--- /dev/null
+ (c) Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors
+ License: https://github.com/jakearchibald/es6-promise/blob/1.0.0/LICENSE
+!function(){var a,b,c,d;!function(){var e={},f={};a=function(a,b,c){e[a]={deps:b,callback:c}},d=c=b=function(a){function c(b){if("."!==b.charAt(0))return b;for(var c=b.split("/"),d=a.split("/").slice(0,-1),e=0,f=c.length;f>e;e++){var g=c[e];if(".."===g)d.pop();else{if("."===g)continue;d.push(g)}}return d.join("/")}if(d._eak_seen=e,f[a])return f[a];if(f[a]={},!e[a])throw new Error("Could not find module "+a);for(var g,h=e[a],i=h.deps,j=h.callback,k=[],l=0,m=i.length;m>l;l++)"exports"===i[l]?k.push(g={}):k.push(b(c(i[l])));var n=j.apply(this,k);return f[a]=g||n}}(),a("promise/all",["./utils","exports"],function(a,b){"use strict";function c(a){var b=this;if(!d(a))throw new TypeError("You must pass an array to all.");return new b(function(b,c){function d(a){return function(b){f(a,b)}}function f(a,c){h[a]=c,0===--i&&b(h)}var g,h=[],i=a.length;0===i&&b([]);for(var j=0;j<a.length;j++)g=a[j],g&&e(g.then)?g.then(d(j),c):f(j,g)})}var d=a.isArray,e=a.isFunction;b.all=c}),a("promise/asap",["exports"],function(a){"use strict";function b(){return function(){process.nextTick(e)}}function c(){var a=0,b=new i(e),c=document.createTextNode("");return b.observe(c,{characterData:!0}),function(){c.data=a=++a%2}}function d(){return function(){j.setTimeout(e,1)}}function e(){for(var a=0;a<k.length;a++){var b=k[a],c=b[0],d=b[1];c(d)}k=[]}function f(a,b){var c=k.push([a,b]);1===c&&g()}var g,h="undefined"!=typeof window?window:{},i=h.MutationObserver||h.WebKitMutationObserver,j="undefined"!=typeof global?global:void 0===this?window:this,k=[];g="undefined"!=typeof process&&"[object process]"==={}.toString.call(process)?b():i?c():d(),a.asap=f}),a("promise/config",["exports"],function(a){"use strict";function b(a,b){return 2!==arguments.length?c[a]:(c[a]=b,void 0)}var c={instrument:!1};a.config=c,a.configure=b}),a("promise/polyfill",["./promise","./utils","exports"],function(a,b,c){"use strict";function d(){var a;a="undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window&&window.document?window:self;var b="Promise"in a&&"resolve"in a.Promise&&"reject"in a.Promise&&"all"in a.Promise&&"race"in a.Promise&&function(){var b;return new a.Promise(function(a){b=a}),f(b)}();b||(a.Promise=e)}var e=a.Promise,f=b.isFunction;c.polyfill=d}),a("promise/promise",["./config","./utils","./all","./race","./resolve","./reject","./asap","exports"],function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h){"use strict";function i(a){if(!v(a))throw new TypeError("You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor");if(!(this instanceof i))throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");this._subscribers=[],j(a,this)}function j(a,b){function c(a){o(b,a)}function d(a){q(b,a)}try{a(c,d)}catch(e){d(e)}}function k(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h,i=v(c);if(i)try{e=c(d),g=!0}catch(j){h=!0,f=j}else e=d,g=!0;n(b,e)||(i&&g?o(b,e):h?q(b,f):a===D?o(b,e):a===E&&q(b,e))}function l(a,b,c,d){var e=a._subscribers,f=e.length;e[f]=b,e[f+D]=c,e[f+E]=d}function m(a,b){for(var c,d,e=a._subscribers,f=a._detail,g=0;g<e.length;g+=3)c=e[g],d=e[g+b],k(b,c,d,f);a._subscribers=null}function n(a,b){var c,d=null;try{if(a===b)throw new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.");if(u(b)&&(d=b.then,v(d)))return d.call(b,function(d){return c?!0:(c=!0,b!==d?o(a,d):p(a,d),void 0)},function(b){return c?!0:(c=!0,q(a,b),void 0)}),!0}catch(e){return c?!0:(q(a,e),!0)}return!1}function o(a,b){a===b?p(a,b):n(a,b)||p(a,b)}function p(a,b){a._state===B&&(a._state=C,a._detail=b,t.async(r,a))}function q(a,b){a._state===B&&(a._state=C,a._detail=b,t.async(s,a))}function r(a){m(a,a._state=D)}function s(a){m(a,a._state=E)}var t=a.config,u=(a.configure,b.objectOrFunction),v=b.isFunction,w=(b.now,c.all),x=d.race,y=e.resolve,z=f.reject,A=g.asap;t.async=A;var B=void 0,C=0,D=1,E=2;i.prototype={constructor:i,_state:void 0,_detail:void 0,_subscribers:void 0,then:function(a,b){var c=this,d=new this.constructor(function(){});if(this._state){var e=arguments;t.async(function(){k(c._state,d,e[c._state-1],c._detail)})}else l(this,d,a,b);return d},"catch":function(a){return this.then(null,a)}},i.all=w,i.race=x,i.resolve=y,i.reject=z,h.Promise=i}),a("promise/race",["./utils","exports"],function(a,b){"use strict";function c(a){var b=this;if(!d(a))throw new TypeError("You must pass an array to race.");return new b(function(b,c){for(var d,e=0;e<a.length;e++)d=a[e],d&&"function"==typeof d.then?d.then(b,c):b(d)})}var d=a.isArray;b.race=c}),a("promise/reject",["exports"],function(a){"use strict";function b(a){var b=this;return new b(function(b,c){c(a)})}a.reject=b}),a("promise/resolve",["exports"],function(a){"use strict";function b(a){if(a&&"object"==typeof a&&a.constructor===this)return a;var b=this;return new b(function(b){b(a)})}a.resolve=b}),a("promise/utils",["exports"],function(a){"use strict";function b(a){return c(a)||"object"==typeof a&&null!==a}function c(a){return"function"==typeof a}function d(a){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(a)}var e=Date.now||function(){return(new Date).getTime()};a.objectOrFunction=b,a.isFunction=c,a.isArray=d,a.now=e}),b("promise/polyfill").polyfill()}();
\ No newline at end of file
// Entry point to start the kiwi application\r
init: function (opts, callback) {\r
- var jobs, locale, localeLoaded, textThemeLoaded, text_theme;\r
+ var localePromise, themePromise,\r
+ that = this;\r
opts = opts || {};\r
- jobs = new JobManager();\r
- jobs.onFinish(function(locale, s, xhr) {\r
+ // Set up the settings datastore\r
+ _kiwi.global.settings = _kiwi.model.DataStore.instance('kiwi.settings');\r
+ _kiwi.global.settings.load();\r
+ // Set the window title\r
+ window.document.title = opts.server_settings.client.window_title || 'Kiwi IRC';\r
+ localePromise = new Promise(function (resolve) {\r
+ var locale = _kiwi.global.settings.get('locale') || 'magic';\r
+ $.getJSON(opts.base_path + '/assets/locales/' + locale + '.json', function (locale) {\r
+ if (locale) {\r
+ that.i18n = new Jed(locale);\r
+ } else {\r
+ that.i18n = new Jed();\r
+ }\r
+ resolve();\r
+ });\r
+ });\r
+ themePromise = new Promise(function (resolve) {\r
+ var text_theme = opts.server_settings.client.settings.text_theme || 'default';\r
+ $.getJSON(opts.base_path + '/assets/text_themes/' + text_theme + '.json', function(text_theme) {\r
+ opts.text_theme = text_theme;\r
+ resolve();\r
+ });\r
+ });\r
+ Promise.all([localePromise, themePromise]).then(function () {\r
_kiwi.app = new _kiwi.model.Application(opts);\r
// Start the client up\r
- textThemeLoaded = function(text_theme, s, xhr) {\r
- opts.text_theme = text_theme;\r
- jobs.finishJob('load_text_theme');\r
- };\r
- localeLoaded = function(locale, s, xhr) {\r
- if (locale) {\r
- _kiwi.global.i18n = new Jed(locale);\r
- } else {\r
- _kiwi.global.i18n = new Jed();\r
- }\r
- jobs.finishJob('load_locale');\r
- };\r
- // Set up the settings datastore\r
- _kiwi.global.settings = _kiwi.model.DataStore.instance('kiwi.settings');\r
- _kiwi.global.settings.load();\r
- // Set the window title\r
- window.document.title = opts.server_settings.client.window_title || 'Kiwi IRC';\r
- jobs.registerJob('load_locale');\r
- locale = _kiwi.global.settings.get('locale');\r
- if (!locale) {\r
- $.getJSON(opts.base_path + '/assets/locales/magic.json', localeLoaded);\r
- } else {\r
- $.getJSON(opts.base_path + '/assets/locales/' + locale + '.json', localeLoaded);\r
- }\r
- jobs.registerJob('load_text_theme');\r
- text_theme = opts.server_settings.client.settings.text_theme || 'default';\r
- $.getJSON(opts.base_path + '/assets/text_themes/' + text_theme + '.json', textThemeLoaded);\r
start: function() {\r
console[method] = noop;\r
- };\r
+ }\r
+ normalizeConsole();\r
function getQueryVariable(variable) {\r
var query = window.location.search.substring(1);\r
- /**\r
- * Get alerted when a group of jobs have been completed.\r
- * Eg. .registerJob('job1'); .registerJob('job2');\r
- * .onFinish(function(){ alert('Jobs finished!'); });\r
- * .finishJob('job1');\r
- * .finishJob('job2');\r
- */\r
- function JobManager() {\r
- var completed_jobs = { };\r
- // Functions to call once all jobs have completed\r
- var completed_callbacks = [];\r
+ (function afterPromiseAvailable() {\r
+ var base_path = '<%base_path%>', // Entry path for the kiwi application\r
+ scripts = [],\r
+ opts = {\r
+ container: $('body'),\r
+ base_path: base_path,\r
+ settings_path: base_path + '/assets/settings.json'\r
+ },\r
+ script_promise, script_promise_resolve,\r
+ onload_promise,\r
+ settings_promise;\r
+ // If the browser doesn't natively support promises load up the polyfill and try again.\r
+ if (!window.Promise) {\r
+ $script(base_path + "/assets/libs/promise.min.js", afterPromiseAvailable);\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
- function callCompletedFunctions(fn) {\r
- $.each(completed_callbacks, function(idx, fn) {\r
- fn();\r
+ function loadScripts(scripts) {\r
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\r
+ var to_load, idx,\r
+ base = base_path + '/';\r
+ if (typeof scripts === 'string') {\r
+ to_load = base + scripts;\r
+ } else {\r
+ to_load = [];\r
+ for (idx in scripts) {\r
+ to_load.push(base + scripts[idx]);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ $script(to_load, resolve, reject);\r
+ }\r
- completed_callbacks = [];\r
- };\r
+ onload_promise = new Promise(function (resolve) {\r
+ window.onload = resolve;\r
+ });\r
- this.finishJob = function(job_name) {\r
- if (typeof completed_jobs[job_name] === 'undefined') {\r
- return;\r
+ script_promise = new Promise(function (resolve) {\r
+ script_promise_resolve = resolve;\r
+ });\r
+ script_promise = script_promise.then(function () {\r
+ var idx;\r
+ for (idx = 0; idx < scripts.length; idx++) {\r
+ (function (idx) {\r
+ script_promise = script_promise.then(function () {\r
+ return loadScripts(scripts[idx]);\r
+ });\r
+ })(idx);\r
+ });\r
- completed_jobs[job_name] = true;\r
- // Check if all our jobs have completed\r
- var all_jobs_completed = true;\r
- $.each(completed_jobs, function(idx, completed) {\r
- if (!completed) {\r
- all_jobs_completed = false;\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- });\r
- if (all_jobs_completed) {\r
- callCompletedFunctions();\r
- }\r
- };\r
+ if (!getQueryVariable('debug')) {\r
+ scripts.push(['assets/libs/lodash.min.js?t=<%build_time%>']);\r
+ scripts.push([\r
+ 'assets/libs/backbone.min.js?t=<%build_time%>',\r
+ 'assets/libs/jed.js?t=<%build_time%>'\r
+ ]);\r
+ scripts.push([\r
+ 'assets/kiwi.min.js?t=<%build_time%>',\r
+ 'assets/libs/engine.io.bundle.min.js?t=<%build_time%>'\r
+ ]);\r
+ script_promise_resolve();\r
+ }\r
- this.onFinish = function(fn) {\r
- completed_callbacks.push(fn);\r
- };\r
+ settings_promise = new Promise(function (resolve) {\r
+ $.getJSON(opts.settings_path, function (data) {\r
+ opts.server_settings = data.server_settings;\r
+ opts.client_plugins = data.client_plugins;\r
+ opts.translations = data.translations;\r
+ opts.locale = data.locale;\r
+ opts.themes = data.themes;\r
+ if (typeof data.kiwi_server !== 'undefined') {\r
+ opts.kiwi_server = data.kiwi_server;\r
+ }\r
- this.registerJob = function(job_name) {\r
- completed_jobs[job_name] = false;\r
- };\r
- }\r
+ resolve();\r
- (function () {\r
- var base_path = '<%base_path%>', // Entry path for the kiwi application\r
- scripts = [],\r
- opts = {\r
- container: $('body'),\r
- base_path: base_path,\r
- settings_path: base_path + '/assets/settings.json'\r
- };\r
+ // If debugging, grab the debug scripts and load them\r
+ if (getQueryVariable('debug')) {\r
+ scripts = scripts.concat(data.scripts);\r
+ script_promise_resolve();\r
+ }\r
- normalizeConsole();\r
+ // Load themes\r
+ if (opts.themes) {\r
+ $.each(opts.themes, function (theme_idx, theme) {\r
+ var disabled = (opts.server_settings.client.settings.theme.toLowerCase() !== theme.name.toLowerCase()),\r
+ rel = (disabled?'alternate ':'') + 'stylesheet';\r
- /**\r
- * Job bootup manager\r
- * Once all jobs have completed, call any registered completed functions\r
- */\r
- var jobs = new JobManager();\r
+ var link = $.parseHTML('<link rel="' + rel + '" type="text/css" data-theme href="'+ opts.base_path + '/assets/themes/' + theme.name.toLowerCase() + '/style.css" title="' + theme.name.toLowerCase() + '" ' + (disabled?'disabled':'') + '/>');\r
+ link.disabled = disabled;\r
+ $(link).appendTo($('head'));\r
+ });\r
+ }\r
+ });\r
+ });\r
- // Run after all dependancies have been loaded\r
- jobs.onFinish(function startApp() {\r
+ Promise.all([onload_promise, settings_promise]).then(function(){return script_promise}).then(function startApp() {\r
// Kiwi IRC version this is built from\r
kiwi.build_version = '<%build_version%>';\r
- // Load each script\r
- jobs.registerJob('load_scripts');\r
- var cur_script = 0;\r
- function loadNextScript () {\r
- var to_load,\r
- base = base_path + '/';\r
- // Start the kiwi app if all scripts have been loaded\r
- if (cur_script === scripts.length) {\r
- jobs.finishJob('load_scripts');\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- if (typeof scripts[cur_script] === 'string') {\r
- to_load = base + scripts[cur_script];\r
- } else {\r
- to_load = [];\r
- for(var idx in scripts[cur_script]) {\r
- to_load.push(base + scripts[cur_script][idx]);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- $script(to_load, loadNextScript);\r
- cur_script++;\r
- }\r
- // If we're not interested in debug libs, start loading production files\r
- if (!getQueryVariable('debug')) {\r
- scripts.push(['assets/libs/lodash.min.js?t=<%build_time%>']);\r
- scripts.push([\r
- 'assets/libs/backbone.min.js?t=<%build_time%>',\r
- 'assets/libs/jed.js?t=<%build_time%>'\r
- ]);\r
- scripts.push([\r
- 'assets/kiwi.min.js?t=<%build_time%>',\r
- 'assets/libs/engine.io.bundle.min.js?t=<%build_time%>'\r
- ]);\r
- loadNextScript();\r
- }\r
- // Load application settings\r
- jobs.registerJob('load_settings');\r
- $.getJSON(opts.settings_path, function (data) {\r
- opts.server_settings = data.server_settings;\r
- opts.client_plugins = data.client_plugins;\r
- opts.translations = data.translations;\r
- opts.locale = data.locale;\r
- opts.themes = data.themes;\r
- if (typeof data.kiwi_server !== 'undefined')\r
- opts.kiwi_server = data.kiwi_server;\r
- jobs.finishJob('load_settings');\r
- // If debugging, grab the debug scripts and load them\r
- if (getQueryVariable('debug')) {\r
- scripts = scripts.concat(data.scripts);\r
- loadNextScript();\r
- }\r
- // Load themes\r
- if (opts.themes) {\r
- $.each(opts.themes, function (theme_idx, theme) {\r
- var disabled = (opts.server_settings.client.settings.theme.toLowerCase() !== theme.name.toLowerCase()),\r
- rel = (disabled?'alternate ':'') + 'stylesheet' /*+ (disabled?' prefetch':'')*/;\r
- var link = $.parseHTML('<link rel="' + rel + '" type="text/css" data-theme href="'+ opts.base_path + '/assets/themes/' + theme.name.toLowerCase() + '/style.css" title="' + theme.name.toLowerCase() + '" ' + (disabled?'disabled':'') + '/>');\r
- link.disabled = disabled;\r
- $(link).appendTo($('head'));\r
- });\r
- }\r
- });\r
- jobs.registerJob('window_load');\r
- window.onload = function() {\r
- jobs.finishJob('window_load');\r
- };\r