* Test the Qill for activity Date time.
- *
- * @dataProvider getSearchCriteria
- *
- * @param array $searchCriteria
- * @param array $expectedQill
- public function testQill($searchCriteria, $expectedQill) {
- $selector = new CRM_Activity_Selector_Search($searchCriteria);
- $this->assertEquals($expectedQill, $selector->getQILL());
+ public function testQill() {
+ foreach ($this->getSearchCriteria() as $test_name => $data) {
+ $selector = new CRM_Activity_Selector_Search($data['search_criteria']);
+ $this->assertEquals($data['expected_qill'], $selector->getQILL(), "Failed for data set: $test_name");
+ }
* Get criteria for activity testing.
public function getSearchCriteria() {
- // We have to define format because tests crash trying to access the config param from the dataProvider
- // perhaps because there is no property on config?
- $format = '%B %E%f, %Y %l:%M %P';
+ $format = \Civi::settings()->get('dateformatDatetime');
$dates['ending_60.day'] = CRM_Utils_Date::getFromTo('ending_60.day', NULL, NULL);
$dates['earlier.year'] = CRM_Utils_Date::getFromTo('earlier.year', NULL, NULL);
$dates['greater.year'] = CRM_Utils_Date::getFromTo('greater.year', NULL, NULL);
return [
- [
+ 'last 60' => [
'search_criteria' => [
['activity_date_time_relative', '=', 'ending_60.day', 0, 0],
'expected_qill' => [['Activity Date is Last 60 days including today (between ' . CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dates['ending_60.day'][0], $format) . ' and ' . CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dates['ending_60.day'][1], $format) . ')']],
- [
+ 'end of previous year' => [
'search_criteria' => [
['activity_date_time_relative', '=', 'earlier.year', 0, 0],
'expected_qill' => [['Activity Date is To end of previous calendar year (to ' . CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dates['earlier.year'][1], $format) . ')']],
- [
+ 'start of current year' => [
'search_criteria' => [
['activity_date_time_relative', '=', 'greater.year', 0, 0],
'expected_qill' => [['Activity Date is From start of current calendar year (from ' . CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dates['greater.year'][0], $format) . ')']],
- [
+ 'between' => [
'search_criteria' => [
['activity_date_time_low', '=', '2019-03-05', 0, 0],
['activity_date_time_high', '=', '2019-03-27', 0, 0],
'expected_qill' => [['Activity Date - greater than or equal to "March 5th, 2019 12:00 AM" AND less than or equal to "March 27th, 2019 11:59 PM"']],
- [
+ 'status is one of' => [
'search_criteria' => [
['activity_status_id', '=', ['IN' => ['1', '2']], 0, 0],