLookup() {
+ $name = 'cv';
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($this->findCommand($name), 'The command "$name" does not appear in the PATH.');
+ $perms = ['administer CiviCRM', 'profile edit', 'sign CiviCRM Petition'];
+ $r = 'cv ev @USER @PHP';
+ $asAnon = ['@USER' => ''];
+ $asAdmin = ['@USER' => '--user=' . escapeshellarg($GLOBALS['_CV']['ADMIN_USER'])];
+ $asDemo = ['@USER' => '--user=' . escapeshellarg($GLOBALS['_CV']['DEMO_USER'])];
+ // == This variant would validate the main `check()` has "consistency"
+ // $checkFunc = 'CRM_Core_Permission::check';
+ // $anonId = 0;
+ // $adminId = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId(\CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem->getUfId($GLOBALS['_CV']['ADMIN_USER']));
+ // $demoId = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getContactId(\CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem->getUfId($GLOBALS['_CV']['DEMO_USER']));
+ // == This variant would validate the internal `check()` adapter has "consistency"
+ $checkFunc = 'CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userPermissionClass->check';
+ $anonId = 0;
+ $adminId = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem->getUfId($GLOBALS['_CV']['ADMIN_USER']);
+ $demoId = \CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->userSystem->getUfId($GLOBALS['_CV']['DEMO_USER']);
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($adminId, 'Failed to resolve admin ID');
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($demoId, 'Failed to resolve demo ID');
+ foreach ($perms as $perm) {
+ $anon['viewedByAdmin'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\", $anonId)", $asAdmin);
+ $anon['viewedByDemo'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\", $anonId)", $asDemo);
+ $anon['viewedByAnon'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\", $anonId)", $asAnon);
+ // $anon['viewedBySelf'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\")", $asAnon);
+ $demo['viewedByAdmin'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\", $demoId)", $asAdmin);
+ $demo['viewedByDemo'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\", $demoId)", $asDemo);
+ $demo['viewedByAnon'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\", $demoId)", $asAnon);
+ // $demo['viewedBySelf'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\")", $asAdmin);
+ $admin['viewedByAdmin'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\", $adminId)", $asAdmin);
+ $admin['viewedByDemo'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\", $adminId)", $asDemo);
+ $admin['viewedByAnon'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\", $adminId)", $asAnon);
+ // $admin['viewedBySelf'] = $this->callRunnerJson($r, "$checkFunc(\"$perm\")", $asAdmin);
+ $report = print_r(['anon' => $anon, 'demo' => $demo, 'admin' => $admin], 1);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count(array_unique($anon)), "For permission \"$perm\" of anon(cid=$anonId), permissions should be consistent: " . $report);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count(array_unique($demo)), "For permission \"$perm\" of demo(cid=$demoId), permissions should be consistent: " . $report);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count(array_unique($admin)), "For permission \"$perm\" of admin(cid=$adminId), permissions should be consistent: " . $report);
+ }
+ }
* @return array
* Each case gives a name (eg "cv") and template for executing the command
* Ex: 'cv ev @PHP'
* @param string $phpExpr
* PHP expression to evaluate and return. (Encoded+decoded as JSON)
+ * @param string $vars
+ * Extra key-value pairs to include in command.
* @return mixed
* The result of running $phpExpr through the given $runner.
- protected function callRunnerJson($runner, $phpExpr) {
- $json = $this->callRunnerOk($runner, "echo json_encode($phpExpr);");
+ protected function callRunnerJson($runner, $phpExpr, $vars = []) {
+ $json = $this->callRunnerOk($runner, "echo json_encode($phpExpr);", $vars);
return json_decode($json);
* Ex: 'cv ev @PHP'
* @param string $phpStmt
* PHP code to execute
+ * @param string $vars
+ * Extra key-value pairs to include in command.
* @return string
* The console output of running $phpStmt through the given $runner.
- protected function callRunnerOk($runner, $phpStmt) {
- $cmd = strtr($runner, ['@PHP' => escapeshellarg($phpStmt)]);
+ protected function callRunnerOk($runner, $phpStmt, $vars = []) {
+ $vars['@PHP'] = escapeshellarg($phpStmt);
+ $cmd = strtr($runner, $vars);
exec($cmd, $output, $val);
$this->assertEquals(0, $val, "Command returned error ($cmd) ($val)");
return implode("", $output);