// Add checkbox to migrate data from 'other' to 'main'
$elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "move_location_{$blockName}_{$count}");
+ // Add checkbox to set the 'other' location as primary
+ $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "location_blocks[$blockName][$count][set_other_primary]", NULL, ts('Set as primary'));
// Flag up this field to skipMerge function (@todo: do we need to?)
$migrationInfo["move_location_{$blockName}_{$count}"] = 1;
// @todo Check this logic out
$migrationInfo['location_blocks'][$blockName][$count]['locTypeId'] = $thisLocId;
if ($blockName != 'address') {
- $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "location_blocks[{$blockName}][$count][operation]", NULL, ts('add new'));
+ $elements[] = array('advcheckbox', "location_blocks[{$blockName}][$count][operation]", NULL, ts('Add new'));
// always use add operation
$migrationInfo['location_blocks'][$blockName][$count]['operation'] = 1;
$daoName = 'CRM_Core_DAO_' . $locationBlocks[$name]['label'];
+ $changePrimary = FALSE;
$primaryDAOId = (array_key_exists($name, $primaryBlockIds)) ? array_pop($primaryBlockIds[$name]) : NULL;
$billingDAOId = (array_key_exists($name, $billingBlockIds)) ? array_pop($billingBlockIds[$name]) : NULL;
$otherBlockDAO->{$locationBlocks[$name]['hasType']} = $typeTypeId;
- // if main contact already has primary & billing, set the flags to 0.
- if ($primaryDAOId) {
+ // If we're deliberately setting this as primary then add the flag
+ // and remove it from the current primary location (if there is one).
+ // But only once for each entity.
+ $set_primary = CRM_Utils_Array::value('set_other_primary', $migrationInfo['location_blocks'][$name][$blkCount]);
+ if (!$changePrimary && $set_primary == "1"){
+ $otherBlockDAO->is_primary = 1;
+ if ($primaryDAOId) {
+ $removePrimaryDAO = new $daoName();
+ $removePrimaryDAO->id = $primaryDAOId;
+ $removePrimaryDAO->is_primary = 0;
+ $blocksDAO[$name]['update'][$primaryDAOId] = $removePrimaryDAO;
+ }
+ $changePrimary = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, if main contact already has primary, set it to 0.
+ elseif ($primaryDAOId) {
$otherBlockDAO->is_primary = 0;
+ // If the main contact already has a billing location, set this to 0.
if ($billingDAOId) {
$otherBlockDAO->is_billing = 0;
{* Display the overwrite/add/add new label *}
- <span id="main_{$blockName}_{$blockId}_overwrite">
- {if $row.main}
- <span class="action_label">
- {* Display whether it is primary *}
- {if $row.main_is_primary == "1"}
- Primary
+ <span id="main_{$blockName}_{$blockId}_overwrite" class="location_block_controls">
+ <span class="location_primary">
+ {if $row.main && $row.main_is_primary == "1"}Primary{/if}
+ </span>
+ <span class="location_block_controls_options">
+ <span class="location_operation_description">
+ {if $row.main}({ts}overwrite{/ts}){else}({ts}add{/ts}){/if}
+ </span>
+ <span style="display: block" class="location_operation_checkbox">
+ {if $row.main && ($blockName eq 'email' || $blockName eq 'phone')}
+ {$form.location_blocks.$blockName.$blockId.operation.html}
- ({ts}overwrite{/ts})
- {if $blockName eq 'email' || $blockName eq 'phone' }
- {$form.location_blocks.$blockName.$blockId.operation.html}
- {/if}
- <br />
- {else}
- <span class="action_label">({ts}add{/ts})</span>
- {/if}
+ <span style="display: block" class="location_set_other_primary">
+ {if $blockName neq 'website' && (($row.main && $row.main_is_primary != "1") || !$row.main)}
+ {$form.location_blocks.$blockName.$blockId.set_other_primary.html}
+ {/if}
+ </span>
+ </span>
var allBlock = {/literal}{$mainLocBlock}{literal};
- * Triggered when a 'location' or 'type' destination is changed.
+ * Triggered when a 'location' or 'type' destination is changed, and when
+ * the operation or 'set primary' checkboxes are changed.
+ *
* Check to see if the 'main' contact record has a corresponding location
* block when the destination of a field is changed. Allow existing location
* fields to be overwritten with data from the 'other' contact.
- * @param blockname string
+ * @param blockName string
* The name of the entity.
- * @param element object
- * The element that was changed (location or type dropdown)
* @param blockId int
* The block ID being affected
- * @param type string
- * Location or type (locTypeId / typeTypeId)
- function mergeBlock(blockname, element, blockId, type) {
+ function updateMainLocationBlock(blockName, blockId) {
// Get type of select list that's been changed (location or type)
- var locTypeId = '';
- var typeTypeId = '';
- // If the location was changed, lookup the type if it exists
- if (type == 'locTypeId') {
- locTypeId = element.value;
- typeTypeId = CRM.$( 'select#location_blocks_' + blockname + '_' + blockId + '_typeTypeId' ).val();
- }
- // Otherwise the type was changed, lookup the location if it exists
- else {
- locTypeId = CRM.$( 'select#location_blocks_' + blockname + '_' + blockId + '_locTypeId' ).val();
- typeTypeId = element.value;
- }
+ var locTypeId = CRM.$('select#location_blocks_' + blockName + '_' + blockId + '_locTypeId').val();
+ var typeTypeId = CRM.$('select#location_blocks_' + blockName + '_' + blockId + '_typeTypeId').val();
// @todo Fix this 'special handling' for websites (no location id)
- if (!locTypeId) { locTypeId = 0; }
+ if (!locTypeId) {
+ locTypeId = 0;
+ }
// Look for a matching block on the main contact
var mainBlockId = 0;
var mainBlockDisplay = '';
- var mainBlock = findBlock(blockname, locTypeId, typeTypeId);
- // Create appropriate label / add new link after changing the block
- if (mainBlock == false) {
- label = '<span class="action_label">({/literal}{ts}add{/ts}{literal})</span>';
- }
- else {
- // Set display and ID
+ var mainBlock = findBlock(blockName, locTypeId, typeTypeId);
+ if (mainBlock != false) {
mainBlockDisplay = mainBlock['display'];
mainBlockId = mainBlock['id'];
+ }
+ // Update main location display and id
+ CRM.$("input[name='location_blocks[" + blockName + "][" + blockId + "][mainContactBlockId]']").val(mainBlockId);
+ CRM.$("#main_" + blockName + "_" + blockId).html(mainBlockDisplay);
- // Set label
- var label = '<span class="action_label">';
+ // Update controls area
- // Check if the main location is primary
- if (mainBlock['is_primary'] == "1") {
- label += 'Primary ';
+ // Get the parent block once for speed
+ var this_controls = CRM.$("#main_" + blockName + "_" + blockId + "_overwrite");
+ // Update primary label
+ if (mainBlock != false && mainBlock['is_primary'] == '1') {
+ this_controls.find(".location_primary").text('Primary');
+ }
+ else {
+ this_controls.find(".location_primary").text('');
+ }
+ // Update operation description
+ var operation_description = "{/literal}{ts}add{/ts}{literal}";
+ var add_new_check_length = this_controls.find(".location_operation_checkbox input:checked").length;
+ if (mainBlock != false) {
+ if (add_new_check_length > 0) {
+ operation_description = "{/literal}{ts}add new{/ts}{literal}";
+ else {
+ operation_description = "{/literal}{ts}overwrite{/ts}{literal}";
+ }
+ }
+ this_controls.find(".location_operation_description").text("(" + operation_description + ")");
+ // Skip if the 'add new' or 'set primary' checkboxes were clicked
+ if (event.target.id.match(/(operation|set_other_primary)/) === null) {
+ // Display 'Add new' checkbox if there is a main block, and this is an
+ // email or phone type.
+ if (mainBlock != false && (blockName == 'email' || blockName == 'phone')) {
+ var op_id = 'location_blocks[' + blockName + '][' + blockId + '][operation]';
+ this_controls.find(".location_operation_checkbox").html(
+ '<input id="' + op_id + '" name="' + op_id + '" type="checkbox" value="1" class="crm-form-checkbox"><label for="' + op_id + '">{/literal}{ts}Add new{/ts}{literal}</label>'
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ this_controls.find(".location_operation_checkbox").html('');
+ }
+ }
- // Display the action
- label += '({/literal}{ts}overwrite{/ts}{literal})</span> ';
- if (blockname == 'email' || blockname == 'phone') {
- var opLabel = 'location_blocks[' + blockname + '][' + blockId + '][operation]';
- label += '<input id="' + opLabel + '" name="' + opLabel + '" type="checkbox" value="1" class="crm-form-checkbox"> <label for="' + opLabel + '">{/literal}{ts}add new{/ts}{literal}</label><br />';
+ // Skip if 'set primary' was clicked
+ if (event.target.id.match(/(set_other_primary)/) === null) {
+ // Display 'Set primary' checkbox if applicable
+ if (blockName != 'website' && (mainBlock == false || mainBlock['is_primary'] != "1" || add_new_check_length > 0)) {
+ var prim_id = 'location_blocks[' + blockName + '][' + blockId + '][set_other_primary]';
+ this_controls.find(".location_set_other_primary").html(
+ '<input id="' + prim_id + '" name="' + prim_id + '" type="checkbox" value="1" class="crm-form-checkbox"><label for="' + prim_id + '">{/literal}{ts}Set as primary{/ts}{literal}</label>'
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ this_controls.find(".location_set_other_primary").html('');
- label += '<br>';
- // Update DOM
- CRM.$( "input[name='location_blocks[" + blockname + "][" + blockId + "][mainContactBlockId]']" ).val( mainBlockId );
- CRM.$( "#main_" + blockname + "_" + blockId ).html( mainBlockDisplay );
- CRM.$( "#main_" + blockname + "_" + blockId + "_overwrite" ).html( label );
CRM.$(function($) {
- $('body').on('change', "input[id*='[operation]']", function() {
- var originalHtml = $(this).prevAll('span.action_label').html();
- if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
- $(this).prevAll('span.action_label').html(originalHtml.replace('({/literal}{ts}overwrite{/ts}{literal})', '({/literal}{ts}add new{/ts}{literal})'));
- }
- else {
- $(this).prevAll('span.action_label').html(originalHtml.replace('({/literal}{ts}add new{/ts}{literal})', '({/literal}{ts}overwrite{/ts}{literal})'));
- }
- });
$('table td input.form-checkbox').each(function() {
var ele = null;
var element = $(this).attr('id').split('_',3);
// Call mergeBlock whenever a location type is changed
- jQuery('select[id^="location_blocks_"]').change(function(){
+ $('body').on('change', 'select[id$="locTypeId"],select[id$="typeTypeId"],input[id$="[operation]"],input[id$="[set_other_primary]"]', function(){
// All the information we need is held in the id, separated by underscores
- var idSplit = this.id.split('_');
+ var nameSplit = this.name.split('[');
// Lookup the main value, if any are available
- if (allBlock[idSplit[2]] != undefined) {
- mergeBlock(idSplit[2], this, idSplit[3], idSplit[4]);
+ if (allBlock[nameSplit[1].slice(0, -1)] != undefined) {
+ updateMainLocationBlock(nameSplit[1].slice(0, -1), nameSplit[2].slice(0, -1));