* @param url (reference)
- * @return bool: TRUE for internal paths, FALSE for external
+ * @return bool: TRUE for internal paths, FALSE for external. The drupal_add_js fn is able to add js more
+ * efficiently if it is known to be in the drupal site
function formatResourceUrl(&$url) {
$internal = FALSE;
$base = CRM_Core_Config::singleton()->resourceBase;
global $base_url;
// Handle absolute urls
+ // compares $url (which is some unknown/untrusted value from a third-party dev) to the CMS's base url (which is independent of civi's url)
+ // to see if the url is within our drupal dir, if it is we are able to treated it as an internal url
if (strpos($url, $base_url) === 0) {
$internal = TRUE;
- $url = $this->appendCoreDirectoryToResourceBase($url);
$url = trim(str_replace($base_url, '', $url), '/');
- // Handle relative urls
+ // Handle relative urls that are within the CiviCRM module directory
elseif (strpos($url, $base) === 0) {
$internal = TRUE;
$url = $this->appendCoreDirectoryToResourceBase(substr(drupal_get_path('module', 'civicrm'), 0, -6)) . trim(substr($url, strlen($base)), '/');